Body Bag


Aris POV

"I. Hate. Salvatore!" I shouted in between breaths.

"He. Fuckin. Sucks!" I shouted again. In between breaths also.

"Ari, please that was nothing," Chad informed.

"You mean there is worse?" Ari questioned with worry on her voice.

At that moment the door swung open. The six foot something figure of Salvatore stood in the doorway.

"Hope everyone had a nice swim." Sal smirked while staring at me.

He’s vile and looks like a pedophile, I thought. I grimaced and looked back at him, with a glare plastered on my face. It wasn't just any glare I was shooting at him it was a death glare.

A laugh rang out in the silent room. It cut the tension between Salvatore and me.

Jaggars POV

When Salvatore stared at Ari that way, my fist clenched subconciusly. If he dare lay a finger on her I swear he is dead, I promised myself. I've already killed a man I can do it again. Then Ari made that god awful face at Salvatore. It was one of the funniest things I have witnessed. I think she was grimacing but it was still pure hilarity.

Aris POV

"Go. Suck. Cock." I pronced each word carefully.

"Excuse me?!" the anger was clear in Salvatore’s voice.

"I said, Go. Suck. Cock." I repeated slower.

In a swift movement Salvatore was in my face. I had to look upwards to glare at him. He wrapped his big hand around my upper arm.

"You have to come with me now. You will regret what you have said." he stated while pulling me roughly out of the room.

Third Person (In the cabin)

"This can't be good!" Ash yelped.

"That ass is going to ruin her!" Chad yelled.

"She’s not going to survive without a few wounds." Jaggar stated flatly.

Zacky started crying.

"If he touches her god help me. I'm going to kill him." Jaggar stormed out the door.

"Oh no, we better follow Jaggar." Ash said worriedly.


"Ow! Let the fuck go!" I cursed and wiggled and squirmed in the mans extremely tight grasp.

"Not this time, sweet cheeks." he said.

"Call me that one more time, ya pedophile, and I swear to god you are going to regret it." I growled.

"I highly doubt you'd be able to do anything." he said.

Salvatore dragged me to the back room of the gym. This room was the wrestling room where the consulurs took their inmates to train them for the fights. The gym was dead empty.

Salvatore locked the door to the wrestling room and advanced on me. He pulled a knife from his pocket.

"You sick son of bitch." I spat at him.

He said not a word and came towards me.

"Extend your arm." he demanded.

"Whatever you say." I extended my arm.

He put a huge gash into my arm. The blood game pouring the as soon as the blade made
contact with my skin. I let out a gasp nothing more.

"Bastard, I've done that plenty of times in fact it feels good, now." I grinned.

It was a sick a twisted thing but I could not help it. I had a pain fetish. I'm sorry that’s a crime but really other then that I am completely normal I swear. He frowned in disappointment. His aim was to hurt me and that didn't work.

I closed my eyes. There was nothing for me to look at except Salvatore’s failed attempts at hurting me. I heard the door slam and then the thud of a body hitting the wrestling mats.

"You son of bitch! You touch her ever again and I swear to god I'll kill you with your own knife!" Jaggar screamed.

Jaggar threw his fist into the side of Salvatore’s face. There was a huge red mark where

Jaggars fist had just been. Obviously before I opened my eyes Jaggar had broken his nose and gave him two big shiners around his eyes.

"Bastard, you will regret this!" Salvatore yelled at Jaggar.

He ignored him and ran to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yea, I'm fine really." I assured the worried looking Jaggar.

He took off his shirt and with his teeth ripped a band aid for my bleeding arm. Jaggar pulled it tight around my arm. To add pressure and stop the bleeding. He pulled me up bridal style and took me back to the cabin.

"Holy shit!" Zacky squeaked

"What the hell happened?" Ashton yelled.

"She got cut up real bad by the bastard known as Salvatore." Jaggar grunted pissed.
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Sorry Guys Had To Do Spell Check Lol