Bad Luck Hannah

It Never Gets Better

I chewed my lip as I sat in the library, trying to find books on the stupid topic Jason needed.
Why couldn't he's just move out already and give me some peace?
I wasn't sure why I was even doing this again, it's not like he could force me to write an essay or tell on me to Mom and Dad.
Mr. Turner was busy showing some freshman how the books were organized, so I was left to my own devices, which I appreciated.
I ambled around, my fingers tracing the shelves as I made my way to the back, searching for the book I needed. I was looking up, my eyes trying to see the higher levels, when I tripped.
I flailed, staggering, and landed hard across someones lap. "Oof!"
"Jeez, you like falling for me or something?"
I looked over, my face flaming.
It was one of the guys from earlier, the first one I'd bumped into and lost all my papers.
And now I was sprawled across his lap where I'd tripped over his bags.
He looked at me in amusement as I scrambled off of him, horrified.
He had big gages in his ears, probably the biggest I'd ever seen, and big blue eyes. He was kind of cute, which only made this so much more embarrassing.
I got to my feet, and started to turn away, but stopped, seeing Chris coming down the aisle, laughing.
"Hey, Hannah, I see you've rammed into Josh again."
It was my bad luck.
I glanced down where "Josh" continued to sit cross-legged, and I bit my lip, taking a hasty step to the side so Chris could plop down beside them.
"Hannah, huh? You look like a Hannah, " Josh looked up at me where I hovered.
The book I needed was literally right behind his head.
I just needed the book and I could go.
"Um," I hesitated, gazing at the title, and both boys twisted a little, looking behind them.
"Do you need a book?"
"Yeah." my voice was small.
"Which one?"
I pointed.
Josh nabbed it out of the shelf, glancing over the title.
"Huh, we have have a paper due over that subject this week," Chris glanced at it as Josh tossed it to me, and I clutched it to my chest. "What do you need it for?"
"My brother."
"He the guy you talked to at lunch before literally running out of the room?" Chris asked, and I blinked at him.
How did ... Why had he noticed me leaving?
I shrugged, unsure what to say.
"He's in my English lit, kind of an asshole, no offense."
Definitely none taken.
Why were they up here, anyway? didn't the two of them have class?
Not that it was my business.
I looked at the book in my hand, and grimaced, seeing how thick it was.
I didn't have time to read all of this.
I really didn't want too, either.
"Hannah? You over there?" I heard Mr. Turner call, and I turned automatically.
"Yeah, just a minute!" I started hastily toward the direction of his voice, relieved he'd gotten me out of that awkward situation.
I didn't do well with people.
Any people.
I was so backwards I couldn't even hold a conversation, and it was pathetic.
And I knew it.
But for some reason, it never got better.