Bad Luck Hannah

What Did He DO!?

Josh POV

"You're such an ass, dude," I laughed, shoving at Ryan as we walked to my car. He grinned, dodging my hit and hurrying to the passenger side, chuckling.
I'd gotten detention for not turning in some lame ass paper, or, well, more likely because I'd called the warden of detention a dick and that had gotten me some extra time. Luckily Ryan had been there, and I'd told Chris I'd drive him to make it easier if he'd take Hannah home for me before it began to rain.
I could tell it had showered over the parking lot, my car was soaked, and I grimaced as I unlocked it, water getting all over my fingers.
I hated living in a rainy state.
"Did you get a good whiff of Chris today?" Ryan asked as he climbed in, immediately fiddling with the music, HIM blasting over the speakers after a few seconds so loud I had to strain to hear him. "Smelled like he smoked all of Rickys stash."
"He did? I've not seen him," I frowned. I'd just texted him to take Hannah home, I hadn't really seen him much today. He wasn't at lunch, I'd just assumed he was slouching around outside somewhere.
"Yeah, dude, he was baked," Ryan chuckled, rolling his window down to let air flow into the car; it was stuffy as fuck. "Smelled rank too. Probably won't be any food at the house when we get back."
Yeah the munchies were hardcore on that shit.
And I wished I'd known that before I'd asked him to take Hannah home.
"So, how was the night you spent with Hannah?" Ryan yawned, stretching his arms as I pulled out onto the street. "Make any headway? I hadn't had a chance to ask."
"Some. But she might as well have a electric fence down there for all it was worth," I sighed, thumping my fingers against the wheel along with the beat of the music. "She wouldn't even let me between her legs."
"So you're probably gonna end up buying me food for two weeks," he grinned. "You knew she wasn't gonna open up easy. Considering you were her first kiss, it'll probably take you years to get her thighs apart."
I rolled my eyes.
"She's coming around," I muttered, sighing as the rain suddenly fell from the sky the closer we got to home. I hastily turned the wipers on. "Han's a lot more relaxed around me now."
"You sound like you're pretty relaxed around her too," Ryan raised his brows at me. "She has a nickname now? You remember this is just for kicks, right? We don't keep women around."
"Yeah, I know, man," I mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
We didnt get girlfriends, that was our pact. We'd both been fucked over, his last girlfriend had slept with his brother and gotten pregnant. He didn't like talking about it, didn't blame him, I would be pissed and bitter too. Probably more so at my brother then her, considering he was supposed to be family.
"But," Ryan started drawing shapes on the window where it fogged over, "if you really like her that much, you COULD always make it official, yknow? Make her your girlfriend... For bet purposes of course."
Was he serious?
I glanced over at him with a frown.
Did he actually want me to date Hannah for real or something?
I was confused.
"Think about it," he continued, drawing what looked like a cat on the glass. "She's never had a boyfriend, she doesn't know what to expect. And unless you guys are officially together she's probably not going to let you in her pants; all the good girls like that want some kind of commitment, yknow? So ask her out. If she turns you down, it won't make much difference."
But that seemed even more cruel to do.
I scowled at the thought.
To make her my girlfriend, officially, only to sleep with her and then break up with her? At least now I didn't have any real ties to her and she couldn't get too mad at me if I just slept with her once and kind of dwindled off afterwards.
I felt like shit about this whole thing now.
I DID like Hannah, and I wasn't sure when that had started, either. She was sweet and actually sincere, and she meant well. She had a little more issues then some girls, but that just meant she needed someone there for her.
And I didn't mind being there.
I wanted to help her out when I could, and damn was she really picking up on the whole kissing thing.
Sad thing was, I wasn't even that focused on getting in her pants anymore. When I got around her, all I wanted to do was make her feel better or laugh or something.
Which was weird.
I kept up a good game for the guys, but I doubted I would win it either. Hannah wouldn't really let me touch her much, she wasn't comfortable yet, and I wasn't about to push it too much where I scared her or made her feel threatened or anything.
I figured Jason did that enough.
I slowly pulled to a stop in front of the house, seeing Devin and Chris were already here, Kylies car behind theirs to let me know she and probably Jessica were around.
Eh, Jessica.
She kept looking at me like she wanted to talk, and I'd rather go deaf.
"I wish this rain would stop," Ryan grumbled as he slung his backpack over his shoulder, preparing himself to make a run for it. "I fucking hate rain."
"Me and you both," I snorted, feeling my phone go off as I started out of the car. I made it to the porch before I fished it from my pocket; I wasn't about to sacrifice this expensive ass phone in the rain.
Why was Hannah calling?
Eh, was she mad because I didn't drive her home and kind of ditched her with Chris?
It hadn't been intentional.
I sighed as I pressed answer, Ryan giving me a look as he saw who it was.
"Hello?" I had a pit in my stomach she was going to yell at me.
I hesitated; she sounded... Scared.
"Hannah? What's wrong?" I demanded, turning away from the house. She was beyond scared, she was stuttering and making any sense.
What the fuck was wrong? Had someone hurt her? I would fucking smash her brothers face in if he'd touched her!
"Hannah? Okay, calm down. What's happened?" I asked, completely bypassing my porch steps as I took off back for my car, the rain immediately drenching my clothes. I jerked my car door open, slamming it shut harder then I'd meant too. "Is it Jason? Did he hurt you?"
I'd heard Ryan call after me when I'd sprinted out, but I didn't give him another look as I switched the car in reverse and slammed the gas, backing out of the driveway so fast I left marks in the gravel.
I kept trying to get her to talk, she was freaking me the fuck out.
What had happened?
Why was she --- was she hurt?
Why wouldn't she give me a straight answer?
There wasn't any cars in her driveway when I pulled to a stop, and I didn't think twice about running through the rain to the porch, my phone clenched in my hand.
I frowned, seeing her school books sitting just outside the door, looking damp. Why were they outside?
