Los Hombres Lobo

After Math

Some of the village people saw this happen and watched in aww. We went after the men that attacked the village. Soon after the air was filled with the screams of the attackers instead of the villagers. Not long after the men either were killed or ran off. I heard quite a few villagers say “*Nantom”. Quimana and I looked around and saw that none of the villagers were afraid of us. Malerar, Ivar, and Vear all came up to us and looked around as Quimana and I picked up our clothes and trotted to the trees to get dressed.
We walked out from the trees confused cause no one was trying to either kill us or run us off. The Chief ran up to us but instead of yelling at us and kicking us out of his village he thanked us. The Chief said “Thank you Nantoms for protecting my village.”
I looked confused and asked “What does Nantom mean? I have been hearing the villagers say that for a while now.”
The Chief said “It means Spirit Wolf. The spirit protector of the Hunt.”
Boran looked a little shocked while the Chief continued “Nantom is one of our many spirit protectors. It has seem that you have been given the blessing of Nantom. That is evident with how you two were able to turn into wolves.”
“Thank you again for saving our village” the Chief said.
Quimana and I smiled and said “No need for thanks.”
Malerar, Vear, and Ivar walked up to us and tiredly asked “Do we have to leave now?”
The Chief said “No you don’t have to leave. You can stay here as long as you want.”
The boys smiled and then all three yawned and the Chief said “Ok everyone find a place to sleep we will clean when the sun rises”
The boys, Quimana, and I followed the Chief and Chilam back to their lodge so we can go back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning just as the sun started to rise. I silently left the lodge and started to clean up the mess that was in front of the Chief’s lodge. I spent a few hours cleaning before I heard the villagers start to stir in their lodges. Chilam silently left the lodge and came over to help me clean.
By the time everyone was up and moving Chilam and I had the gathering area all clean so we can eat after we go fishing since most of the food was destroyed last night. A lot of the males left to go hunt as i left to go fish and collect some berries to eat.
I listened to all of the wild life around me as I made my way to the river. Before I got to the river I found a big patch of long grass. I sat down and used the grass to make two big bowls for the fish and berries. I looked for berries first since those won’t start to spoil in the sun to quickly. After I got a big bowl full of berries I made my way to the river and walked into the river and let my eyes turn red and nails grow into claws.
I hand caught fish for about 20 mins until the bowl is full. I grabbed both bowls and made my way to the village. On the way there I ran into Malerar, Vear, and Ivar who were collecting wood to starts fires. They ran ahead with arms full of firewood as they laughed. I chuckled and shook my head and the looked to the north and saw that the men that left this morning were coming back with a couple of deers.
A fire was going by the time i walked into the village. I placed the fish and berries down and the village women got to work cooking the fish and roasting the berries. I went over and started helping the people clean up and help them carry any dead that they found. They had people digging holes for their dead. We lined the dead up so they know how many holes to dig and be respectful.
I saw that Malerar, Vear, and Ivar were goofing off so I yelled “Boys!! Come and do something instead of goofing around.”
They grumbled and went to go help the other children clean. I sighed and shook my head as I finished this area and went to go to a different area to clean but everyone was called to the fire cause the food was done.
We cleaned all day and when night finally fell the village looked like how it did before the attack. Everyone was tired from the long day of hard work. I had picked Malerar and Vear up and Quimana had picked up Ivar. We laid them down in the lodge while Chilam and the Chief got in their beds. After the boys were laid down Quimana and I went to our beds and fell asleep.
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Sorry it's been a while I didn't have a computer to do my story on. So I am sorry for the late update.
*Nantom means Wolf (literal text The Hunter) But in the story I am going to have it mean spirit wolf.