Body Bag


Aris POV

"Wake up," Chad whispered into my ear.

"Go away I hate you," I grumbled

"I'll get the bucket," Chad threatened.

I sat up straight in my bed, with her eyes half closed. My eyelids fluttered as I got up from my bed. With grace only a zombie could have I grabbed her clothes from their drawers and threw them over my shoulder. I pushed Chad out from the room. With unruly slowness I dressed and threw on the eyeliner and little bit of mascara I always wore.

I pressed the play button on my iPod and placed the buds in each ear. I exited the room with my favorite music blasting in my ears. I sang quietly along with the lyrics.

"You know you're a lot happier wants you get music playing." Chad observed.

"I know." I smiled.

"Breakfast?" Ashton questioned.

"Dur," Chad grunted.

The boys walked out of the cabin and I hung back. I walked behind the group of laughing and rough housing boys. I walked in tune with the beat of the music I was listening to. I sang along with every lyric to every song.

"You have a beautiful voice." Jaggar complimented.

"Why thank you," I smiled and continued singing.

Jaggar smiled to himself.

"He bit my lip and drank my war from years before!" I sang along with the AFI song 'Love Like Winter'.

Guys stared as we walked by more like they stared when I walked by. I guess I'm not as good as I think I am, I thought silently to myself.

Breakfast was how can you say horrible? All there was, was sloppy oatmeal. I'm not one to eat things that look like ground up newspaper. The guys didn't eat any either so it was that bad.

"This stuff is gross!" I exclaimed.

"We know!" Chad responded.

"Oh," I was silenced.

"Everyone listen up!" Everyone’s heads were directed in the direction of the booming voice.

"It’s that time again!" the voice boomed.

The groan rang out throughout the whole cafeteria.

"The fights are coming up in a month. Prepare yourselves for the worst." he said as if it was nothing. "As for the new ones this will be one of the hardest challenges of your life. There is a chance you can die. And suffer serious injury. Be aware and train hard." He concluded.

"Ooh is that just so pleasant?" I squealed.

"You don't know the half of it!" Zacky giggled.

"So this means I have two months to train until I am pitted against my fellow juvenile delinquents in a battle for the last man standing?" I verified.

"That’s basically it." Jaggar said dully. "But you have nothing to worry about." he smiled confidence radiated from his voice.

"Thanks." I smiled crookedly at him.

We were ushered out the door and each of the different groups were ushered to different parts of the camp. Some to the gym, some to the pool, and some back to their cabins. We were headed to the pool, to do laps upon laps. We needed our strength for this ridiculous fight we are supposed to have.


After the fiftieth lap which is like 5 or so miles we were all or maybe it was just me who was out of breath?

Jaggars POV

Ari was slugging behind. It was obvious she wasn't used to this type of heavy labor. But when you're in here for as long as I have been, you get used to this kind of stuff. It takes getting used to it takes about a week or two until you are finally able to complete this kind of stuff.

"C'mon Ari, before you get in trouble." I encouraged her.

"I am way past exhausted." she huffed.

The whistle blew and it signaled the end of this torture.

"Well aren't you lucky?" I asked, "Saved by the whistle." I joked.

Her laughs were labored. I helped her out of the pool.

I think I love her I thought as I helped her up. I hid behind my shoulder length hair as I looked her over. She looked amazing in that bathing suit. The black and crimson striped bikini. She was so beautiful. But how can I say I love her? I hardly know her.

"Jaggar? Jaggar? Are you okay?" Aris voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh ye-yea." I stuttered.

I pulled her up from the pool and helped her back to the cabin. She complained her legs felt of Jell-O.