"Hannah? Hannah, open the door!" I ordered, banging my hand against it when she didn't immediately. I felt my gut tighten, and I took a step back, intent on looking for the spare key or crawling through her bedroom window.
And then the door opened.
Hannah stood there, and I don't think I'd ever seen her so... Frazzled. She looked like she'd been swimming, her clothes and hair wet and only drying in certain places. She just kind of looked at me a moment, and I could see her eyes start to fill with tears.
I stepped forward, but she beat me to the punch, practically throwing herself into my arms with a sob, hers wrapping tightly around my neck, fingers as cold as ice.
I held her back, and hesitated, realizing I had my phone in one hand and my car keys in the other.
"Hannah?" I asked softly, not sure what the fuck I was supposed to be doing right now. "Baby, what's wrong?"
She stiffened, and then just shook her head over and over, her grip becoming choking around my neck.
Time for some TLC.
"come on," I mumbled, forcing her to take several steps back until we were inside the house. I kicked the door shut behind me, carefully walking her to the couch, feeling how bad she was shaking.
Jesus what had happened?
"Hannah, baby?" I brushed her hair out of her face, feeling how stiff it was. She was freezing to the touch from not getting out of her wet clothes, and she was going to get sick.
Okay, so get her new clothes, step one.
Step two, dry her hair.
Step three, see if there was any nerve pills or muscle relaxers around and give her some.
And thirty minutes later I had managed to accomplish all that and get her tucked into bed with minimal difficulty.
Shocking, really.
"See? It's okay," I told her gently, laying down beside her over the covers, absently stroking her hair. "I'm here and you're safe. You don't have to be scared."
Her eyes wandered up to mine, so dilated I could barely see the blue; someone had absolutely no tolerance to drugs whatsoever.
She didn't say anything, just snuggled closer to me, curling her cold fingers against my neck. I sighed, slipping my arm over her waist as I pulled her closer. She was so cold it was ridiculous, and this was the only way I knew to get her warm quickly.
"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked gently, running my fingers through her hair. She shook her head, pressing her face against my chest, and I frowned.
Why wouldn't she tell me what had upset her so bad?
"Well, uh, you know the party Ricky wants to have?"
Maybe I could make her think about something else.
"He's decided he just wants it to be a small thing with some of our good friends over. From Red, and a couple towns over. I'm thinking you'll like them," I murmured, hoping she wasn't too freaked out when they brought out the drugs and started smoking.
I wasn't sure if she knew we did shit or not.
Had I ever mentioned it?
I couldn't remember.
Welp, that would be interesting.
"They'll be some smoking and shit, though," I said before I could talk myself out of it. "So we can leave before all that starts."
Welp, better to go ahead and tell her now, while she was high and couldn't give me that uncertain expression of doom --- at least she couldn't say that I didn't tell her at all; wasn't my fault she probably just wouldn't remember.
She shuffled, and I felt her arm slip from beneath the blanket and curl around my waist, and she nuzzled my neck, mumbling something under her breath that I couldn't understand.
If only I could really take advantage of this situation.
"Hey, what time do your parents get home?" I asked, suddenly realizing how bad this would look if they suddenly decided to come home and find us snuggled up in bed half naked --- well, her in pajamas but not all parents saw it that way.
"Dad's outta town," she yawned, her blue eyes roving the ceiling of her room. "Mom works until 'leven. Jasons never home anymore," she slurred, and I chuckled, finding way more humor in her being high then I should.
I wonder how she would be on the hardcore stuff that tommy always had.
Not that I was sure I wanted her to try that shit. I mean, it would get you so baked after a few hits you would start seeing shit --- or pass out in Rickys case anyway; no matter how many times he smoked it he never got a better tolerance.
I chewed my lip as I thought about it, deciding I would probably just keep her away from it if I could. She didn't need to get into that shit anyway, not because of me. Kylie had converted over because of Devin, but it had just made her into a bigger bitch in my opinion.
And if they were any example to go by, that's definitely not what I wanted.
I felt Hannah relax even more against me, meaning she had fallen asleep, and I absently stroked her hair as I laid there with her. I would have to have my ass out of here by eleven so we wouldn't get busted, but I was absolutely dying to know what had set her off.
She said Jason wasn't home, and I hadn't seen his car out there or any clues that would suggest he'd been here.
So what had happened?
Chris had been the last person around her, had he done something?
He'd been high, what if he had? What the fuck could that asshole have done to freak out my girl so bad she wouldn't even tell me? Had he made a fucking move on her or something?
I'd known he'd liked her, but if he had, he should have said something in the beginning and laid claims before all this other bullshit started and I got attached to her.
It was his own fault for being a wuss about it.
So he was shit out of luck.
And I would break his nose if I found out he'd done this to her, if he'd touched her or made a move on her or said some kind of shit ---.
he didn't TELL her, did he? About the bet?
No, no I didn't think so. She wouldn't have called me over here like this if it had been something like that, she would never want to see me again or speak to me or anything like that.
So he hadn't told her about it.
So then what the fuck had he done?
Yeah, I was fucking pinning all of this on him, because he was the last person around her, and obviously no one else was here to set her off into such a frightened panic that she needed nerve pills to even get any sleep.
So when I got home, I was going to beat the absolute shit out of his face.
Even if I had to use a step stool to do it.
I grimaced, feeling my phone go off again in my pocket where I'd slipped it. I maneuvered it out quickly, glancing down at the screen to see Ryan and basically everyone BUT Chris had been sending me texts trying to find out what was wrong.
A guilty fucking conscience, eh?
I wasn't as much as an idiot as everyone seemed to think I was, I caught on to shit pretty quick.
He'd done something to her.
And when I found out I would kill him.

