The Beard


I stood in line with my resume in my hand. They were a lot of pretty girls here. Most of them wore their logo, or had their faces on their shirts. It was obvious they were fans. It wouldn't get them the job. That much was obvious. The thought of my chances being a little greater made a smile creep up on my face. I needed the money. I stood their in a black ruffled skirt, a red crop top with spaghetti straps and some red heels. My hair went down to just a little under my shoulders and I had a few clip in red streaks. The lined moved up as the security guards carried put a girl who had fainted. I shook my head laughing my chances looking even greater. After about two and a half hours it was finally turn. I walked in to see the boys of One Direction and Simon Cowell sitting there.

"I like her already." Smiled Harry with a wink as I rolled my eyes.

"Keep it in your pants please. Not here for you." Winking back at him with a smile.

"She has my vote." He replied leaning back into his chair. I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Name?" Asked Cowell.

"My name is Karmen. Honestly, I'd be more intimidated by you if you smiled Mr. Cowell. You like one of my most favorite idols."

"Why is that love?"

"Because you keep it honest. Brutally honest, but still honest."

"Can you handle honesty?"

"Try me."

"You might have Harry's vote, but frankly I don't like you're hair and you don't look like you're the acting type." He leaned back into his chair and folded his arms across his chest. I pushed out my bottom lip as my eyes began to tear up. Letting them roll down my face, I made myself sound choked up.

"How dare you? I looked up to you. You were my idol. I've been bullied all my life for my uniqueness and you're just like them." I wiped at my eyes as everyone looked genuinely upset.

"Karmen i-" he started.

"How's that for acting?" I interrupted him rolling my eyes. Everyone eyes shot wide open before they burst into laughter. Simon sat their his jaw basically on the floor as I tried to stiffle a laugh.

"Pretty damn good." He smiled clapping. I bowed a little. I could still see the uncertainty in his eyes. I groaned as I took out my clips in and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I can look normal, if that's what I have to do."

"Maybe, anything else we should know."

"I don't drink, but I do tend to have the occasional cigarette. I love to cook. I can flirt when necessary, and be apalled by others. On top of it all, I don't put my feelings first. If hired, I understand I have a job to do and my feelings with have to take the back burner. I have self control, meaning I won't hit an ignorant fan or response to their rudeness. I don't really believe in love, so you don't have to worry about me putting my boyfriend before my job. Also helps that I'm single and basically have no life." Everyone watched me skeptically as if I'll falter and admit that everything I was saying was a lie. To bad for them, I had told the truth.

"One more question love." Finally spoke Louis " why do you want to be hired?"

"Because I need the money. Don't ask me what for."

"Don't need to. You're hired love." Leave your address and phone number we'll be in contact with you before we leave Chicago." I rolled my eyes and did as told. Walking out of the room I watch as the rest of the girls faces fell and they sent me dirty looks. Flipping them off I headed to my car. I had done it. I was Louis Tomlinson's personal assistant. I didn't know for how long, but I did know I would have enough money for my parent's house soon. Just as I put the key in the ignition my phone vibrated. I looked to see I had five new texts. All from unknown numbers.

Unknown: Its Louis. Save it.

Unknown: Niall.

Unknown: Zayn.

Unknown: Liam.

Unknown: Hey beautiful its Harry. I really do like you. Nothing wrong with having fun while you work.

I saved all the numbers before replying back to Harry.

Karmen: I don't mix business with pleasure.

Harry: Good thing I'm not a part of you're business then.

Karmen: Your his friend and band mate. Meaning you're off limits buddy.

Harry: Guess so :p

I rolled my eyes as I plugged my phone into the radio and went to Ed Sheeran's- Thinking Out Loud and finally pulling out into the street. I didn't know what to expect with this job, but I hoped I would have fun while doing it.
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New Story! Enjoy!