Status: Done

Love Bug

Fifty Two

Emma’s POV- November 2015
“Have you started your essays?”

I looked at my dad as I took a bite of my turkey. Filip could not make it to Thanksgiving dinner, and he insisted I go home to LA without him.

“I have, I started looking at programs as well. Penn State has a pretty good program” I said making him nod.

“That’s good. Have you spoken with Filip about grad school?”

I nodded.

“Yea, he told me he’s willing to do long distance” I said.

He smiled and nodded.

“Can you give me a reason to hate that boy of yours?”

I laughed and Olivia looked at me.

“Tell Filip what he thinks about New Years in Dallas?”

“What about Dad’s party?” I asked.

“We’re making it a Christmas eve Party”

I nodded at her.

“You’re coming home?”

I shook my head at my dad.

“Filip has his parents flying in, and I need to work on my thesis’” I said making them nod.

“How’s that going?”

“I’m halfway on both, so I think great” I said.

They nodded and my mom spoke up.

“Have you looked at Gradschools here in California?”

I nodded.

“Yes, I’ve been looking all over the states. I admit there are some in Nashville and in Tennessee but they’re extremely hard to get in” I said.

They nodded and we continued eating.

“How’s diving?” I asked my brothers.

Josh nodded at me as he took a sip of her wine.

“Good, Andy ate it today during practice”

Andy nodded agreeing and lifted his arm. There was a red mark on his arm showing how swollen it was.

“Since you know we medaled at worlds, are you going to Rio to watch us?”

“If I am not in school yet, I will be there cheering for you” I told them.

They nodded and asked me how Sweden was.

“It was fun, Leksand is beautiful. We went hikikng all the time” I said making them laugh.

“You look like you swam a bit”

I nodded at my dad.

“Yea, Filip and his brother Fredrik began swimming to tone up a bit” I said.

They nodded.

“How’s the hip?”

“It’s well, since I started swimming it hasn’t hurt as much. It still hurts, but it hurts much less” I said.

I looked at Olivia.

“How’s Jamie?” I asked.

She nodded.

“He’s alright”

I nodded and my dad hummed.

“He still hasn’t come to meet me”

Olivia rolled her eyes and looked at me.

“Filip met my dad” I said.

She nodded.

“And well Mason already knew Daddy”

Mason chuckled and took a bite of his turkey.

“He could have come, Filip was going to come” I said.

Olivia rolled her eyes.

“Not all of our boyfriends are perfect”

Mason scoffed.

“Speak for yourself, I’m prefect”

My dad chuckled and signaled for us to drop it.

“Why couldn’t Filip come?”

I looked at Olivia.

“He has a game tomorrow, and it starts at 2:30 so it would be like noon here when it started. There was no point” I said.

She nodded and frowned a bit.

“Dad had dinner with Filip though in October” I said.

My dad nodded and my sister frowned. I didn’t care one bit because Filip earned the respect and love he had in the family. Jamie Benn didn’t do anything or try to show he was interested in being a part of the family.

“I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice” I said making her frown.

She wasn’t going to win this one.
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I have horrible allergies and i have a shit ton of homework to do. Yet here i am posting lol. Well, i'm going to watch Arrow and then do some homework after