Status: Complete. I'm going to sit on this for a few months and edit it after that.

The Experiment Revolution

Day 95

I pounced on Terra today, Blue Notebook.

Dr. Abbott didn’t give us breakfast this morning for whatever reason. All of the non-carnivorous hybrids were fine but not the carnivorous ones. Mouth were watery, stomachs were roaring, and kids were crouching in a ball.

Most kids were able to fight off the feeling but some were like me. I stared at a moving object covered in black fur for an hour. The more I stared, the more the hybrid turned into an actual animal. Moles aren’t typically part of a leopard’s diet but anything seemed appetizing at the moment. I left my corner, crawling on all fours. I crept to the giant mole slowly, camouflaging myself between the kids walking around me. When I had a clear view of the mole, I pounced.

Of course there was screaming and chaos. The longer I had my arms wrapped around the mole, the more it started to look like Terra. Her pleas for help triggered everyone in the room to start attacking each other. The carnivores attacked the vegetarians and the vegetarians had trouble fighting back. I caught glimpses of Skyler on Marine, the Homo Tigris on the antelope hybrid, and more. People who used to be best friends were literally trying to kill each other.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Terra, trying to suffocate her since my tiny fangs weren’t big enough to do any damage. Her face was losing its color faster than I could run. Just as she was about to drop dead, a White Jacket pulled me away from her. Terra took a ginormous breath, and suddenly I was the one screaming. I flailed in the White Jacket’s grip, kicking his knees and tried to punch his face. He just stabbed a needle into my arm.

Every carnivore woke up in their cage. We aren’t allowed to come out for a week and we don’t get dinner tonight. The vegetarians get to sleep on matrices in the play room.

So yeah. I tried killing a friend. I was hungry though, so can you blame me?