Los Hombres Lobo

The New World part 2

We landed at The New World and we thanked the captain and the crew men for letting us ride with them. We walked around the village but we didn’t have any money to rent a room so we walked out of the village into the woods. We found a cave to sleep in and Malerar, Ivar, and Vear fall fast asleep. I was thinking about home and wishing that the towns’ people never found out what we were. I was about to go to sleep when I heard rustling in the woods. I woke up the boys and tell them to be quite and head toward the village. I went to go see what was making that noise but she hears Malerar scream out of pain and ran for them.
There were two drunken men from the village. They had Malerar by the arm and was twisting it at an angle that looked like it would break.
“Ha, see I told you these three brats weren’t alone” said Stranger 1. The man that has Malerar started to twist Malerar’s arm even more. And Malerar screams out in pain.
“Let go of him!!!!” yells Boran.
“Ooooh, it looks like we got a fighter here. Seems like she doesn’t want us to touch the little brats” said Stranger 2.
The Stranger 2 grabbed a hold of Ivar. Boran screamed "NO!!" at the strangers. She attacked the first stranger with inhuman speed and strength. She also gets a hold of Stranger 2 before he knows what is going on.
“Now let go of Malerar before I rip your arm clear off your body!” growls Boran.
He let go of him and I shoved him into a bush. Both Stranger 1 and Stranger 2 took off running in fear towards the village. I didn’t bother going after them because I knew no one would believe them since they are both drunk.
“Sis calm down…………you need to calm down before you shift. That is what you’ve always told us when we get to angry” said Malerar.
“I’m trying Malerar, I’m trying but I can’t. You were in danger, I couldn’t help it” growled Boran.
Malerar yelled at Vear to go get some water. But I was too far gone, I had shifted by the time Vear came back with water. I crouched low so Malerar, Ivar, and Vear could climb onto my back. I took off up the mountain so we wouldn’t be disturbed. When we found another cave to sleep in the boys fell asleep first but eventually I did to. When I woke up I smelt burning fish and saw that the boys started a fire. But I didn’t see Quimana until she walked in my line of sight.
When Vear saw that I was a wake he took off to get me some water. Ivar is complaining that Vear burnt all the fish that Malerar caught while Quimana helped me up. She asked me what happened to make me set off like that. I usually have better control than that. When I told Quimana what I remembered we decided that it is time to leave just in case those guys try to come back.
We walked into the village a couple hours later. We notice that everybody was staring at us and tried to figure out why. Malerar was looking at a window and saw a picture of me. He said “Hey sis. Look it’s you.”
Quimana walks up and takes the picture down. The picture said wanted for questioning. Name is unknown, where she is from is unknown. Boran asked, “What’s going on? Why was my picture up on a wanted poster?” We all were staring at the poster and notice that someone had got the police. The police officer came up without any questions and arrested me.
The officer took me to the police station and locked me up. The officers there were giving me the evil eye but I had no idea what is going on. I kept asking and asking but no one would talk to me. Finally Quimana, Malerar, Ivar, and Vear came to try and get me out but the police wouldn’t let them near me, so the police took them to the questioning room. Then the two strangers walked in and saw me. They screamed “That’s her, that’s the one who beat us up no reason.”
“Wait, what is going on here?” asked Boran.
“You are arrested for assault and battering.” said the Officer John.
I realized what is happening and said “Who are they?”
The police officer not falling for my tricks said “You know very well who these men are. You are the one who jumped them in the woods and beat for no reason.”
”I didn’t attack them for any reason. They had a hold of my brother and “cousins”. They were also drunk. They were twisting Malerar’s arm. It could have been broken.” said Boran.
“LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!” yelled Stranger 1.
“I had just lost my home in the old world. I do not need this.” said Boran as I was getting ready to kick down the door. That was when Quimana walked in and said stop. I dropped my leg and sat on the bed glaring. The police officer and the two strangers looked confused because Quimana looked younger than me . They are trying to figure out why I would listen to someone younger than me.
Quimana has an act of lying so she used it against them. She said “Well the part of beating them up is true, but the rest, like a beating for no reason, is a lie. We were sleeping peacefully when I had to go to the restroom so I asked Boran while I was out to go gather some logs. About five minutes after both of us left we heard the boys scream. When we got there were these two men, who smelt of alcohol by the way, hurting the boys. Our natural instincts kicked in and we rescued the boys.”
Before the officer got a chance to say anything Stranger 2 said “I don’t remember seeing you, and we only had a “few” drinks.”
After hearing what Stranger 2 said the officer let me go and started in on the two guys. The two men were yelling and screaming and cussing and even tried to get me back. The police officer had to lock them up for the night. The officer noticed that we were leaving town with a bag full of food and asked if he can escort us back to where we are staying.
We all hesitated and the officer noticed and got suspicious. He took the bag any way walked with them. As we walked he realized that we were walking farther and farther away from civilization. Next thing he knows we stopped and say we’re here. He looks around for a house or something and sees nothing. We say thank you take the food and walk away. He watches us as we climb in a cave.