Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans

The Wonderful Guy

My alarm clock started to play the Alesana CD that I had on, I woke up singing “A Siren’s Soliloquy” I look at the time it 6:30 a.m. I have to hurry or I’ll be late, ok ok, classes start at 9 but I take long to do some staff. I did my daily routine shower, dress, make-up, hair, breakfast, teeth, car, I’m wearing a white hello kitty t-shirt black tight jeans and my black heels, I’m driving to Amy’s house to pick her up, she has to share car with Jack because she got in trouble last year and she can't have a car till her mom thinks she deserve it, we got to school, its 8:26 just on time, we are on our way to the cafeteria to buy coffee, the elixir of life, seriously I wouldn’t live without coffee, I say bye to Amy, and went to my looker and grab some staff from there, a few pencils, a pen, white-out, and a note book, a walked a few more buildings till I got to GRAPHIC building and reach out my class room, I sat down on the table, the kind of lab tables where you have a partner, there is no assigned sits but we settle where do we want to sit, and with who, I eventually sit alone, there is 3 windows on the left side of the class room, I sit next to the middle window, I loved it on rainy and cloudy days, but on sunny ones I just wanted to be in the back, out side was clear, few clouds covering the sun, I found my self distracted by it

“hey Alexis! Did you finally have you leas out?” great Roxana

“hey Roxxy, did you owners fed you today, because you seem to be a bit pale, should I call a vet for that loss of hair that you have”

“ugh” was all that came out of her mouth

“that’s what I thought” Alexis 1 slut 0 ♪♫ hooey I’m the one♪♫ yeah! the bell rang

The teacher walked inside “ok class please sit down, stop insulting, and John can you please live that gum out side this class room” Mrs. Harrison said, she is 68 but she look 45, botox works, she can handle food in the class but she hates gum, might be because she tried quit smoking and started to chew gum, and it didn’t work for her.

“ok today we will continue where we left yesterday (some one knocks the door)…now what?” she got out of the room, I turned to look out the window, again, I was looking outside trying to find out a way of get out this class, but before I could think of a way the teacher came back

“class, we have a new student today” Wow, new student, well its ok, but who changes school when we almost graduate… I wouldn’t… I was still looking out side

“this is Sedriff R. Draco, he is 20 years old” Sedriff sound like the one in Harry Potter. I thought still looking out the window

“and he comes from Pennsylvania I hope(her voice fades on my thoughts)” That’s it, he is vampire, the name the place it all makes sense, Harry Potter kind of name + Pennsylvania = vampire… (sigh) note to my self: need to stop making stories when bored
I felt a gaze on me, I slowly turn to see a very angry Mrs. Harrison then I look at the new guy damn he is hot

“Miss Ackart are you back on earth or are you still on the moon” the teacher said

“no, I’m back on earth” I couldn’t stop staring at the new guy, he is so hot, he is like 6' 1" tall, dark brown hair with some blonde layers coming out of it, more like a slim body, he is so….

“well now that you seem interested on the new student you might want to help him out, now Sedriff take the empty seat next to miss Ackart” ok chill, he is just a super hot guy, it’s just like if I am with Jacob, wait no… Jacob is hot, but this guy… is beyond normal beauty

“hello” he said with a very strong and seductive voice

“hey, I’m Alexis” I said smiling, I could feel how I was starting to blush

“be careful she bites” Roxxy said, she sits 2 tables behind me, Sedriff look at her confused, he look back at me while I was making faces to her

“I’m Sedriff… you might already know” he said with a smile, and gave me a hand shake; his hand was cold but warm at the same time, it’s hard to explain it.

