America's Suitehearts

I know I'm bad news


Out of all the things that Patrick ever imagined happening in his life, he never imagined that he would ever run into Nora again.

But there she was, staring at him with something close to malice in her eyes. He immediately felt guilt for never trying to stay in touch with her over the years… but there was nothing to be done about that now.

He could go up to her now, offer an apology, but those were only words. They had been pretty close for a short period of time, but he had just left without a trace and he had a feeling that whatever words came to him now just wouldn’t suffice.

Yet she was still there, watching him carefully. He wondered if she even wanted an apology. She hadn’t run off, though the thought had at first seemed to cross her mind, showing on her face when they had locked eyes.

He stood slowly from his seat and made his way toward the bar, not knowing what he was going to do or say. All he knew was that he didn’t want her to leave. Not yet.

He felt like he was approaching a deer out in the wild, that any sudden movements or noises would scare her off.

And suddenly he was there, in front of her, and before he could even offer a greeting she was speaking to him, an obvious bite in her voice.

“Well, isn’t it the famous Patrick Stump, here to mingle with the easily forgotten.”

And suddenly she was a lioness, ready to tear out his throat.

“Nora, I—” he started to apologize, for what he wasn’t entirely sure. He knew he’d just be apologizing for his own guilt. As soon as he had started to speak, she had smiled immediately, sickly sweet.

“Save your breath, Patrick,” she said. “I’ve heard enough sorry’s to last me a lifetime.”

Patrick stared at her helplessly, unsure of what to say. So he didn’t say anything. He knew if he opened his mouth, an apology would come out anyway. He was always apologizing—that’s just the way he is.

And Nora… She just stared back, waiting. For what, neither of them knew.

“You want a drink?” she finally asked, deciding that if he wasn’t going to say something, she would. She knew he was a good guy... well, that’s what she believed. But she was never any good at reading guys.

“S-Sure,” Patrick answered quietly. She watched as he quietly pulled out a stool next to the one she had been sitting on and sat on top of it. She got back onto her own stool and signaled to the bartender.

“I forgive you, Patrick,” she said, once drinks had been placed in front of them. She watched from the corner of her eye as his head shot up.


She glanced at him before picking up her drink to take a drink. She shrugged her shoulders.

“I forgive you,” she repeated. “I know you’re best friends with Pete and you guys got really busy after everything happened.”

She shrugged her shoulders again. She didn’t know what she was doing. Nora had wanted to keep up the appearances of being strong and confident, but really, as she sat at a hotel bar, drinking before noon with a friend from the past… but she knew she was breaking.

She glanced at Patrick again, as he stared down at his own drink, and hoped that maybe she could pull herself back together again.

“I am sorry,” Patrick said, finally. “And I now that’s not what you want to hear, but I have to say. There’s no excuse for abandoning you.”

“You didn’t abandon me,” she said. “We hardly even knew each other.”

“I still thought of you as a close friend,” he replied. “I just didn’t treat you like one.”

“It’s in the past now,” Nora said quietly. “Let’s just focus on the present. How are things going?”

Patrick turned to look at her, and she took an opportunity to really look at him now. There were dark circles under his eyes, and stubble on his chin, his eyes not as bright as she remembered. He shook his head slightly, frowning, and she offered him a knowing smile.

She raised her glass towards him and said, “Welcome to the club.”

“What club is that?”

“The ‘My Life Fucking Sucks’ Club.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh. Sorry for the wait. Not sure about this chapter. I like some parts of it, and hate the rest. The usual.
