When The Snow Settles

Thank you

Her heart was pounding fast. She couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t think.

Was this really happening? Had the words that were repeating in her head, really left Daire’s lips? Or was her mind playing tricks with her? Was she so lost, that she now had to make up reasons to continue on?

Daire was smiling now, his face showing more happiness than she had thought imaginable. But why? It was her brother, so why was he happy? Did he just want her out of the house, or did she finally find someone who cared? She pushed the answer she wanted to hear, away. Once her and Krispin were back together, if was more accurate, she’d have to leave. She couldn’t stay there. Addison was a galae, Daire was waiting to become one. She couldn’t stay.

“Adrae?” Came Daire’s voice, now tentative. She felt his hand on her shoulder before she saw it. She felt the warmth it let off, and despite wanting to think everything through, her head lifted. She met his eyes and couldn’t help the small smile that had been tugging at her lips. Daire had almost found her brother. Because of him, she almost had the last part of her family back.

Despite the fact she didn’t trust him completely, and the fact he was practically a galae, she flung her arms around his neck. He deserved a hug, if nothing else for what he had done. She had nothing to give, so this would have to do.

Her enthusiasm took him by surprise, but he quickly corrected that. He wrapped his arms around her small, frail, body, pulling her closer. She didn’t loosen her grip, so he didn’t let her go right away, not that he wanted to.

His father’s thoughts ran through his had once again, and he desperately tried to push them away. Adrae was a friend, someone he was helping... right? But even as he said it, he couldn’t deny the fact his body warmed at the touch of her body against his, and the fact that he had the biggest urge to tilt her head up and-

His breath caught and he carefully pulled away from her. His thoughts weren’t acceptable. It was merely his father’s words getting to him. He was being paranoid and... and stupid? Speaking of his father, he could feel his eyes glaring holes into him. Not that it was his fault she had been in his arms.

Adrae was now standing, her face flushed and her eyes sparkling. He was sure his family saw it too, but she looked alive. The whole time she had been there, she had been pulling along for their sake. To not upset them, but now, now that happiness was true. She had hope, and he was going to make damn sure that she didn’t lose it.

“So,” he finally said, getting her eyes back on him. “I’m going to go into town as soon as the storm settles down, see what I can find out. Until then, there’s nothing else I can really do. I’m sorry.” If anything, her smile grew.

“Thank you,” she breathed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” It was the loudest her voice had ever gotten, and it sure did get the attention of everyone in the room, even if it wasn’t louder than their normal voices. He smiled at her, his teeth showing. He ignored the grunt of warning from his father and stood up.

“Forget about it.” He paused. “If it isn’t too much though, can I ask a small thing?” She shook her head, the smile still on her face. His father made a louder noise, which wasn’t nearly as subtle, and it took a lot more will to ignore it. He gently grabbed Adrae’s arm and led her out of the room. “If you could tell me what Chris looks like, it’ll help. If it would be too... hard, then don’t worry about it.” He had hoped it wouldn’t make her mood disappear, and he was glad to see it didn’t.

“He’s about as tall as you and...” she continued on, her eyes lighting up with the memory. He was definitely going to find Chris, even if it killed him. He was going to find him, bring him back, and help Adrae move on with her life so she could finally live it. For at the moment, he wanted nothing less than her happiness.
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Yeah, it's really short. I'm sorry.