Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans


Midday, its sunny out side, I’m holding my moms hand, I’m 3 years old from what I can see thru the reflection of an apparel, I felt my mothers hand getting away, I turn, she is gone, I am walking and crying till I sat on the side walk, tears are pouring off my face, I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around to see a boy holding a handkerchief, I look at him confused, he clean the tears from my face and hold my hand, I thank him, and he gave me his hand, I stood up taking it, we walked for a while, I was looking at the ground the whole time, when I decided to look at him, I was surprised, he wasn’t a little boy anymore, I look at my reflection from a window we passed, I wasn’t a little girl ether, I look back at him, I was trying to look at him “ who are you?” I ask “I’m here for you” he answered

I woke up scared by some music ♪♫ Kill Break me down Bury me, bury me I am finished with you… Look in my eyes you’re killing me, killing me All I wanted was you ♪♫ its Shirley for sure, I pick up my phone

“hey!!” I manage to say with enthusiasm

“hey girl, I miss you yesterday, you little bitches you left without me”

“we didn’t know you where home, I thought you where with Mark” I reply

“yeah well I was most of the day”

“well anyways, I wanted to invite you to the movies Amy is already on”

“sorry can’t”

“I’ll pick you up at… wait what?”

“I can’t go”

“but… why?”

“if you guys come over I’ll tell you everything ok”

“we will be there ok”

“ok” I hung up, I look at the time 11:43 a.m. according to my watch, I started to think about the dream, it was just a dream, but it felt so real, I pulled off the blanket with my feet, I stood up and walked thru the corridor with my blanket on hand, I started to hear some noises like if somebody was drilling the walls I stand in front of room door open too see 2 guys that where actually drilling my wall to put the new bars, my dad was there he probably already told this people about what happened, I stood there for about 5 minutes then one of the guys took of his helmet and safety glasses I was surprised to figure who it was

“Jacob?!” I said confused

“Alexis hey! You live here?” he said a bit over exited

“yeah I do” I said my expression still confused

“nice” quit nicing me

“so this is your part time job?” I asked curios

“yeah it is” that explain those muscles… (giggles)

“you two know each other?” dad ask

“yeah we do” I reply

“oh well… this is a small town… and those are some short shorts lady” dad said, I look down at me, I was still wearing my pajamas or my attempt to ones, and well I guessed that dad didn’t like them now.
I walked to my closet, and grabbed a pair of black long foot less leggings and a grey long sleeve shirt of skelanimals, I walk to my bathroom and my dad gave me a I don’t think so look, what’s with dads and boys? I mean really its not like if he has x-ray powers like super man, I took some supplies from my bathroom whatever I needed to make my self comfortable in a male bathroom, I walked to my drawer and pulled some underwear out and a bra too, I turn to where Jacob is, he was kind of blushing, I laugh lightly and walked out the room and got into the other bathroom, I opened the door a very strong smell of cologne came out, that make me feel nauseas, damn male don’t know about limits, I started to shower, 20 minutes later I was out off the bathroom already in my clothes, I walked to my room they where still working on those bars, I put my dirty clothes into a basket next to my bathrooms door, and looked at Jacob, he smiled and I smiled back, I started to blow dry my hair 15 minutes later they where finish putting those bars

“there its all settle, no intruders anymore” Jacob said

“really, that its good to hear” I reply

“yep, no human body can pass thru here, and we forced the window lock too” he said

“you really know you business don’t you” I said with smirk

“I have too, but if you ever go to curt with who ever got in, give me a call, I can be your lawyer”

“lawyer?!... why would she need a lawyer?” dad interrupted

“dad…” I look at him harshly and I gave him a look

“right, sure, well here is you money and thank you very much for your service”

“don’t have to thank us… its our job” Jacob said looking at me and smiling, I lightly blush and return the smile, actually I think I never stop smiling… hahahaha… he pick up the tools from the floor and he and the other guy left Michael behind them, I finally stop smiling I turn to see my dad giving me that look that dads give you when they are jealous

“what?!” I said with laughter

“what?” he said sarcastic, right on that moment Shirley and Amy walk in. Shirley is a bit taller than me, she has short but not that short bleach yellow blonde hair, and green clear eyes eyes, she goes to Ai too, she takes Interior Design with Amy.
I told Shirley pretty much everything, then I got to the part that they both didn’t know, I told them, they got really scared, but they started to make fun of it making joke like it was a geek from some school, after about 3 hours of that my dad came in with a thingy that he said it was a security alarm for the window, he install it and then he left, he was taking this way too serious.

My dad is afraid of me going places alone so he is not letting me go out, so the girls stayed with me, and we order some pizza and movies, we are watching the ring, the movie just finished and my cell phone rang ♪♫hey you… the pretty one you have message♪♫ I look at the girls, they seem to think the same I am, it’s the 7th time we see this movie, and maybe you have too see it 7 times and then somebody call you and then a week after you die, ok ok sounds crazy, but you never know, I pick up the phone and open the screen 1 text message, from Steven

Time: 8:36 p.m.
I wonder it we could have movie night

I reply the message saying that I can't, bur Shirley and Amy sure did, after that they left, I started to pick up the mess, I went back to my room, I looked at my wall, and thought of needing to redo the painting, I got tired of this colors, meant green and watermelon pink, something I most definitely change, I changed my clothes, to a clean pajamas, and lay on my bed, I try to think about the dream I had earlier but I fell to sleep, before getting to any conclusions.
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i'll be out of town for the week end... so i'll leave few chapters :) i cant believe i actually got time today