Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans

I Forgot About Him

2 weeks has passed since Sedriff and I stated to go out, its Saturday Sedriff is coming to watch a movie, like my dad left on a business trip 3 days ago and he is not coming back till Thursday, yeah my dad knows I’m going out with him, but still he acts really jealous when he is around. I already order some pizza, and bought ice cream, pop corn, chips and Pepsi, all that it takes for a perfect movie night, I told Sedriff I wanted to see a scary movie, and he wanted comedy, so we where seeing 2 movies. I wonder which movies he is bringing (door bell rings) pizza or movies. I open the door, the first thing I see 2 covers one said “INCUBUS” and the other one said “First Daughter”

“Hi” I said

“Hi beauty” he said pulling the movies away, I was about to go inside the house and the pizza guy arrived

“I’ll pay for them” Sedriff said

We where watching INCUBUS the movie it’s almost finish, this is the part where the girl tries to get out before the evil guy who woke up gets her, I wont say I’m really scared but its just… ohm… ok ok I am scared to hell (the door bell rang) I jump but Sedriff’s arms around me kept me on the sofa

“Chill its just the door” he said with laughter

“I know I was just…” I look at him.

“I’ll get it” Sedriff said with bit of bitter tone

“No I’ll get it, what if is my aunt, she wont be that happy if you open the door”

“Ok then, I’ll put pause” he said, I stood up, walking to the door, I opened it, I was surprised

“Jacob... hi!” there he was standing with a smile. Fuck I totally forgot about him, how can you forget about guy… easy one with Sedriff around all the time, its hard to think about something else

“Hey I haven’t heard of you in a while” he said

“Well… yeah I’ve been kind of busy… re decorating… my room” I lied quickly, how do you tell a guy that you are with somebody else

“May I come in?” he ask

“Well… right now isn’t a good time… you see-” I was interrupted by Sedriff next to me

“What is taking you so long babe?”

“Sedriff this is Jacob, Jacob this is Sedriff… my… my” I can't, I can't crush his heart in a million pieces

“I’m Alexis’s boyfriend” he said kind of challenging, I look at Jacob he has a puzzle face, fuck, you didn’t have to say it that way… I could have done it in a better way

“Right… this is not a good time… it was… nice… seeing you again… I guess… I’ll see you around… sometime” he said trying not to sound obvious of something that it was obvious, I just hurt him

“Jacob, wait we need to talk” I said concerned

“No it’s fine really, I’m just… I gotta go” he said stepping out of the door

“Jacob please!!!” I sighed, but he was already on the sidewalk walking away from here, I close the door and lay my back on it, I looked up to Sedriff

“I think I need to know what happened”

I explained everything to Sedriff, since that day that Jacob canceled, till today, there was not much to explain he knew that I was hanging out with him before, he just didn’t know that I would have said yes to him, and that he really liked me that much, he didn’t like the idea of me thinking about saying yes to Jacob, but I explained that I never expected that we would we together, after that we continue to watch the movie, I didn’t really paid attention to it, I was more concerned about what happen, he played the other movie, I was kind of tired and on Sedriff’s arms I fell to sleep.