I Lost All of My Senses

Chapter 2

First thing I did when I got home was adding Austin's number in my phone. Once this was done, I was in a huge dilemma. I didn't know if I should text him right away or wait a few days. I didn't want Austin to believe that I was some desperate guy who was totally obsessed with him. But at the same time, I really wanted to text him and get to know him better since he really intrigued me. After a long hour of hesitation, I finally sent him a message in the hopes that he would reply. And he did.

[To: Austin :)] Hey, it's Alan :P

[From: Austin:)] Oh hey Alan! I was wondering when you would finally text me! How are you?:)

[To: Austin :)] Oh yeah, I was busy. Were you missing me already? Haha just kidding. But I'm fine, it feels good to be home after a long day at school! I'm so glad it's the weekend and that we don't have to go to school tomorrow. What about you?

[From: Austin :)] Who wouldn't miss you, Alan Ashby; you and your good looks? I'm fine too! Though my mom's been a pain in the ass since I got home, asking me to do all sorts of chores. Do I look like a guy who does laundry? Wait. Don't answer that.

[To: Austin:)] Well, if I'm being honest, you don't look like a guy who does laundry. You look more like a guy who irons linen ;) But yeah dude, I know what you mean. My mom also asks me to do a lot of chores. Moms sometimes...

[From: Austin:)] Yeah, they can be so annoying but we can't help but love them anyway. What are you up to?

[To: Austin:)] Not much really. Just listening to some music until my parents call me for dinner. And you? :)

[From: Austin:)] Just texting you :) Hey! Would you like to play 20 questions? It could be nice and we would get to know each other! Please say yes, please ginger kitty!

[To: Austin:)] I'll say yes if you don't call me ginger kitty ever again -.-

[From: Austin:)] Oh come on, it's a cute nickname!!

[To: Austin:)] Fine then. I'll call you Austie.

[From: Austin:)] Alright Mr. Grumpy, no more nicknames. You go first! Ask me anything!

[To: Austin:)] Okay eum...Question number one: What's your favorite colour?

[From: Austin:)] I hope your next questions are going to be more interesting than this one, Alan Ashby. My favorite colour is green! Question number two: If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be?

[To: Austin:)] Is this even a question? I would be a freaking cat. Because cats are perfect and amazing. They're life. Question number three: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

[From: Austin:)] I should have known that Ginger Kitty was totally obsessed with cats haha ;) To answer your question, I would probably go to Canada. I heard about maple syrup and how amazing it tastes. So yeah, Canada! Question number four: What do you love the most about yourself?

[To: Austin:)] What did I tell you about calling me that, Austie? DON'T CALL ME GINGER KITTY. It's too girly. I'm not a girl, I'm all man. Physically, there is nothing I really love about myself. So, I'll say that what I love the most about myself is my music taste. Question number five: What are you scared of?

[From: Austin:)] Don't say that Alan, never doubt about your looks. You are beautiful, trust me! Like you said, you're all man, just like me. And man are scared of nothing. Well, except squirrels. Those things totally freak me out. They seem so friendly but I bet they all are hypocrites who are planning to dominate the world someday. Question number six: What is your favorite food?

[To: Austin:)] Are you drunk or something hahaha? This is the silliest thing I've ever heard, you're really funny:) My favorite food is lasagna. It's just so delicious, the mix of sauce, cheese, vegetables and pasta. I'm starving now. Question number seven: How many people have you dated?

[From: Austin:)] We're getting to personnal stuff, aren't we? I used to date this guy. We dated for several months but we broke up when he had to move to Australia. I've been single since then. Oh yeah, I'm gay, if you haven't noticed already:P I hope you're okay with this! Question number eight: Would you happen to be gay too?

[To: Austin:)] I'm sure fine with you being gay since I'm gay too, if you haven't noticed already ;) Question number nine: Are you born deaf and how have you dealt with it?

[From: Austin:)] Welcome to the gay club Alan Ashby haha. I wasn't born deaf. In fact, I've been able to hear for years. I became deaf a few weeks after I turned 14. I was involved in a fight and I got pretty injured. I became deaf that night. Doctors explained me that I hit my head on the ground and that it actually lost my hability to hear. They've never seen anything like that before so they couldn't give me much more explainations. It's been very hard at first you know? I was so used to hear everything and in a second, all I could hear was complete and constant silence. It's been rough because I had to learn a new way to communicate and to understand my loved ones. Thankfully, I've always been good at reading on people's lips. I still had to learn sign language which wasn't very easy But I'm used to it now and I accept who I am. I wish that I could go back to that one night and not get involved in that fight. But I can't, so I try to enjoy my life at the fullest I guess :) Question number ten: Kind of the same question actually, but have you always been mute?

