Strawberry Kiss


My name is Stephanie Little. I am in love. With my best friend. Melanie White.

I first met Melanie in kindergarten. Even though we were young, and I had no idea what a lesbian was, I had strong feelings for Mel since I first saw her. We have been inseparable friends ever since.

I first realized I was gay when we were freshman in high school. For P.E. class, all the girls had to share a locker room. We had to undress into shorts and a tee, then change back into our regular clothes when the bell rang. I glanced over to Melanie one day and began to feel warm inside.

Her thin waist, angelic pale white skin, petite legs and a pair of strawberry-printed panties. I still cannot look at a strawberry and not blush a crimson red.

My feelings for her remained these past few years. They got even stronger last year. When a group of our friends gathered for a party and we all played Spin the Bottle. The beer bottle pointed to Mel and I had to kiss her. The boys chanted "Kiss, kiss, kiss," while I giggled nervously. Melanie smiled wide. She put a hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer to her. Even though it felt like hours, the kiss was over in minutes and we broke apart. I licked my lips; tasted her strawberry chapstick. The taste still lingers on my tongue when I think of her late at night.

Of course, Mel does not know about these feelings. I could not imagine ever unveiling my secret crush. To my knowledge, I am the only lesbian at my school. Although I have caught strange glances from Sarah Peterson lately. I shrug those feelings off because she is not my type.

Melanie is dating a boy from college and has been a few months. "I think tonight is the night," she whispers to me as we walk side by side to school. I shoot my vision her way. "I think we are going to do it."

I am stunned by the sudden outburst. We had been talking about math. Then out of the blue she starts chatting about sex. My body tenses up a bit as I respond, "Are you ready for something like that?"

"Like what?"

"The pain. I heard it hurts." my face crinkles as I imagine a boy naked.

"Eh, I have seen what his penis looks like. It doesn't seem big enough to hurt me." We both howl in laughter. Although my insides are fuming with jealousy. I wanted to be her first, as she mine. I had dreamed about a day when we could be together. I dreamed about her strawberry panties.

The school became closer and I was happy to break out of this conversation. We said our goodbyes, "See you at lunch," she stated. I smiled and waved while walking in the opposite direction. I was glad that this year I didn't have as many classes with her. Last year, she was in 5 out of 6 of the same classes. And although I loved being around her, I barely passed the classes as my attention danced to her. She would cross her legs and it would get me wet. Her smooth skin on her legs brushing together.

I want to tell her how I feel. She is coming over to study after school. I am going to tell her my feelings.