Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans

The Start

School days seems to go in a blur, something that I truly don’t like, Sedriff had become one of my closest friends, still not that close as Amy, but close enough, he is there helping me at school, buying coffee, going to the mall, and giving me advice about boys, is amazing how some staff seem to stand out more that others, like I can remember the exact day I started to have a secret admirer, but I can't remember what happened when I went to the autograph sign of the Used, or how I can remember what did I ate on my first date with Jacob, but I don’t remember the day I went to California with my aunt for a weekend, or how I do remember how Amy and Andrew started to go out, but I can't remember the how I hurt my knee that same day. I think it was because I wasn’t paying attention to all this. It’s hard to believe that only 5 months ago Sedriff came in my life, and that I have feelings about him.

The sound of my cell phone woke me up♪♫ Hold me like you held onto life when all fears came alive and entombed me Love me like you loved the sun scorching the blood in my vampire heart ♪♫

“hello” I mumble

“did I woke you up?” I heard a familiar voice

“I really hate you right now” I said trying to sound evil

“nope, you love me” he said childish

“what do you want Sedriff?” I look up too my alarm clock “its 5:50 a.m. I’m not suppose to get up till half an hour” I said putting the pillow on my face

“you don’t need those 30 minutes”

“yes I do… now tell me what do you want?” I cried

“breakfast, lunch and dinner with you!”

“what do you mean?” I said pulling off the pillow and sitting on the bed, I could feel my shocked and confused face

“I’ll pick you up at 7 sharp be ready ok”

“no, I wont be ready” I said demanding

“yes you will, now go and start to get ready” he said more demanding

“fine” I said annoyed and hung up, I let my self fell on the bed, I hate him!!!!!!! I wanna sleep!!!!

I was sitting on the living room, wearing a Cloud and Star Hoodie with a black tank top underneath and Black White and Red Pinstripe Suspender Shorts and Saints and Sailors Star Print Mini Wedge, my hair is down as always, oh yeah I forgot to tell you, its Friday, the last day of school too, and graduation is in 3 weeks, like its last day we only have half day with our teachers, classes are shorter, so yeah I was planning to go to the mall with all the guys, but no Sedriff wants to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with me, I don’t mind, I like him after all, but I wanted to be with my friends the rest of the day, we’ll keep in touch, but it wont be the same. (door bell rang) I look at my watch 7:00 a.m. sharp, he knows how to keep a promise, I walk to the door and open it

“hey, you look good today” Sedriff said with smirk

“so I didn’t look good before?” I said in a confused kind of mad voice, I wanna play tricks on him, call me evil but he woke me up

“yes you did, but you look better today” he said, I give him a look, those that you give when you are mad and annoyed

“you…woke me up… you…are evil…you are a blood sucker” he look at me shocked

“what…did…that came from?”

“you woke me up, there was no enough blood on my brain to work, so I didn’t say no to you this morning, so, basically are a blood sucker, you didn’t let me react” his face looked kind of relief

“that’s good, now shall we go”


“it’s a surprise”

15 minutes later we where at

“McDonalds is your surprise?” I said kind of confused


“ok, lets have a good breakfast” I said walking to the door, Sedriff hurry to open the door for me, he took my hand and make me follow him, to a table all set, with a big breakfast on it, scramble eggs with cheese, chocolate milk-shake large size, orange juice on the side, this is a dream, ok ok by now, you should know that for me this is the best.

“you are so sweet, that is a plus” I said walking to the table, he pull the chair out so I could sit, I sit down and he did the same

“so you not mad anymore?” he asked

“sure I am, I don’t like when people wakes me up, but, you sure just make my day with this breakfast” I said and gave him a childish smile

We talked about the future, jobs, moving, houses, and staff like that, and it is 8:15 now so we must get going to school. We got there on time, we where at our class room, all teacher where giving us a goodbye speech combined with a get a job speech, 1 hour before the time we supposed get out the teachers gave us a box to each one of us, and release from the class to clear our lockers, its some kind of goodbye tradition from school, Sedriff and I where walking thru the halls lots of girls crying, guys giving kiss of goodbye to girlfriends, and we arrived to spot of this hall, where there is only, 8 lockers, those where our lockers, the guys where already there, waiting for us each one in front of their locker, so as we did, we where in position to open our lockers

“ready?” I said

“ready” they said

“1…” Sedriff


“3!!” all of us said, while starting to use for the last time our locker combination, and we open our locker at the same time, I sat on the floor and started to pull staff out off my locker