[To: Austin:)] I'm sorry to hear that Austin! It must be so hard going to hear everything to nothing. You're a really strong person and I admire that a lot. Me, I was born mute. I've never been able to talk and doctors never figured out why I was born this way. It was hard you know, and it still is. I never had a lot of friends because I always was that weird kid who couldn't talk. People made fun of me because I was different. I just wanted to be like them. It's not cool to hear everybody around you talk and laugh while you can't. I just wished I could do that as well. But like you said, I got used to my situation. I learned how to communicate. Maybe one day, doctors will find a way to give me a voice. That would be one my biggest wishes. But yeah, I need to enjoy life even if it sucks 99% of the time haha! Question number eleven (wow we're halfway there): Don't answer if you don't want to, but have you ever had sex?

[From: Austin:)] You are a very courageous person as well, Alan... even if you're a little naughty! Yeah I had sex with my ex. I also had a couple of one night stands there and there, nothing really serious you know. Question number twelve: What is your wildest fantasy? ;)

[To: Austin :)] I really don't know...unlike you I'm still a virgin (please don't judge me) The only thing that touched me down there was my own hand :S but I guess I would love to have sex on a plane one day. I don't know why, I just think that it is hot. Like, going in the small bathroom while you know there are a lot of people around that could hear you :P

[From: Austin:)] Well, looks like little Alan Ashby will be an exhibitionist ;) But hey, I'm not judging you at all for being a virgin. I hope that your first time will be with somone you really love (: You forgot to send me a question young man!! GO GO GO!

[To: Austin:)] Oh right, sorry :3 Question number thirteen: books or movies?

[From: Austin:)] Movies all the way, even if I can't hear them anymore! Question number fourteen: what is your favorite tv show?

[To: Austin:)] WHAT? No. No. No. Books are so much better than movies Austin. How dare do you say that movies are better than books? Books are way more detailed and meaningful. (By the way, my favorite TV show is Shameless, don't know if you ever head of it) Now back to the real subject. Books are everything. Plus, can you feel a movie between your hands? Can you smell the old paper of a movie? No you can't. So books before movies. Okay sorry about my rant haha I just love arguing with people who say movies are better than books :3 Question number fifteen: What is your favorite pizza topping?

[From: Austin:)] If I had known that answering movies would have caused this, I would have said books hahaha. Are you also going to be mad at me if I say that my favorite pizza topping is mushroom? Question number sixteen: What is your favorite song and why?

[To: Austin:)] I won't argue with you on this one because I would have said the same things. My love for mushrooms is bigger than the whole Universe haha. Eum, your question is really hard for me to answer because I love so many songs. But my all time favorite would have to be Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan. I just connect to the lyrics of this song so much. I don't know, it makes me feel like it's okay not to be okay and that I'm not the only one to feel this way. This song is perfect in everyway. It always makes me a little emotional to be honnest. Also reminds me of my childhood where I used to be the biggest Simple Plan fan on Earth! Plus, Pierre Bouvier is bae. Question number seventeen (wow it's almost over): If you could have any superpower, which one would it be?

[From: Austin:)] I love Simple Plan too, last stuff I head from them years ago was pretty good :) Eum, if I could have any superpower, I think it would be the hability to fly. As a little kid, I always had this silly dream where I would be a bird for a day so I could fly. I don't know. To me, flying means being totally free and peaceful. I would love to experience that. Question number eighteen (you're right this is almost over :( ): Would you either visit the past or the future?

[To: Austin:)] I think I would visit the future! I don't want to go back in the past and see all the mistakes that humanity did. I don't want to to go back to when Hitler killed millions of Jews. I don't want to go back where people would gatter and watch people die in front of them. I don't want to go back to the time where equality still wasn't a vocabulary world. By visiting the furute, I would have hope that things went for the best for humanity. I would hope that there would no longer be religious wars, that there would be less poverty and that everybody would have the same rights all over the world. I would hope that everybody would have access to food and water. I would have this hope that things would be better than they are right now. I guess that is just an optimistic side that I have :) So last question for me: Cats or Dogs?

[From: Austin:)] You're full of wisdom, Alan Ashby :) I love the way to see the future! And obviously cats, mostly ginger ones ;) And now, the last of the last: What would be your dream date?

[To: Austin:)] STOP WITH THE GINGER KITTY THING. -.- Eum, I guess my dream date is pretty cliché. I would like for some guy to take me to the beach where we would have a picnic by the water. And we could go get some ice cream, I've often seen that in movies :3 We would then watch the sunset and the stars up overhead. It would be pretty simple yet very romantic to me :) Maybe I would finally have my first kiss haha ^^

[From: Austin:)] I'm taking you there. Tomorrow. We have a date Alan Ashby. Text me your address and I'll pick you up at 7PM. I'll see you tomorrow ;)

Did Austin really asked me on a date? This was too good to be true.