Love Can Be Weird At Times Vampires Usually Don't Love Humans

Love Over Friendship

I woke up fast almost jumping out, I had a quick memory of last night, I remember that I didn’t finish to watch the movie and that I was on Sedriff’s arms, I looked around confused, I was on my bed room, on my bed, with the clothes I was wearing last night. what happen?, did he left?, I stood up, and walked downstairs, I looked around the living room, the mess that I remember wasn’t there, I walked to the kitchen my brother was eating, and I look up the clock, 12:20 p.m.

“If your looking for Sedriff he left last night after you fell to sleep”

“Oh… I see”

“He took you to your room, and then he clean up your mess, and then he left”

“I see”

“And then he call some slut called Roxy and they make out in front of the house”


“Just kidding, I thought you where still sleep, and when your like that you don’t seem to know what your name is”

“Very funny twerp”

“Jacob came and left you this letter this morning”

“Really? Give it to me”

“It’s in your room, in your desk” I ran fast to my room, I looked at the letter that was next to my alarm clock, I opened it

Dear, well I don’t know if I must say that anymore, I really want to apologize for leaving that way, I really wish you the best with your boyfriend, and well, I just wanted to say that its all good with you, with us, I mean, I know this might be a bit difficult to you, but trust me I’m fine, I really like you, very much, but I wont be like those guys that start a fight with the guy that took their love away, I am really happy for you, all I can say now, is that I hope we can be friends, just need to give me some time to get to the idea, friendship is all I’m asking for.


I put the note down, I felt so bad, it didn’t feel right to do staff like this, I wanted to talk to him, but now I don’t even know if I should call him. After a lot of thinking, I decided that I should wait for him to be ready.
I did my daily routine; I got dress, a Jessica Louise white tank top, black and white shorts, I put long black and white socks, and white and black polka dot vans, I grab, my Hood and skate board I grab my cell phone and put in on my pocket so as my coin purse, I told Michael that I was going out, I walk out the door, and started to skate to Amy’s house, yes as hard as it sounds I know how to skate, I’m not a expert, I just know how to ride in it, I don’t know how to jump or do more staff, but I do wanna learn.
I got there, I jump off the skate board, I look up, Jack is getting out the house with what seems to be staff to clean a car, I say hi to him and got inside the house, I saw Amy’s mom, such a nice women, she is like 5’9’’ dark brown eyes, pale skin, long blond hair, very sophisticated, well after all she is rich, I say hi to her, and she told me to go to Amy’s room, I walk up stairs, and walk to a long corridor till the last door, Amy’s I open it, slowly, planning to scare her, but I wasn’t aware of what I was going to see, my eyes wide open, I clear my throat to make noticed my self

“Alexis!” Amy jumped scared and half naked Andrew jumped leaving Amy uncovered so I could see she was on her skirt and bra. Official, sex has taken over the world!!! Hahaha

“You might wanna get a room” I said getting inside giving Amy a towel that was nearby

“I told her the same thing” Andrew said

“Imagine if it was your mom instead of me!” I said crashing into a big pillow sit

“Don’t even” Amy said

“OK, hey wanna go skate?” I asked

“Sure just let me-” she said

“Get some clothes” I interrupted her, she got up, and walked to the closet

“You might wanna get some clothes too” I said looking at Andrew with laughter, ewe half naked Andrew!!!

“Right!” he said pick up his shirt

like 20 minutes after Amy got into her skating outfit, same like mine, she grabs her skate board, we got out the house, Andrew following us, his car was in front of Amy’s house, we got inside, he drove to his house, got inside, I think he only grab his skates because he didn’t take too long, he gave me a bag, I put it in the floor, I looked out the window, I heard Amy making some calls, I pick up mine and dial Sedriff’s number

“Hey baby” he said

“Hey Hun, we are going to the park, to skate a bit, can you meet us there?” I said

“Who are us?”

“Amy, Andrew and the rest” I explained

“OK then meet you there, bye”