“lost betty boop pen-found” Amy said

“lost dirty sock-found” Steven said

“lost Speedo-found” Alec said, we all turn to see him, in a ewwww way

I got out of there, my Atreyu t-shirt, my My Chemical Romance hoodie, 15 pens, 10 pencils, 5 notebooks, 3 lost books-found, 3 folders of 3 inches, each full of papers, 59 notes which 20 of them are love notes from a secret admirer, I place them all in the box, I stood up and started to take off staff from the locker’s door, a magnet pencil dispenser, a magnet mirror, a magnet photo portrait with a picture of us, I look at the picture its from 2 months ago, we where eating lunch, we all look happy, I step back, and everybody look at me, I turn to see Sedriff, I felt how my eyes where filling with water, that soon will be tears, I put the portrait in the box, and started to cry, I fell on my knees and sat on my legs, I can't believe that we are not coming back, that we wont have this moments anymore, we will, but we know it wont be the same, I felt some arms around me, I turned to see Sedriff hugging me, I rest my head on his shoulder, wiping my tears in his shirt

“its going to be ok, we are never going to leave” Sedriff said trying to comfort me

“we don’t know if we are going to leave or not, but if we do, lets never stop talking to each other” I said standing up and removing the tears from my cheek, I turn to see Amy crying on Andrew’s shoulders, Shirley hugging Sidney and Steven has his hand on Alec’s shoulder

“we are never going leave this friendship, if we leave, we have to promise we will always keep in touch” I said more demanding but my voice was breaking at the same time

“coffee for me, coffee for the rest, coffee for ever” Amy said

“coffee for me, coffee for the rest, coffee for ever” we all said


We met each other on a plain on our way to this trip to a art school in Canada, we stayed 2 weeks there, we went to an art expo and staff, the tours where really bored so once we decided to move away from the group and look 4 some good coffee, we found coffee, and we found trouble, Miss. Eleanor found us, she was pretty mad, and guess who told her we left, Roxxy Foxy did, just because I was friends with Alec, they where together in High school she dump him for some football player that dump her too, she wanted to go back with him, but he say no, so I guess that’s why she told her, the coffee thing was because while we where on our bunks, we could hear her say

“those are the worse kids ever, talented, but terrible, they move away from us just for coffee, what are they the coffee patrol”

Out of that we laugh really hard, coffee patrol was the best name ever, so we used it like the three musketeers

-End of flashback-

After that we all hugged, and finish to clear our lockers, 30 minutes later the bell rang, the last time we hear that bell, Sedriff carried his box and mine, Alec carried his and Sidney’s, Andrew carried his and Amy’s, Steven carried his and Shirley’s, we all walk one after the other, to the front door, I slowly open it and walked out, I was relief and sad, tons of good memories, but its time to move on, our life is just getting started.
We went to the mall, after buying coffee, we headed to Hottopic I buy some shirts and tops and skirts, and pants, I paid my staff, I had my bags I was waiting to the guys to pay their staff till Sedriff pull me from the arm, I was now close to him, really close

“ready?” he ask under his breath

“for what?” I said pulling my self away from him

“for lunch silly” shut I forgot


“ok lest go” he said taking me by the hand, 15 minutes later, we arrived

“wow!!, hell no I’m not eating here, this is way too fancy and I’m not dress for this kind of place” I said trying to get back inside the car, but it was late, he locked it

“me neither, so lets go” he said taking my hand and pulling me, he open the door for me and some lady walked to us

“welcome to Amarone Ristorante” she said with Italian accent

“a table for 2” Sedriff said

“yes right this way” the lady said guiding us to a table, Sedriff pulled out the chair for me and I sat, he sat in front of me and the waiter came

“we will have Crab Cake, Caesar Salad, Linguine Alle Vongole red sauce, and Lemonade with mineral water” Sedriff said, I was kind of impressed, I mean, he just order for me without looking at the menu

“do you come here very often?” I ask confused

“only with my… family” nice, now that you mention them, I haven’t really met them

“really, well that’s is nice”

10 minutes later the appetizers came, CRAB CAKE!!!, lol just had to do that, I was finishing my appetizer when I start to hear a song ♪♫ Hang on to the glory at my right hand Here laid to rest is our love ever longed With truth on the shores of compassion You seem to take premise to all of these songs ♪♫ JACOB!!!! What I like him too

“hello” I answer

“hey pretty” Jacob reply

“hey what’s up?” I said, with smirk

“well you are totally going to hate me” he said

“why, what happen?” I said confused

“well I have to cancel, remember the case that we are working on, well we have to be there tomorrow and I just found out, I’m so sorry” he said

“well, work is work, its ok” I said I bit disappointed

“I promise I’ll make it up to you”

“but it better be a big make out”

“it will I promise” I was about to keep the talk till Sedriff make a noise, like clearing his throat, I looked at him, and he gave me a look that clearly said ‘we are having lunch, so quit it’

