Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans

A Normal Day

I woke up, by my own movement, tossing and turning around my bed hopping the sun light that I could see from my still closed eyes wouldn’t scare my sleep, but all was in vain, I had to stand up, I open my eyes slowly, trying to keep the sun away from me, I sat on the bed, trying to realize what day it was, Saturday, I thought to my self, my stomach was making fun sounds while I was still sitting, I looked at my alarm clock over my night stand, 12:25, I was a bit shocked to know I’ve slept more than 10 hours, but wasn’t that surprised that my stomach was doing noises, it was late, I had to eat.
I stood up, trying to keep my valance; it would be really embarrassing to have Michael laughing at my clumsiness, and I eventually would have to kill him, and I wasn’t in the mood, to kill my own brother, at least not now.
I walked over to my desk, to pick up my cell phone, a Sidekick 3, I opened the screen 25 messages from Amy, my best friend

01.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 11:35 a.m.
What are you up to?

Chill women

02.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 11:37 a.m.
Get up you little monster!

You are the monster here

03.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 11:39 a.m.
Fine have it your way…

Gee thanks I will

04.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 11:42 a.m.
Come on!!! u cant sleep that much…
Oh wait you can

Hell I can

05.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 11:45 a.m.

I hate when you call me that

I erased her messages and reply
Girl you just need to chill, mall sounds good?

Like a minute later she answered

01.-Amylistious ^^p
Time: 12:52 a.m.
Mall? you got it… see you there at 3 OK

I erased all of the messages left and walked out my room, I walked down the stairs and look around the living, I walk inside the kitchen to see my brother eating my Hot Fudge Sundae pop tarts… wait something here is not right, let’s see, dad is not in the room, probably up stairs, there is a glass of chocolate milk, and there is a pop tart on the toaster and one on my brother’s hand, aha found the problem.


“What… I want breakfast and there is no more of mine” he said


“Damn girl its only a pop tart” he said pulling the other half of the pop tart, see I have a problem with people eating my staff if I don’t give them any


“Alexandria, please calm down” my dad said getting a cup of coffee


“I’ll buy you more later OK, now please give me some coffee so I can go to work” he said

I looked at him with sock “fine” I snapped with anger
I grabbed he’s thermal cup and fill it with coffee, I left it on the counter, I opened the fridge and grabbed an orange juice ready to go type, I walked up stairs and got in my room, before this was dad’s but after a lot crying and a very long speech of I’m a girl and I need my space you can share with Michael and staff, he gave it to me, so now I have his room.
I opened my closet and grab a red skirt and a black skelanimals t-shirt must I say it’s one of my favorite labels, I put on my bed and run to the bathroom and got a quick shower, I got out the shower covered in a towel with my underwear already on, I walked to my full length mirror and looked at my self, 19, about 5’4’’ tall, green grey eyes, long wavy black hair, 3 piercing, skinny but not athletic body, I was thinking of what kind of make up should I wear, I started to get ready, I look at my alarm clock 1:45 p.m. well that was a quick shower, I thought, I was looking for my coin purse till I started to hear a song ♪♫when it rains and it pours when you out of you own if I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes♪♫ it’s my cell phone and its Amy I have that song for her, I run to my desk and pick up

“Hey monster!” I said smiling

“Hey ugly! So can you like pick me up Jack took the car and you know the story”

“Sure I’ll be there in 20”

“OK later”

“Later” I hung up
I pull the cell phone back on the desk, I look again at the time, gotta go gotta go gotta go, I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys and my coin purse that I found next to my cell phone, I open the door while yelling at my brother that I was going out and that if he was going out he need it to call me, I turn on the car and drove to Amy’s house, I honk like 15 times till she finally came out, she was about my height a bit taller maybe, she has hazel eyes, and her hair well, its kind of weird, its black layer on the bottom, fuchsia on top and white blond tips, its weird but it looks good on her, and a piercing, she is wearing black short with a black transparent skirt and a grey skelanimals t-shirt she open the door, kiss on the cheek and I started to drive.