Carrying Your Love With Me

She's demented.

The Winchesters followed the eldest Moore sister to a hiking trail about two miles away from the church where Jess’s funeral was being held before they started to worry. Valerie didn’t say much, but insisted she was taking them to where she hid Baby whenever Dean complained about the distance. They were led to a parking lot on the other end of the hiking trail that was empty except for one ’67 Chevy Impala. Dean immediately perked up when the car came into view and ran the rest of the way before exaggeratingly throwing his arms around the car.
“Is he always like this?” Valeria hovered next to Sam as they continued to walk at a normal pace towards the car.
“Yeah, how’d you know taking the car would be his weakness?”
She shrugged, “After he dropped you off at the church, he spent a good twenty minutes polishing it before he went into the gas station, so I just took a chance.”

They catch up with Dean by the old car and Valerie reaches out to open the passanger door, "So, where to boys?"
Dean glares at her, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb, to the back seat. "I don't think so. You sit in the back."
Valerie gasps and clutches her chest as if in shock, "Me? In the back? Haven't you ever heard of ladies first? That includes picking seats in the car too, ya know."
"Yeah, you, in the back. Now." Dean grumbled, not sure what to make of this girl.
"You do realize that having me sit in the back is more dangerous than me sitting up here, right? I mean, from the back, I could come at you with something and you wouldn't even know it." She tried to reason, but seemingly didn't get anywhere as Dean still shot death glares at her.
"Thanks for pointing that out. We'll just have Sam sit back there with you then." Dean smirked, reaching across the passenger seat to open the door for her.
"Fine." The blonde huffed angrily before moving to the back seat with Sam right behind her.
Dean revved Baby's engine before turning to the two in back, "Where are we even going?"

Twenty minutes later and they were outside of an old hotel somewhere in town. Apparently where Valerie was staying while in town for Jess's funeral.
"I can't say this is the first time I'm bringing two boys up to my room at once," She said as they all got out of the car and made their way towards the unstable looking wooden door that greeted guests.
"Of course it isn't," Dean mumbled under his breath. Valerie matches his stride, walking side by side with him for a few seconds before sneekily turning and hip checking him into the concierge desk. "What the fuck is your problem?"
Val just crossed her arms and continued walking, knowing the boys would still follow. They always do. They find Valerie's room at the very end of the mildewy hallway, and make their way in. Valerie threw her black leather jacket across the back of the decades old floral print couch, inviting the boys to do the same with their plaid, then opens the tiny mini fridge next to the lone bed, grabbing three beers. "You like?" She asked, wagging a can in front of Dean's face. He snatched it from her hands quickly, not wanting a repeat of the scene in the parking lot when he was trying to grab the Impala keys. "How about you, Sammy boy?"
He nodded, taking the beer from her outstretched arm. "Please don't call me that."
"Whatever." She responded, jumping back on the ugly old sofa. It creeked beneath her body, filling the room with ghostly noises. Dean and Sam stared at each other, unsure of what was going to happen next. Valerie had her eyes closed and head back, slowly sipping the beer, not even acknowledging the Winchesters.
"Are you guys gonna crash here or what?" She finally said after too long of an awkward silence.
"We have our own hotel room," Sam began, taking a sip of the beer, his head still reeling from the events of today. "We can meet up again tomorrow."
"Why would you do that when you can stay here?" Valerie asked, the tone of her voice best described as wicked, but they boys were not sure why.
Dean slammed his can of beer down on the small granite counter, "Why would we stay here when we have our own hotel room? What's really going on?"
Valerie chuckled, "I only asked because I thought you guys would like to have an excuse to share a bed together." She laughed way harder than the joke deserved. The guys stared at her awkwardly, not daring to look at each other. Why did everyone think they were together like that?
"I don't even know what to say to that." Sam said, unamused.
"So that's a no?" She asked, smirking her best evil bitch smirk.
"Did you really think that was funny? Or is thinking about two brothers-" he shuddered at the next word, "together just how you're demented mind works?"
"Ha! Demented? Can't say I've ever been called that before."
"Now that's something I don't believe." Dean scoffed, taking one last swig of his beer before heading towards the door, "Coming Sammy?"
Sam nodded, setting his beer down to follow his brother.
"I bet he is!" Valerie yelled as the brothers left, slamming the door behind them.

"What the hell was that all about?" Sam asked as they drove across town to the motel they checked into the night before.
"That bitch is crazy, I'm telling you Sammy. There's no other reason she'd think we're together."
"I don't know Dean. She always seemed so normal when she was with Jess. I mean, I only met her once or twice, but she never came across as crazy. I'm still not convinced that she hasn't been possessed."
"For all the trouble she went through to get us to help her, she didn't do much to try keeping us around. Insulting us is sure not gonna do the trick." Dean said as they turned into the small motel parking lot.
"Maybe we should go back. Make sure she's okay. I couldn't deal with something happening to her after what happened to Jess."
"Hello no Sammy. We're not going back there. She probably had the apartment rigged or something. Why else would she want to get us back there so bad?"
"Well, she didn't really care that we left. IF she was trying to kill us, I think she wouldn't have let us leave."
"Fuck. I don't even know what's going on anymore."
They decided against going back since they hadn't been sleeping much lately with the whole demon hunting thing going on. As they called it a night, Sam getting into his bed, and Dean getting into his, Sam's mind began to wander.