“no chit chat time, so now lets start the class, start doing your assignments”

“so what do we do now?” he ask me, I explain him everything, about the this class and the other ones too, this guy is so nice, and hot, and perfect smile, and I better stop now before my mouth waters.
After this class we have Graphic Lab, we where headed to the Computer Lab, lots of guys and girls got close to us, well to Sedriff, to ask him staff, things that I didn’t bother to ask, like why did he transfer, and how did he like New York so far, and staff like that, some guys offering to sit with him during Lab, other during lunch, and Roxxy of curse did the same on each class, he just turn them down politely. Sedriff seem to get along with the classes, he didn’t miss anything, lunch time its in about 20 minutes, and I don’t want to sound like I’m the big thing, but I think that has ignored pretty much everyone today just for me to show him around and for me to help him, I know I know, sounds like yeah right, but it looks that way (narrators laughter)

LUNCH TIME such a need for our precious life, I always take lunch with my fabulous friends, Alec, Sidney, Andrew, Steven, and Amy and Shirley of curse, lets start with Alec, he is 20, tall like Sedriff maybe a bit taller, he works out, and it shows not that much but hey who cares with those hazel clear eyes and short blond hair. Sidney, 19, tan skin, long hair with a black layer underneath a blue layer, brown eyes, she is tall a bit shorter that Sedriff. Andrew, 19 same heights as Sedriff, long Mohawk hair with some parts black others blonde and a black star by its left side, blue eyes. Steven, 20, as tall as Shirley, he is half Japanese half American, dark eyes, that it’s pretty much it.

“hey guys!” I said walking to the table where we usually sit

“hey Alexis sit here” Alec said, I ignored that

“where is my…” I wanted to ask where it was my Moka Java but Alec put it in front of my face before I even finish asking

“you are lovely” I said taking a sip of it, I look at Amy that is looking behind me, right Sedriff…

“guys this is Sedriff, he is new here, he also takes Graphic Design, Sedriff this is Amy, Sidney, Alec, Steven, Andrew and Shirley”

“now we have complete couples” Amy said, everyone started laughing but Sedriff didn’t get the joke

“right your new, well all of our names either start with A or S, so we make couples with them, A with A and S with S now Shirley here was a loner, now you are here so we are all settle now” Sidney said with smirk

Sedriff raised an eyebrow “so you are together?” Sedriff asks confused

“no, but we make fun of this, we say we do, while we aren’t, it suppose to be funny” Steven said

“now you are in Graphic Designing well I’ll tell you what we are into” Andrew said

“Steven and I are in Art & Design Technology, with a concentration in Video Production” he said making moves with his hands, trying to make the title sound more impressive

“Amy and I are in Art & Design Technology, with a concentration in Interior Design” Sidney said making a bow

“Shirley and I are in Art & Design Technology, with a concentration in Interactive Media Design” Alec said just making fun of it

“and I’ll introduce you to our program Art & Design Technology, with a concentration in Graphic Design” I said giving Sedriff a hand shake

“what’s with all the fancy complements to the names?” Sedriff said

“get him out of his shelf, we always make fun of this place, it’s the best we can do, yeah there are good teachers and we learn tons, but still, we have to make our day some how, so we make fun of all the formalities that this school has” Shirley said

“right… any coffee you prefer, you go out a bit later than we do-” Amy said while I…

“so they get our elixir of life” I finished

“Alexis, did you have breakfast because seems like you on you clumsy day, and I don’t wanna visit you to the Hospital” Steven asked playfully

“no, but I promise you won’t visit me at the hospital” I reply

“I’m glad” Alec said, the time went fast as we all laugh about how Sedriff didn’t get much of the staff we said, the bell rang, so we all hurry to our classes, we got the class room

“Sedriff, did those monsters already took you to their creep house, seriously you don’t want to be with them” Roxxy said while getting inside the class room

“then who I should be with?” Sedriff reply with a flirty smirk

“well glad you ask, me of curse, there is no one better on this earth then me” she said smirking, I’ll tell you what’s better; a little punching against the wall…

I was going to take a step but Sedriff stop me like if he knew what I was going to do

“really, I think that too, there is one better on this world better then you to make a complete full of your self, what makes you think that you are the big thing here?, who ever told you that, was lying to you, you wanna know what I think?, I think that you are just jealous, because she has real friends, and she is prettier than you” my jaw was on china, no one even me has ever tell her that, especially a guy, and in front of half class, way to go blood sucker

“ugh!” that’s all that came out of her mouth

The day went fast, I was surprised about what Sedriff did to Roxxy, and I was really thankful for that. We where out of school, and I was hungry too, I was walking to the parking lot with Sedriff

“well, I better get going home, I’m starving, and if I don’t get home, when I do, my fridge its going to be empty when I finish” hungry me, hungry me…

“what if I take you to dinner?” yes, I big meal, with a big chocolate ice cream, wait, did he just ask me out?

