Status: In progress

Life with the McQueens

The Beginning

Chapter One

Theresa was in prison for Calvin's murder. She had been there for 4 or 5 months now. As Theresa was pregnant, she begged her mom Kathleen to tell Myra she wanted to be released. "Mom please tell Auntie Myra I'm pregnant and I want to be released" Theresa told her mom one day. Kathleen told Myra Theresa was pregnant and should be released.
"No" said Myra firmly. "Carmel has been through enough now. I’m saying no" snapped Myra. "Yeah but" Kathleen trailed off as her sister glared at her. "Yeah" said JP who agreed with Myra. "You and Theresa can live on the streets. She isn't welcome here anymore- we have permanently disowned her" added Nana (Marlene) as well. Michaela and Jacqui nodded. Carmel was upstairs babysitting KA.
Two weeks later, Mercedes was strolling around the village when Theresa rang saying she was in labor. "I'll be there promptly" lied Mercy before she ended the call. Theresa went into labor all alone in her cell. The security guard noticed and ran to help her.
"Ring my mom, Kathleen" Theresa gasped in between contractions. Ten minutes later Kathleen arrived to assist. 15 minutes later the baby arrived. "Since it’s a girl, I'm going to call her Elizabeth" decided Theresa looking at her baby. Elizabeth had blue eyes and blonde hair like her mom.
Two days later the rest of the family found out Theresa had her second kid. "Why don't we let Carmel raise her? After all, she does a pretty good job raising KA" asked Jacqui. "I think that would be a good idea, lets tell Theresa" suggested Michaela.
Myra and Carmel weren't so sure but Mercedes insisted. "I'll help" Jacqui instantly volunteered. She felt guilty about lying to the police over Calvin's death and wanted to help Carmel. After all she was her sister.
"Theresa how's the baby" inquired Jacqui. "She's doing well, do you wish to see her" said Theresa. "Yes please" Jacqui responded. Eventually the family had settled upon a plan for taking her. It took them a while as they discussed it. "Make sure you manage to distract the guards" advised JP.
Later that day at six pm, Myra and Jacqui sneaked into the prison dressed as guards. Jacqui chatted with the police officers while Myra went to Theresa's cell. Upon entering, she looked around. A few minutes later, Myra picked up Elizabeth and left the cell.
Quickly, she ran back to the entrance. Jacqui thanked the prison guard and both of them left without arousing suspicion. Outside, they got into the van and left.
The doorbell rang. Carmel got up to open it. She was pleasantly shocked upon seeing Elizabeth there with her mom and Jacqui. "You didn't" demanded Carmel upon opening the door. "We did, don't worry you deserve it after the terrible year you had" laughed Myra as she walked into the house. Jacqui followed carrying Elizabeth's toys and pacifiers.
At that point, Mercedes came in from the garden. “So you managed to get her out without being caught” she questions Myra. “Yep and we did it for our Carmel” Jacqui responded. Michaela was pleased. Carmel did deserve better she had always been the Christian morally grounded one in the family.