When The Snow Settles


Her body lay huddled in the corner of a broken down shed, dust already beginning to settle around her, as if she was going to have a permanent refuge there. Her hair hung over her shoulders in a tangled mess, dirt clinging to almost every strand. Her arms had wrapped around her cold, battered, frail body in a weak attempt to keep warm.

Her body was shaking tremulously with both fear and cold. She was hardly dressed for a cool breeze, and here she was huddled in a corner of a broken down shed in what was starting to look like a blizzard.

The silence hit her ears like a bullet. No sound was being made at the moment, besides her weak attempts to calm down. No movement was happening either, besides that of her shaking body and the snow that was continuously falling.

The pain that dwelled inside her wouldn’t subside. It coursed through her veins, making her one with it. Making her one with the pain that she had for so long tried to hide. But now, she could no longer hide it. It was beyond the point of hiding, it was now at the point that if she didn’t get help, she wouldn’t have to worry any longer because she’d be dead.

Her eyes began to close as she struggled to stay awake. She feared sleep, for if she fell asleep, she may never wake up. But would that be so bad? Her body said yes, yet her mind was saying other wise.

A small cough came from her pale cracked lips. It was barely audible to even her own ears, but to the ones that were pursuing her, it was like a gun shot. Within less then a second, men had rushed into the shed, eyes scanning all over looking for her.

With the little bit of energy she had left, she forced her body farther back behind the box that was in front of her. It did no good though, for soon enough rough arms had grabbed onto her body and yanked her to her feet. A strangled cry came from her as they shoved her out into the night. Even though the shed had been broken down, it had still been warmer than what she was now in.

The man holding her threw her down in the snow hard. Her body collided with the snow and it immediately began to sting from the contact of so much snow. The wind didn’t help at all, if anything, it helped the men in aiding their torture. And torture it was.

The same man who had thrown her down so cruelly had suddenly smacked her across the face with the barrel of his gun. She cried out in pain, but through the snow, no one would rescue her. Even if it wasn’t night, and snowing, no one would dare defy the men who were now preparing to kill her.

She supported herself on her shaking hands and slowly looked up, her light blonde hair falling onto her shoulders and across her now bloody face. Her light green eyes contrasted greatly against the snow as she stared up at them, hoping for some sympathy. Anything. All she wanted was for the pain to end; quickly if possible. But this was torture, and she doubted it would end soon.

The blood that had fallen from her face onto the snow was already covered, leaving no trace of the cruel act. She could still feel it though, barely. The cold was starting to numb her body, and surprisingly, the numb feeling soothed her. It was like a drug taking away all her pain... taking away the present and replacing it with a feeling of calm.

A distant thought in her head tried to tell her that she was dying slowly, but she wouldn’t listen. She was calm for once, and for once, no pain coursed through her... it didn’t last long though. Just as her eyes had begun to close, a foot collided with her stomach, sending her flying. She landed hard on the snow causing a bone in her body to crack. Immense pain spread through her and another scream escaped her, but it was cut short for soon she had begun to cough again. This time, however, blood came out of her mouth.

Her throat stung horribly and her body now ached with a pain she had never endured, a pain she had wished she never would endure. But it didn’t stop there, for once again, the men kicked her. Her body didn’t fly like last time, but that didn’t stop the pain from increasing.

Tears were now leaking out of her eyes, numbing her cheeks. Her eyes closed tightly as she tried to ignore the pain. Soon it would be over, soon the pain would end... right?

Two arms then picked her up bridal style, but she knew there was nothing loving about this hold, nor the man holding her. Her body was moving, she knew that much, she also knew that against the mans body warmth ran through her. But as the calmness was earlier, this feeling was short lived.

Her body was soon air born and the last thing she saw was the ice on the stream coming closer and closer...

The last thing she felt was her mind slipping and the pain finally ending.