“Later” I hung up

20 minutes later we all where on the park, skating, some with skates, some with skate boards, I was trying to do spins holding me from Shirley’s arm, I fell hard, I stood up, and tried to do it again, I looked to the street to see a cab stopping few feet away from me, a guy came out of it, looks familiar, but it’s a bit hard to know who it is, the guy walk few steps closer. Garry!!!, he is an old friend from childhood, I haven’t seen him since, since, Sedriff show up, he lives in Chicago, once in a while he comes and visits me, we are really close to each other, we know each other since birth, according to the nurse, while we where on the hospital, we look at each other and mumble to each other, like talking, my dad was Vice President of Garry’s dad company, and they got closer since we born, he born 4 days before me, we went to the day care, kinder, and elementary together, but in middle school, his dad change him to private, so did my dad with me, but I only stayed there a week, too many snob little kids, I didn’t like that, I don’t like that.
I walked closer to him, I was about to hug him, but he grab my face gently and kissed me, not on the cheek, not on the forehead, but on the lips, my eyes wide open, I felt déjà vu, I was about to pull him away, but somebody did, I looked to see Sedriff, he has just tackle him, Sedriff on top of him grabbing him from the shirt, shaking him, then he push him to the floor and he is punching his face with his fist 1 2 3 4 5, the guys pulled Sedriff away from Garry, but he pulled them all way, and started again, I got closer to them, scared, but I hold Sedriff’s arm, with 2 hands he looked at me, looked back at him, and let him go.
Sedriff stood up, I hug him tight, I pull my self a few centimeters away, I looked at him, he was looking down from me, his eyes closed, I touched his face with my finger tips, he opened his eyes slowly, my eyes wide open again, his eyes where not his normal grey-blue, they where red, I could see fury in his eyes, and with the red of his eyes I felt scared, I felt like he could kill me, I never felt this way before, I blinked several times and his eyes got the back to normal, I looked at him confused, I rub my lips trying to remove the kiss that Garry just gave me, Sedriff kiss me softly and deep, I heard someone mumbling of pain. Garry I can't believe I forgot him. I pull away from Sedriff and walk close to Garry that was trying to stand up

“Oh my gosh Garry are you OK?” I asked concerned

“Yeah its fine, I guess you have something to tell me” he said with smirk and pain

“I surely do, I am so sorry”

“Yeah I bet” he said finally standing up

“You know you have to stop kissing me” I said

“And you seriously know how to choose them”

“It’s your fault, you always come when I’m going out with somebody” I said

“did I miss something here?” Sedriff finally said

“Yeah Sedriff you have just beat my best friend ever ass” I said scratching my arm nervously

“Alexis you just keep getting them stronger”

“Stop it already, lets go home” I said, Andre and Steven hold him, helping him
We arrive to my house, I took Garry to the kitchen Sedriff follow, I grab a hot water bag, and put ice in it, I gave it to Garry, he started to pressure on the bruises that Sedriff left on him, I took the first aid kit and pull out the antiseptic solution to put some on the bruises

“AAARHHHG!” Garry complained

“Shot up” I snap

“it hurts” he snap back

"but you never learn” I said with laughter. The 4th time

“You neither” he said with pain

“I didn’t mean to hurt you… that much” Sedriff said, but I could tell he didn’t regret doing it

“Its OK, I didn’t know she has a boyfriend” Garry said

“Why did you kiss her anyway?” he asks, I gave him a stop it look

“Because I love her” Sedriff’s eyes wide open. Stop that shit

“You don’t love me, he can beat you ass again if you don’t stop” I said angry

“It’s true I love you”

“Stop it” I snapped

“Wow, Alexis you need to tell the guy when you have a boyfriend” Michael said walking inside the kitchen

“This wouldn’t happen if every time that he comes he starts kissing me” I said mad

“It’s not his fault he always comes when you have a boyfriend”

“He is just playing” I said looking at Sedriff

“No, you never take me serious, I love you”

“SHOT UP!!!” I snap

“I’ll wait in the living room with the guys” Sedriff said walking out the kitchen, I sigh

“Look I’m sorry, I just can't help it I wanna kiss you every time I see you”

“Well this must stop, unless you wanna end up dead” I said

“Yeah I guess” Garry said with sight

“Michael can you finish with this?” I asked

“sure” I walked out the kitchen Sedriff in on the sofa he looked confused and mad, I sat next to him, and hug him tight I laid my head on his shoulder and sigh

“Would you explain?” Sedriff asked

“We have been friends since ever, and we have been together always, same daycare, same kinder, same elementary, even same summer camps, then our parents change us to private middle school, and that’s when all I love you thing started, we where on the same school, but I didn’t want him to keep saying that, so I returned to public, on my freshmen year he started again, but we where on different schools, I didn’t care, on my sophomore year, I started to go out with this senior from wrestling team, he didn’t know, I was on the fair with him, and I found Garry, I say hi to him, and he kissed me, I slap him, the guy I was with didn’t find it right so he started to kick his ass, then I told him to stop that he was my best friend” I said quickly, not wanting to detail the ex-boyfriends situation “same happened next year but with other guy, we where on the movies, the guy that I was with was on the restroom, Garry sat next to me and kissed me, and eventually the guy kick his ass till I told him to stop, and in my senior year happened too”
I felt really bad, I had to tell Sedriff about my ex-boyfriends, something that I don’t even do with Amy, and Garry well, he got beat up again, but I couldn’t do more than to explain, I saw Sedriff lost looking at one spot, I fixed my eyes to where he was looking, suit cases close to the door, I looked to the kitchen and looked back at Sedriff he was now looking at me, I kissed him, softly and smile at him, like saying not to worry

“He wont stay here” Sedriff whispered in my ear

“Sedriff, please” I said, it’s hard to say no to Garry. He is my best friend ever, he was there when I need it, when my parents got divorced, all those fights after that, he was there holding my tears, that’s why I keep forgiving him for all that he does, because he has always been for me, how can I make you understand

