Bad Luck Hannah

I Wanna Hear Her Moan

Josh POV

I slipped my fingers through Hannah's as I guided her towards the den again. We'd gotten here a few minutes before the guys, who'd all been under strict orders to take their time getting home and not to bother us unless they wanted me to kick the absolute shit out of them.
After the little scene at lunch today, they were all still pretty wary around me.
So I had her basically all to myself.
Now all I had to do was get her naked and sleep with her so I could be done with this.
I glanced at her as we settled on the sofa again, seeing her fingers knotted nervously in her lap.
Yeah, that was totally going to happen.
She didn't really like me touching her still, though she didn't seem to mind the kissing all that much.
She was a work in progress.
"What do you wanna watch?" I asked, pulling up Netflix. She shrugged, looking down at her hands, and I sighed, picking the first movie that popped up.
Her eyes flicked to me as the opening scene came on.
"The Mortal Instruments?"
"Yeah, do you not like it?" I said quickly, though I had absolutely no idea what it was; it was just on my suggested list so I just went with it.
"Er, I like it, I just... I'm surprised you... Know what it is."
I had no fucking idea what it was.
"Uh, well, yeah, it's cool," I nodded. Instruments... Fuck was this a musical or something? Well I had just fucked up. Trying to get someone to make out with you while people sang in the background wasn't on my bucket list.
Hannah looked at me curiously, then shrugged, turning to look back at the movie. I glanced at her a moment, letting my arms rest along the back of the couch. I liked stretching out, it helped me relax, and I was hoping my nerves would chill out long enough so I could be smooth when I attempted to kiss her.
I pursed my lips, watching as this red headed girl ran around drawing weird symbols everywhere; they didn't appear to be singing, but she did scream a lot.
What the fuck was this about?
I was confused.
Why was she being attacked by dogs that morphed into slime creatures?
I glanced at Hannah, seeing she had propped her chin on her hand as she watched the movie, only halfway interested; she must have watched it before, then. Did she know what was going on?
I pursed my lips, and shifted, getting the tiniest bit closer to her. I did it a couple more times, more and more obviously, and Hannah sent me an almost annoyed look when my hip finally bumped hers.
"What? Can I not sit this close to you?" I grinned at her, letting my arm slip down over her shoulders. I felt her tense instantly, but it wasn't as bad as usual.
Was she getting more used to me?
She looked away from me, biting her lower lip nervously, and my eyes were drawn to it.
I wanted to be the one biting those lips.
I shifted before I got ahead of myself, giving her time to relax against me before I intiated phase 2 of my plan.
"So, um, Hannah?"
She glanced at me.
"Do you.... Wanna make out?"
Smooth, Balz, real smooth.
Her eyes widened slightly as she turned to actually look at me, her cheeks reddening. Yeah, I hadn't meant for it to sound like that, now I came off kind of stupid.
Well that was embarrassing.
"Are you serious?"
"Yep." I braced my arm against the back of the couch as I twisted to face her, seeing her shrink back against the cushions almost shyly.
I would break her of that.
She wouldn't be shy by the time I was done with her.
her future boyfriends would be very appreciative.
"So do you?" I prodded, gazing at her.
How many colors of red could this poor girl turn?
She just looked down, obviously too blown away by my smoothness that she couldn't answer me.
I would just have to take control like usual.
I let my fingers brush under her chin, gently forcing her face up, letting my lips brush her cheek.
I felt her inhale sharply as my lips trailed to her ear, and I tugged lightly at her lobe with my teeth before pressing soft kisses down her throat to her neck, and she jumped slightly.
Heh heh heh.
Score for Balz.
I'd found her sweet spot.
I let my other hand drift to the cushion beside her hip as I leaned carefully closer, nuzzling her throat.
I was going to figure out how to seduce her if it was the last thing I did.
"J-Josh," Hannah started to pull away from me, looking embarrassed. I felt her fingers curl into the sleeve of my shoulder as I leaned with her, still kissing her neck.
I felt her shiver.
This was positive.
"What is it?" I murmured, making my way back to her jaw, my fingers slipping onto her hip.
"I-I, u-um ---."
I chuckled, and kissed her quickly, my hand burying in her hair and pulling her forward, hearing her make a small sound of surprise that literally boiled my blood.
She kissed me back uncertainly, and I felt her hand rest on my knee where it pressed into her thigh. She leaned forward into my kiss, and I let my tongue trail across her lip, begging for entrance.
She hesitated before parting them.
And I liked the fact she was such a quick learner; some girls I'd kissed had been awful, at least with Hannah she would know what I liked and how to do it.
Mainly because I was the only person she'd ever kissed.
Which made it even better, I guess.
I felt her breath against my cheek as she sighed, her hand rising to cup my cheek instinctively. I let my fingers trail slowly from her hip to her knee, the material of her jeans rough. She jerked slightly as I let my fingers slip to her inner thigh, and she pulled away from me with a gasp, trying to catch her breath.
"J-Josh, w-wait," she stammered, her blue eyes bright as they looked into mine. "I ---."
"I know," I murmured, pecking her lips. "I'm not pushing. I just... Like touching you."
Please don't let that be as lame as it sounded.
She hesitated, staring at me a couple seconds, obviously wondering how serious I was.
I kissed her before she thought too hard on it.
In my experience, when women started thinking, it always ended badly.
I brought her a little closer to me, glad the only lights on were from the TV, so the room was pretty dark; my uncle always kept the windows covered with those thickass curtains, so it wasn't like there was any sunlight.
Which made this easier.
For some reason they always liked it dark.
I felt her hand finally curl into my hair, clenching when my teeth caught her lower lip, and she actually pressed closer to me, her other hand clenching in the material of my T-shirt.
I pressed my lips against her neck, turning her slightly so she was leaning against my arm, and worked my way down to her spot again. I nipped at it, and her fingers flexed.
Now to leave my mark.
And to make it clear no one else was to fucking touch her.
As if I hadn't made that blaringly obvious at school already.
I pressed her harder against the cushions, my hand slipping from her hip up her ribs lightly, sort of disappointed when she didn't appear to be ticklish. I wanted to hear her gasp, moan --- something.
And so I did.
I bit down a little harder then necessary on her throat, and she gasped in my ear, her nails abruptly digging into my skin where they touched me. I think my blood pressure rose ten degrees at the sound, and it was all I could do not to push her against the cushions and devour her right then.
"Josh!" she hissed, shoving back from me with an irritated expression.
"Sorry," I muttered, pleased; there would be no missing that hickey unless you were blind.
She frowned at me, and I chuckled, leaning forward to kiss her swollen lips. I really did like kissing her, I couldn't help myself.
She was fucking precious.