Me: Hannah had a freakout, IDK what happened, b back later
Ricky: is she ok?
Ryan: what freaked her out man
Devin: does she need something?

Me: shes fine gave her some pills shes sleeping whats chris doing
Ricky: locked in his room i think the ass smoked my shit
Ryan: did he do something

So Ryan was on the same track that I was on.
I wasn't quite sure if he had or not yet, but when Hannah woke up and I weaseled it out of her --- because trust me, I could break her eventually, that had already been proven --- I would kick his ass out of my house and not give a fuck where he went.
I'd known he and Kylie were close, I'd been waiting on them to fuck around for a while, but I hadn't expected him to make a move on hannah like that. It didn't make any sense to me, and yeah, I could get that he was high and not in his right senses, but that didn't make it okay.
God I was so pissed at him.

Me: I dunno if he did or not but he was the last person to see hannah
Devin: hes passed out in his room, I just checked
Ricky: what the hell is going on? Did he freak her out?

Me: IDK but I'm going to break his face if he fucking touched her i swear to god
Ryan: whoa bro its ok calm down im sure he didnt do anything like that
Me: you said he was high as fuck who knows if he did or not
Devin: lets not jump to conclusions we dont know anything
Devin: has Hannah said anything about it?

Me: no she wouldnt tell me anything just cried and then i doped her up because i had no idea how to calm her down im fucking serious guys if he fucking did something to her his ass is dead i will kick him the fuck out
Ricky: dude you gotta calm down

Devin: dont jump to anything yet Josh you dont know anything find out
Devin: what happened first and then when you're calmed down you can figure
Devin: out what to do from there we dont want to make any unnecessary decisions

Of course they would protect him like that.
Hell, I would protect him like that if I didn't want to go all Jason on his ass.
I scowled at my phone, quickly texting them back.

Me: well what the fuck should I be doing then huh i cant leave hannah right now until i know shes good and if hes passed out on tommys shit i cant exactly ask him now can i
Ricky: just ask him tomorrow everything should be chill by then ill make sure to hide my stash so he doesnt know
Ricky: where to get anymore of it so hell have to be chill again hes only like this because
Ricky: he feels bad about making out wiht Kilie

