Bad Luck Hannah

Well There's An Idea

Josh POV

"Okay, what the hell was that?" I demanded, smacking Rickys foot out of the way as he crawled into the front seat, nearly nailing me in the face. He was always so weird about sitting in the back.
"What was what?" Chris asked innocently, turning back onto the main highway, a small, smug little smile on his lips that told me he knew exactly what I meant, the asshole.
"Fucking that! That smile! She fucking smiled at you!" I scowled at him, wanting to punch that smirk off his face.
He was making progress with her and I couldn’t even get her to look at me.
in fact, I was pretty sure she hated me the way she'd cringed when she realized I was even in the same vacinity as her; come on, I hadn't even done anything that bad, she'd just freaked out prematurely.
She was so weird.
"She was just thanking me for helping her out today, Josh, calm down," Chris rolled his eyes at me, though he looked smug as fuck.
Yeah, keep looking like that when I finally fuck her, I thought with a glare.
"What happened, anyway?" Ricky asked curiously, buckling hastily when Chris sent him a look; he was really weird about car safety.
"Her brother had her in the parking lot, looked like he was about to hit her," I could see Chris face darken. I think his step-dad had been abusive to him and his little sister before his mom had finally left him, so when it came to stuff like that it really struck a nerve."I punched him, I think I might've broke his nose."
"What?" Ricky looked horrified. "Why would he try to hit her? She's so little!"
"I dunno, man, he's a piece of shit."
He really was.
"He didn’t hurt her, though, right?" I asked, and Chris shook his head.
Not that I actually cared or anything.
"Nah, she's okay. He just freaked her out."
"I don’t doubt It, poor Hannah," Ricky sighed. "What luck was it you got out of detention early because of your 'job'?"
Chris grinned slightly, and we all chuckled.
None of us had fucking jobs.
I wasn't even sure how all of us were making it as of now except that our parents were still handing us money when we asked, which was such a miracle considering we'd all moved out already.
I sighed, leaning back against the seat, staring out the window at the passing trees.
I wanted to be resentful, but I was incredibly relieved that he'd gotten there to keep her brother from hurting her. I didn't like Jason, I don't see why anyone would as cruel as he appeared go be; I didn't know what his issue was, but people like him crashed and burned eventually.
No wonder Hannah didn’t like to be touched, he really was abusive to her.
I'd never met her parents, I didn’t know anything about her family, but I would imagine if they knew, they would stop him from hurting her.
I doubted she would ever tell them, though.
She would barely speak.
maybe he scared her into silence?
Fuck I didn't know.
but If I was her dad I would beat the absolute shit out of my kid if I found out they were bullying someone.
I ran my hand through my dark hair thoughtfully.
Her parents...
Well there was an idea.