Status: In Progress

The Life of a Reader

A Desire Based Genre

By freshman year, I had felt more emotions than a mood ring could represent.

We had started watching the Walking Dead in preparation for our post apocalyptic novella projects. We were put into groups of four. Though the group kept the theme steady, my partners' underlining character theme was 'lost loved ones', 'guilt', and 'the desire to live', while mine was 'romance'. I was fourteen and a freshman, having a boyfriend was very big deal.

My focus was romance novels, from Crazy in Love by Dandi Daley Mackall, to the Fallen series by Lauren Kate.

Crazy in Love was a realistic high school love story. It was told in the point of view of a high school girl, who was in a group of friends, one of them had graduated the year before hand, so the balance had shifted. The friend who graduated the year before, was a cool, laid back girl, a Tommy. Now, the balance had shifted to the preppy girl with the boyfriend, the other two in the group followed her lead. That's how big of a deal the boyfriend was. The main, however, was in love with her friend's boyfriend, and he loved her back. When her friend, had caught on, she made her life troublesome. In the end, the main got the boy, lost her friend, and was still trying to regain the trust of the other two friends. That was her senior year.

Fallen, the first book of the series, was also told in the point of view of a high school girl, but it was much different. She had witnessed a tragic accident, and received the blame for it. She was sent to a school for people with problems and criminal records. This series opened my mind to many religious beliefs, from the on going war between Heaven and Hell, to reincarnation. The main character stole the heart of an angel above at the top of the chain, and of an angel that became one of the Devil's minions after the first war, when the gates closed. They fight over her, and fight to protect her. In the school, there are many of these angels and demons, even the librarian betrays her for her soul. The main had been reincarnated a plethora of times due to being baptized, but this time, she wasn't baptized.

One of these stories is an adventure, the other is fantasy romance novel. Can you tell the difference?

This was my desired genre obsession; Love

Reading these books, I knew what it felt like. It was crazy and started me on my journey for my forever. I started officially dating. I had never been so confused in my life.
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Both of the books above are 100% real, and I suggest them to anyone looking for a good book.