Status: If the shoe fits <3

Another Cinderella Story


Cinderella, Or Simona, as her little family once knew her, lived in a lovely home in the good part of the city.
To truly begin this story, I must introduce myself.
I am Gabree the wishful fairy, I live in the fairy kingdom, looking out for the people I care for, I have many god children I protect, and this is where my input is important.
As a newborn baby, Simona’s parents worried she may not have the charms they wished her to have, they searched the land for a suitable fairy, finding me amongst the rest.
They asked me to wish upon their daughter, the ability to love, and be loved, to care for those around her, to be forever sweet. And that’s what they got. The perfect little girl.
But their perfect little family, their perfect life, became somewhat bittersweet, as years went on, Simona’s Mother Rebecca grew sicker and sicker, she was slowly dying, and had chosen not to undergo treatment.
So she could live the rest of her life with her little family, her perfect little girl, and her lovely husband.

I have forever wondered how this loving husband, let his wife wither away, but the love I saw in this couple’s eyes, it showed me how.
That the man could not see his wife make choices she wasn’t happy with, that this was the best choice for her.
Back to the story.
On the eve of their wedding anniversary, the doctors gave the news, Rebecca would not make it through the night.
So the small family together they lay on the small hospital bed, until the late hour of the evening, where the loving mother and wife passed peacefully.
To move on from this tragic event took a lot of courage, funny how at seven Simona found that.
Holding onto shreds, her and her father moved on.

Now I don’t mean to speed through this part of our story, but it isn’t so significant, not nearly at all.
No, when she was ten, this began the significant events to structure this tale.
After meeting a woman, Gerogery fell madly in love.
The woman, named Endora appeared as sweet as could be, with two young twin daughters, the same, though a few months older than our young beauty.
Gregory knew that the addition to this family would benefit his daughter, though they were yet to forget the woman who cared for them both, he knew it was time to move on.
And that is what he did.

Now, Dear Gerogery travelled for work, and one faithful evening, news came that there had been an accident. For weeks he was in hospital, were his dear family visited him.
But in the end, his injuries were too intense, and in the late hours of the evening , the young father passed.

Leaving one from the family of three.
Into a family of evil.
Into a life of cinders.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just testing the waters with this story.
will continue based on interest...

Sorry its not great :|