“I don’t know, it’s kind of late and I’m not sure my dad will let me”

“please at least let me take you to a drive thru and buy you something”

“ok I’ll go in my car and you go on yours, and follow me, I know where I want to eat”

“as you wish” he said smiling, he got in his car, and I got on mine, I drove carefully so he could follow, till we stop at a parking lot, I turn the car off and got out, close the door and set the alarm

“you want to eat here?” Sedriff ask

“yes I do” I said with a little kid voice

“welcome to Jack in the box may I help you”

“hey Jen can I have the same please”

“sure thing Al, and you” Jen said ask Sedriff

“I think I’ll have the same as her” Sedriff said, ok ok let me explain, over the past years I been having lunch or dinner here most of the time, I know Jen for that same reason, and I always ask for the same thing a Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger, Seasoned Curly Fries – large, Chocolate Overload Cake and a Strawberry Fanta, yeah I know, I eat too much but hey I’m growing, well I’m not, but my hunger sure is.

“are you sure you wanna have what I have?” I ask him

“yeah, come on, it can’t be that bad”

“here is your order” Jen said after few minutes, Sedriff’s jaw drop at that instant

“you eat all this”

“I told you I was hungry, now lets eat” I said grabbing my food, Sedriff did the same and follow, we sat on a table next to a window, I love windows, I can see what’s happening in out side, while I’m inside, I was eating pretty much like I usually do, like a pig, I looked at his tray, its was still full, he hasn’t eat, maybe he is on a diet, or I don’t know, he took a few fries and eat them fast, and the he took a sip of Fanta, we where on complete silence till he finally spoke

“I really like the way you are” Sedriff said

“and how is that?” I asked swallowing; I took a long sip of Fanta and looked at him

“you don’t care if everyone is watching you, you still eat like if you hadn’t done it in years, you look like a little girl that needs protection, but you don’t you are a grown up that don’t need to be protected, you act childish while at the same time you can be so mature, I just like that about you” I found that comment really awkward, I didn’t know where that come from

“thanks, I guess… I don’t know, it just the way I am, I…guess… I don’t know what to say”

“say nothing, when I have a comment a question or whatever, I make it, I was thinking about how you are, and told you, I want people- my friends to know what I think, that’s all” he said, friends? Yeah I think we are friends now… he is really a very nice person, blood sucker but a nice person… ok he is not a blood sucker, I need to stop thinking that note to self: not all people that comes from Pennsylvania are vampires, Sedriff laugh softly

“what?” I ask because of his laugh and I wanna know why

“nothing really”

“share, your no fun, you can't keep funny staff for yourself, need to share” I said, well I really wanna know, not really

We left 20 minutes later, he follow me to the house, “to be safe” as he said, I got inside the house and I heard his car leaving, I walked up stairs, I saw dad checking some papers, kiss on cheek and walk to my room, I open the door, I throw my back pack on the floor, I pull my cell phone out from the back pack 10 text messages, damn, I have to put more volume to this, I take long figuring out when someone calls, or send text messages, I just hope the are not from… Amy and Shirley and Alec, shit I new it

01.- Amylistious ^^P
Time: 9:05 p.m.
So did you buy that new cd

02.- Amylistious ^^p
Time:9:07 p.m.
Girl you really need 2 check the volume

03.- Alec<3svodka
Time:9:08 p.m.
Your not online... why??

04.- Shirley makes u happy
Time:9:20 p.m.
you slut… I want details

05.- Amylistious ^^p
Time:9:26 p.m.
Ofmg!!! you slut

The next messages are from Amy and Sidney, I know what they want so I just erase them, I put my cell phone to charge and took a shower put my attempt for pajamas, a fell to sleep thinking the only way the could have know, and that was that they have dinner there after Sedriff and I did, and Jane told them, after that I fell to sleep right away it was a really heavy day, all I wanted it was to sleep.
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gosh this one is long but i wont be here so i'll leave as much as i can