When The Snow Settles

Care to see?

The hot chocolate did make her feel better, but the gentle yet curious gaze from his mother didn’t. She tried to avoid her eyes, but eventually, she looked up and met them. At this time, his mother, whose name she found out to be Deanna, indicated for her to get up. She took one lingering sip of the hot chocolate before doing so, setting the mug down on the table.

She followed Deanna to the counter where flour was everywhere, and random ingredients were out. Deanna smiled at her before taking a spoon and measuring some more flour.

“Why don’t you help me, I’m making cookies.” She then smiled, that warm smile, but she knew there something behind it. She wanted to know stuff also, but she was currently in the mind-set of not saying anymore about herself, but she had said that from the beginning. She was weak, if pestered too much, she gave in.

She gave Deanna a smile for a yes, if only to be polite. So as they made the cookies, she read the ingredients and Deanna measured them. The whole time her voice was quiet, and it was only when they were both rolling the dough that Deanna decided to speak.

“Daire isn’t the only one you can talk to.” She paused, as if searching for the wording. “He’s a man, and sometimes, things need a woman’s perspective.” she glanced at her, and felt some questions bubbling to her throat. “And, of course, what women talk about, stays with them.” Part of her didn’t want to ask, yet another part did. So she did, she asked the questions that would make Daire worried, suspicious even.

“Is Daire a Galae?” Deanna seemed shocked by this question, but nonetheless, she kept rolling the dough.

“It’s a little complicated,” she said at last. She frowned slightly, but held her tongue. “He’s been trained and can start whenever. Him and Addison trained together, and Addison joined officially a week or so ago.” She paused again, a frown deepening. “Daire had always wanted to be one, even as a boy he would pretend to be a Galae, prancing around barking out orders.” She let out a small laugh. “Don’t tell him I said prancing.” She gave a small smile at that and Deanna continued. “But something held him back from going official. His father wants his help, and of course Daire wants to help, but I’m not sure if that’s it. It’s part of it of course.” She paused now, looking thoughtful. “I think another part is the commitment. Once you’re official, there’s no way out. I’m so proud of him, you know that? Seeking his dream, accomplishing it, and waiting to make sure it’s what he really wants.”

She could only think of how Deanna’s views would change if she knew the Galae had done the beatings. Was this how Daire thought, also? Did he even know about the beatings? About the ruthless killings? Or did that come as an aftermath, after there was no way out? Maybe Daire had passed his training by showing the initiative to do such tasks. Or maybe he had no clue. She was pleading for the latter, but experience taught her to never get her hopes up.

“Adrae, sweety, you alright?” She lifted her head, not realizing she had let her eyes wander to the floor, and smiled weakly.

“I’m fine.” Before she could get another question asked, Neil, who she learned to be Daire’s fathers name, walked in, a smile on his face. His eyes glanced at her, then to his wife. He gave his wife a swift kiss on the cheek before turning to her. Why were they both talking to her more than usual today?

“Mind if I steal her?” He asked, glancing at his wife for approval. When Deanna nodded, he smiled and gently grabbed her arm. She allowed him to lead her out of the kitchen, no worry in her. Part of her mind screamed, saying that any man leading her somewhere was about to try and kill her, but the sensible part relaxed. She trusted Neil. Maybe not enough for him to know the truth, but enough to know he wouldn’t randomly slaughter her.

He led her out into the living room, and then to the window in the living room. Her eyes scanned around, noticing that all the children were absent. They must have been playing in their rooms.

He let go of her and stared out into the snow, so she did the same. The snow was still pounding down, harder than ever. The wind whipped it, creating a white mass.

“You know what I love about blizzards?” She never thought she’d hear anyone say that, so she couldn’t help but turn to him. “The solitude it gives. The time. It allows you to think everything through, with no worry of anything. It’s not like you could leave, or someone could come. It just allows you to be at peace for a while.” Her eyes turned back to the blizzard, and she couldn’t help but agree. Once the blizzard stopped, she didn’t know what she was going to. She hadn’t really thought of it.

She had promised to stay for a little bit, but she was already getting worried of them figuring it out. When the blizzard died down, was she going to leave? She wanted to, yet she didn’t. There were so many things to consider; the family, her life, the Galae. It was all too much, too overwhelming. She wished she could ask the advice of someone, but that was out of the question. If she asked Daire if she should leave, she already knew the answer. She knew the answer from all of them. And if she explained the situation of why she should leave, that would leave a whole new mess of problems.

“No, I didn’t.” Came Daire’s voice, causing both her body and Neil’s to turn. Daire and Addison were walking into the living room.

“Yes you did. So-“ Daire waved him off with his hand again, a smile on his face. He knew he was annoying Addison, and it seemed to amuse him. Addison on the other hand looked anything but.

Daire turned to them, flashing her a smile, and his father a slightly smaller one. Addison also smiled, but it looked a little bitter and fake, she guessed that was from Daire’s actions.

“Adrae, I believe I found something useful. Care to see?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for how long it's been! Also for how short it is, but I figured it was better than nothing. Also, I'm posting a new chapter of a new story, if you're interested, check it out please: ) It'll be up in a few minutes.