Devin: KYLIE not kilie you make her sound like some kind of murderer
Ryan: well she murdered your free will didnt she
Devin: fuck you ryan

here we go again.
This is why I didn't like doing group chats.
Though for some reason I always ended up doing it without even thinking about it. It was just easier doing it this way then having to talk to all of them individually.
Thank you social networking for making plotting my ex best friends demise so much easier.
Hannah shifted slightly, and I glanced down at her, seeing her face pinching in her sleep. I hesitated, setting my phone down behind me and curling my arms around her, snuggling her close to my chest in case she was getting cold again.
She seemed to settle a little after that, but she still seemed to be restless, and I didnt blame her.
Chris was so fucked when I got ahold of him.
I would break his face.
Fuck, I would break his car.
That would get his attention better.
I would destroy everything he loved, and that included his xbox and his guitar and his fucking awesome collection of games and ---.
I could plot all that later.
Right now, I needed to figure out how to make Hannah feel better. Would she want something to eat when she woke up? Hell, I didn't know where anything was in this house.
I didn't know how to take care of her.
Dammit dammit DAMMIT.
I glanced at the time, seeing it was already getting late, and my body was getting stiff from laying in the same position for so long; my arm had been numb for probably an hour now.
I shuffled, trying not to wake her as I quietly rolled into a sitting position. It was getting late, almost eight now, and I needed to figure something out. I couldn't exactly spend the night here, but I needed to do SOMETHING.
I felt like I had too.
I had to make it better, somehow. I couldn't just leave her when she was so upset, I just couldn't.
This was my fault.
I was such an asshole.
I never should have started this in the first place.
I ---.
I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Hannah's eyes were open, though dazed and sleepy-looking. I forced a smile as I turned to look at her, brushing her tangled hair out of her face.
"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?"
"Fine," she mumbled, burrowing her face into the pillow. "What time is it?"
"About eight something. You want anything to eat or ---?"
"No, I'm not hungry."
"Oh." I frowned, looking at her. I twisted the purple sheet between my fingers a few seconds, not sure what to say or do that wouldn't fuck this up all over again. "Do you... want anything?"
Her eyes flicked to my face, and then away, as if she was embarrassed.
She didn't need to feel that way.
I scowled, laying back down beside her, my arm slipping around her blanketed waist. I pressed my lips against her forehead, and she sighed, closing her eyes at my touch.
"You sure you're okay?" I murmured, and she nodded slightly.
"Yeah, I --- I shouldn't have freaked like that, I'm, I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry. Something scared you, that's all it was." Fucking tell me what it was and I"ll make sure it never happens again.
"It shouldn't have," she muttered, sounding irritated with herself. "I don't know... what's wrong with me, I ---."
"There's nothing wrong with you," I said immediately, pulling away to look at her face, seeing how red her cheeks were. "It wasn't your fault at all, Chris is just an asshole."
That definitely got her attention.
Her eyes flew to my face, looking surprised for a few seconds.
"Yeah, I know he did something, I'm not an idiot. He was the last person around you." I stared at her, refusing to let her break her gaze from mine. "So I'm going to break his face when I get home whether you tell me what he did or not. And trust me, I've had plenty of hours to imagine what he could have done and none of them are pretty." I snorted, flexing my fingers.
"Josh, dont," she stared at meI cl, her face pinched, and then forced herself to sit up, her hair curtaining her face where she looked down at me. "Just leave him alone, okay?"
"Why are you defending him?" I frowned, starting to feel confused. "He freaked you out so bad I had too ---."
"It wasnt his fault!"
"Why wasnt it his fault?"
"He, he was high and he didnt mean too ---."
"Didn't mean to what, Hannah? What did he do? Did he touch you? Force himself on you?" I demanded, rising up as well. Her face went crimson, and she shook her head quickly, looking down.
"Then what the fuck did he do?" I pushed, refusing to let it go. "Just tell me!"
She just stared at her hands, refusing to answer, and I saw them clench in the bedsheets, her nerves starting to get the best of her.
Attack mode didn't work with her, it just made her sull up, kind of like an armadillo or possum or whatever. The more you came at them, the more they retracted --- until they bit back, of course.
And I didn't want to push so much at Hannah that she started to cry or punched me or something.
I clenched my jaw, and then blew my breath out huffily, beyond irritated.
"Hannah, baby, you can tell me," I said after a moment, forcing myself to relax. "You know you can."
"You'll hurt him," she mumbled after a moment, forcing the words out. "And he's really nice, and he didn't mean too."
"I know he probably didn't," I agreed, brushing her hair behind her ear so I could look at her. "And I promise I... I won't do anything to him, if you don't want me too."
Lying through my teeth probably wasnt a good thing, but... being agreeable seemed to work better then yelling.
Her eyes flicked warily to my face, and I could tell she didnt believe me for one second.
Hannah was a lot smarter then I was currently giving her credit for, even though she was doped up.
"Can we... can we just pretend that this didnt happen?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and smearing what little remained of her makeup. "P-please? I, I don't want to, to ---."
"We can just forget about it," I said quickly, feeling my gut tighten. I didn't want her to start that, her nerves so bad she was stuttering and afraid to say anything around me. I had just gotten her comfortable, I didn't want to lose any footing there.
So whatever made her feel better, I would do.
And when I got home from school tomorrow I would bust his lip, make him tell me what he had done, and then hit him with my car until I was satisfied that he wouldnt do it again.
Yep, sounded like a good plan to me.