Status: Work In Progress


Chapter 1

My anger was boiling over. This fucking idiot. How could he be so insensitive, so unkind and so stupid .

"Did you do this on purpose?" he spat as he paced the floor.

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me

"Of course I did. I got pregnant on purpose!" sarcasm pouring out of my mouth. This man could not be serious, he knew me! He knew that I wouldn’t be that irresponsible.

"Now is not the time for your sarcasm!" he shouted as we walked further into the back of the store. At least he knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t do something like this on purpose. I hoped at the least he trusted I had better judgement than that.

"Caelyn when did you find out?" he asked exasperation slipping off his tongue.

"A few hours ago. I would never keep a secret like this! You had the right to know just as much as I did." I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper.

I wish the pregnancy test would have been a joke. I wish that it would’ve said "surprise, you aren’t actually pregnant!'. I wish that this was a dream, a very scary dream that I could wake up from...but it wasn’t, this was my life.

Michael stepped closer to me and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Don’t worry Caelyn, we'll figure this out. I'll be here every step of the way." he whispered as he kissed my temple. My anger was dissipating, my shoulders relaxed.

"Thanks Michaela." I mumbled as I looked up and got a glimpse of his profile. He seemed to be ok with everything, but how would our families react to the news. I'm expecting a negative reaction, that way I don’t have high hopes. Michael was expecting a neutral response. In the end we got as I expected a very negative response. We received a lot of 'are you joking', 'you can’t be serious!', and 'how long has this been going on?’

In all actuality, we weren’t seeing each other. One night we just had sex. It wasn’t an intentional thing, it just happened. It only happened once, then again it only takes one time to make a baby.

Two Months Pregnant.

"Can you pass me the cereal?" I asked my father as I sat down at the dining room table. He slid the cereal across the table, not uttering a word to me. This is how he has been acting since I told him I was pregnant. This silent treatment was killing me. I didn’t know what to do, I had apologized countless times, and still nothing. My mother had no problem expressing her disgust. So we ate in silence.

Michael took on the responsibility of driving me to school and to work. I feel bad for bothering him but my parents aren’t being reasonable anymore. He's the only person I trusted completely at this point. He pulled in front of my school and he rubbed my thigh.

"You going to be alright Cae?" he questioned as he reached into the backseat to grab my backpack. I gave a weak smile, with a slight head nod and took my backpack and got out of the car.

School did nothing but drone on and with everything going on at home I completely checked out. By 12 o'clock it was time for lunch, I didn’t have much of an appetite today but I needed to eat least for my baby's sake. My friends and I walked into the cafeteria and I smelled everything . This was the first time my pregnancy nose kicked in, all the aromas I didn’t know how to handle it. I felt the bile rising in my throat, I had to get out of the cafeteria I turned on my heels and I hightailed it out of there. I vomited into a nearby water fountain, the nurse sent me home for the day. Mike picked me up a few minutes after I phoned him. He brought me to the store where we worked and he brought me to his office.

"You ok Caelyn? Do you need anything?" he questioned as he sat me down in his chair. I shook my head no. He glared at me and I felt my face heat up.

"Mike I'm fine. The smell in the cafeteria made me sick. That's all!" I snapped. He took a step back and I felt my shoulders relax.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated by everything going on. My parents aren’t really speaking to me. Then here we are, you taking care of me, almost like we're playing house. We're not even a couple! I just work for you! I'm not...I don’t feel important. I just need someone to be on my side!" I screamed as tears trickled down my face. I couldn’t keep it in anymore. I needed someone, anyone to be there for believe in me. Michael shut the office door and took a seat next to me.

"We are not playing house. I really care about you, you of all people should know that. I've never cared about anyone like this before, so what we aren’t together? Does that really matter? I'm here for you! I'm doing this with you! We are in this together! You and me!" he shouted at me as his hazel eyes got watery. He pulled my hair closer.

"Look at me!" he barked, his voice cracked. His eyes were spilling tears and his nose burned red. I picked up my head and he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"We are in this together Cae, Me and you." he whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine. My shoulders shook as he spoke to me. My heart fluttered as I repeated his words in my head. Then I knew, that with everything going on we were both too scared to admit that we were absolutely in love.


Towards the end of my second month of pregnancy my morning sickness had become ridiculous. All smells bothered me, and nothing seemed to help. Mike went with me to the doctor’s appointment. He was absolutely fascinated. I cried when I heard our child’s heartbeat.

Thump, thump

For the first time in the past two months I knew that what I was doing something right and Mike helped.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.
Its a work in progress new chapters will be posted as quickly as i can write them

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