“I won’t leave him close to you” he snapped getting up from the sofa

“He is not going to do anything, he is not like that”

“How do you know?” he said, but something in the way he said it make me feel that there was something I didn’t know

“I just know” I said getting up next to him, I hugged him tight, I look up to him and kiss him soft and deep, moved a few centimeters away from him, and hugged him again

I looked to the kitchen, Garry was looking at us, I looked up to see Sedriff giving Garry evil looks, I felt so bad, this something that I don’t want, to choose between my friend and my boyfriend, I wouldn’t know who to choose, before I would choose Garry but now its different

“Don’t worry I wont stay” Garry finally said


Sedriff interrupted “he already said it, just let him go to a hotel”


Garry interrupted me “I will, don’t worry about it… I wouldn’t do anything to harm your relationship”

“Are you even interested of what I need to say?” I snap, (home-phone rang)

“Hello?” Amy answered “oh hi Mr. Ackart… yes she is here… OK hold on… its your dad” Amy said, covering the speaker

“No really” note the sarcasm; I took the phone from Amy’s hand

“Hi dad”

“hey Alexandria, look, I finished early so I will getting home like in 4 hours, OK, make sure to have dinner ready, and clean, I bet you left a mess”

“Yes dad I will”

“Oh and I got a call from Nicolas, and he said that Garry was on town, is he there with you?”

“Yes, he is” I said disappointed I knew the rest, Garry is staying home, I gave Garry the phone

“Hello?” Garry said

“Does he know he is here?” Sedriff ask

“Yes he does” I said kind of mad, looking at Garry

“If he stays you go with me” he said hugging me,

“Your crazy, my dad will kill you, or would send the cops” I said pulling away, after a few minutes, Garry put the phone back to its place

“So…” I said to Garry

“I think we will have time to talk later” Garry said

“Well, I guess, we are leaving” Sidney said, everybody agree, except Sedriff

“Sedriff are you coming?” Steven ask him

“No I think I’ll stay here” he said looking at me with one of his hot smiles that you melt when you see them. I lead the guys to the door, and closet it behind me, I turned around Sedriff and Garry glaring at each other, but Garry some how seems amused

“OK then, well we have some cleaning to do” I said smiling to Sedriff and giving a death glare to Garry, Michael just heard clean and he ran to his room.
I left them alone to clean, and I headed to the kitchen. I tried to concentrate on making dinner, but the thoughts of Garry telling my dad what had happened, did not help.
I know what my dad would probably say, and I totally don’t want to fight with him, the only guy that my dad would let me marry without a thought was Garry. Few years ago I got into this “conversation” with my dad, I told him that I would be with who ever I want to, at this he got mad, he said that Garry was the one meant for me, after a long talk, yelling, and talk again he totally agree on me choosing my future boyfriend, but still he doesn’t like that idea.

I left the kitchen, letting the pasta to cool “guys nice job” I said

“Anytime” said Sedriff with smirk, I walked close to him and kiss him

“Sedriff, I… I… think you should go” I said pulling my self off the kiss

“Why?” he asked

“Well my dad won’t be so happy, with you being here, while Garry is here”

“I already told you I wont leave you alone with him” he said with an annoyed tone and pulling me closer to him

“I’m not alone, Michael is here, and I won’t do anything to hurt you” I said smiling at him

“OK fine I’ll go” he said.
I lead him to the door holding his hand, I open it and he pull me out of the house with him, the door close behind me I look back at him and he kiss me

“I know you won’t do anything to hurt me”


“I don’t trust him, he is going to hurt you, and I know it” he sounded sure

“How can you know that? You just met him”

“Please, just”

“Tell me, how can you know? because looks like you know something” I challenged

“I… just… be careful OK, and call me if you need to” I nodded and kiss him, he left, I walked inside the house, I looked up to face Garry, is strange how I felt this way, I never did before, it was like I wanted him to go take off running away from him screaming of fury

“Are you OK?” I asked him

“Yes, now I am” he said with smirk

“Look, you better stop with this game, I don’t love you, you don’t love me, don’t ruin my life please, I have never seen Sedriff so mad and desperate before, so please”

“You really like him don’t you?” he asked me

“Yes I do” I reply

“Well seems like I have to play clean on this one”

“Garry if you want me to still be your friend you will stop this” I snapped angry I was about to continue to yell at him, but I couldn’t, I fell on the sofa, trying to think, he sat next to me, silence took over the room, a few minutes passed, and then

“I’m home” I heard from the door

I turn to see who it was “dad” I said

“Mr. Ackart” Garry said

“Look at you Garry” he said looking at the few bruises that Garry had on his face “it must hurt really bad, oh well, tell me how is your father?” after those words I knew this would be a long night.
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sorry i took so long... long chapter to make up for it n_______-n enjoy