The Heart Wants What It Wants

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Chapter 3)


"Wow. She's fast." Sam commented.

"She should be, she runs track."

"Really? I ran at my old school." I smiled. I just knew there was someone out there for her.

"Does she have a problem with is dating or something?" Jimmy asks.

"No, she just doesn't believe in love."


"She's been like this ever since I met her."

"Has she ever told you why?" Sam questions curiously.

"No. If I ask she'll tell me it's none of my business." I said thinking of this morning.

"How'd you guys meet?"

"It was a while ago when her parents made here move here. I met her at school one day. She was always sitting alone so one day I just sat next to her. She was so distant ad she kept pushing me away. She was rude too and I almost just have up."

"What happened?"

"Well she saved me. I'd been walking home one night and this guy came up to me...he was going to rape me but violet stepped in. The guy just laughed at her threats at fist, saying he'd do her after he was done with me. When she wouldn't shut up he got angry and turned on her. Man that girl could fight...after that we just became friends."

"Wow." Sam said.

"She lives by herself too." They both state at me in surprise as we walked into the school.

"How old is she?"

"Sixteen but her parents thought it was a good idea for her to experience living on her own sooner than necessary."

"That sucks. Does she have a job?"

"Yup. She's a waitress but I don't know how she does it. All the times I've stayed at her house she comes home late and wakes up early for school the next morning. She still finds the energy to run track. It amazes me sometimes and she doesn't even complain. She doesn't take the weekends off either." They both stay quiet and we head our deprecate ways. In class I took my seat next to vi in the back of the room.

"Hey." I said. She put her book down and smiled at me. I really was violets only friend. She came across as shy because she didn't talk much but she's far from it.

"Oh yeah. I won't be riding the bus home today. I've got track and Emily wants me to work at the diner tonight so don't wait up for me, ok."

"Alright." This meant she wasn't going to be back till after twelve. "Hey wait a minute! What about the party?"

"I guess you're gonna have to have it without me."

"You suck." I grumble. "I know somehow you did this on purpose." She winked at me. I was right but there's nothing she can do if the parties still going when she comes home. I smiled.