The Heart Wants What It Wants

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Chapter 1)


"Oh Violet, I had the best night yesterday."

"Let me guess. He took you on a romantic picnic to which he swept you off your feet and now you're in love."

"Uh, no. It was not a picnic. It was a dinner at a table. But he was so amazing." She gushed. I rolled my eyes picking up the newspaper on the coffee table.

"Mmhm." I hummed flipping through the newspaper looking for something good to read.

"You can't at least pretend to be happy for me? You may not believe in love or anything like that but it's out there."

"Ugh. We've had this conversation a million time before. Just give up." I sigh exasperated.

"I will never give up. Not until you find your man." I snorted. My man? Seriously. She's got to stop living in that fantasy world of hers. I get up hitting her on the top of the head with the newspaper.

"And that will never happen so do us all a favor and be quiet." She folded her arms across her chest pouting.

"Why do you think like that?" She asks turning serious.

"That would be none of your business."

"Oh come on Vi. I'm your best friend." I sigh heading to the kitchen for some coffee before I had to get ready for school. She followed me ranting about how amazing her night was. She went on a date with this 'hot' guy named Jimmy. Apparently they're together now.

Great another break up I'm gonna have to sit through with her. It sounds mean nutshell always falls too fast and then the guy dumps her and she comes running over to my house where we end up eating ice cream and watching movies all night. You'd think she'd learn after the fifth one but no. Here she goes again.

I poured myself a cup of coffee adding three spoons of sugar and say at the table.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you." Oh here we go again.

"What do you want?"

"Really, I can't just tell my best friend in the whole wide world that I love her once in awhile." I raised my eyebrows. "Fine." She sighs. "How do you feel about parties?" I groaned.

"You didn't."

"Oh but I did." She smiled wickedly.

"Ella, why do you always insist on doing these things to me? You know I hate parties."

"You should think of this as an opportunity."

"An opportunity for what?"

"To find someone." I smacked my forehead.

"I'm gonna get ready for school."