“ok then, well right now I’m with… some friends… so I’ll call you later ok bye” I hung up and put my cell phone back into my shorts pocket

“sorry about that” I said to Sedriff

“so, he cancel” Sedriff said

“yeah, he had to work”

“well that is a shame” he said, but he didn’t look disappointed

After that the food came, we eat the food was delicious, I just love this day, not because the whole just being with Sedriff thing, its for the food, ok ok and for Sedriff too, but only a bit. The night started to fall making me feel a bit sad, I was having fun, we where at a playground at swigs to be exact, I never got tired of those, I just love to be back and fort and the wind on my face, I felt like a 5 year old again, I noticed that Sedriff stopped so I stopped too

“what’s wrong?” I asked

“its time for dinner” he said

“you know, I really enjoy your company, but… I feel like your pushing me to be with you… and don’t get me wrong, I really have enjoyed this day” I don’t know if this is they way to say this but… I think I was kidnapped by my friend… hahaha

“sorry if you feel pushed, but I did kind of push you to be here, if I gave you a choice, you will say no, and I was just not giving you a choice” he said smiling

“hell you are terrible… where are we having dinner?” I ask confused

“here, I order some pizza, and it will be here in any minute”

“yeips pizza” after 10 minutes the pizza arrived, and he pull out the car a blanket, soda, and plates, and we started to eat

“you know… this is weird” I said really confused, looking at my cell phone

“what is weird?”

“Amy… she hasn’t call, and we didn’t say bye when we left the mall, she should have… call”

“she didn’t, is that weird?” beyond weird, this is so…“you… you totally plan this whole thing with them, why?” I ask confused and demanding

“how did you…?”

“its totally obvious, how didn’t I see it before, I guessed I missed the obvious, she always calls me even if it’s a supper tiny little thing, and hasn’t call me since we leave the store” I said like if I was solving a mystery

“ok you got me, I did plan this with them, that’s why she hasn’t call”

“but why?” I asked even more confused

“I wanted… to… be with you… and” he was looking at his pizza, maybe trying to thing of the right thing to say

“and what?”

“I am in love with you… I have been ever since we first met… they know about my feeling, and they…”

“they set me up with this… for us to be together” I interrupted with a soft voice

“yeah” he said with sight, he looked disappointed. I just… I … I …

“I’m in love with you too” I said quickly without thinking, he looked at me, he smiled, we stared at each other for few long seconds, he moved closer to me, and pressed his lips into mine, he kissed me, soft, I could feel his cold skin in mine, I just felt so happy, safe, he pulled himself away from me, I look at him in the eyes and smiled again.
His arms where around me, my head resting in his chest, I could hear his breath, we talked about us, about family, and what would have happened if we didn’t met, I felt safe, happy, the time wasn’t on our side though, there is a world behind us, and that world seems to have a mind on its own.
♪♫ trouble… dad is calling… better answer… if you wanna be alive ♪♫

“hello” I answered

“where are you?, do you know what time it is?, you come home now if you don’t want to be grounded the rest of the summer” dad said really pissed off

“ok dad (hung up) I have to go back home”

“ok I’ll take you” he said pulling me up, now I’m back on my feet, my arms around his neck and his around my waist, his lips rested on mine, we kissed again, he took my hand and started to walk to the car.
20 minutes later we arrived to the house, I was still in the car were we kissed again, I got out the car and got inside the house, I walked up stairs I could tell my dad is in his office, checking at some papers, does he ever stop working, I walk inside and got close to the sofa that he was

“well, seems like you have fun today” he said

“yeah I did” I said sitting next to him

“well look at you, you almost 20, you are not the little girl that used to jump around the house, you are a grown up now” well yeah my birthday it’s in 1 month

“yeah I am” I said confused

“now you have to think about a job and staff like that” I know that, but wait… I just got out of school a few hours ago

“well dad I had quite a day, I need some sleep now”

“good night” he said giving me a kiss on the cheek

“night dad” I said getting up, I walked to my room, I changed into my pajamas, and soon fell to sleep with Sedriff’s face in my thoughts.

I woke up by an annoying sound of music ♪♫ when it rains and it pours when you out of you own if I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes♪♫ and then my home phone was ringing, I turned to my left and pick up the phone

“wait” I mumble, I still listen to music ♪♫ when it rains and it pours when you out of you own if I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes♪♫ I started looking under my pillow for my cell phone I found it and answer

“wait” I mumble again, I got my self under the covers, and put each phone on each ear

“who goes first?” I mumble
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry i took too long... but im at exams period and i dont got vacations so i was really busy :S here it starts to get too personal and confused so tell me how you like it and if you think i can do anything to make it better tell me n________n