The Beard


The next morning I woke up around eight thirty, which was rather odd for me. Most days I slept until at least ten. If I was being honest this whole 'personal assitant' thing was on my mind. I admit I hadn't really thought about it before I went to meet them. Of course I knew they were looking for a personal assistant for Louis, but the consequences of what came with that never crossed my mind. For example, would I be hassled by the media trying to get the inside scoop on One Direction? Would I be getting hate mail from fans because I am around them constantly? Shaking the thoughts out of my head I pulled out some cheese, bacon, eggs and pancake mix and got started on making my breakfast. I had already chopped and fried the bacon in the skillet. I cracked a few eggs and broke apart a few pieces of cheese, stirred it together as I put the bacon in before putting it all in the skillet and folding it over. It took about three minutes before it was done. The smell of the cheese filled my nostrils as I watched the cheese ooze out of the scrambled eggs. My stomach growled as I poured the pancake batter on the hot plate. Ten minutes later everything was done and I realized that I made way to much as usual. It was hard to get use to it being just me in this house. I was so use to cooking for me and my parents. Boy could my father eat. I laughed to myself as my eyes began to tear up. Just a few ones slipped out, someone knocked on my door. Quickly wiping them away, I moved to open it. To my surprise it was Louis, Niall and Harry.

"Hey, can we come in?" He asked politely. I nodded my head yeah as I moved out of the way to let them in.

"Sure. Are you guys hungry? I just finished cooking."

"We could eat." He smiled as they all sat down at the table. I fixed all of their plates and mine, giving Niall the extra bit leftover. Sitting the plates down I grabbed some glasses and the orange juice. I poured them some before digging into my food.

"So I'm guessing you're here to talk?" I asked after finishing off my first pancake.

"Guess so. I'm sure you're wondering how come we didn't take you're résumé and hired you without really asking any questions."

"You wanted a good looking personal assistant?" I questioned with a shrug. He smiled as he shook his head.

"No. You didn't even question why Harry hit on you through a text. Why?"

"Cause he's so obviously a perv." I laughed as he choked on his juice.

"I'm not a perv."

"Says the boy that likes to get naked on planes." I teased as he shrugged and went back to eating.

"Are you fan, love?" Asked Louis bringing my attention back to him.

"Depends on your definition. I enjoy quite a few of your songs and when I'm bored with nothing to do I sometimes watch your old videos on YouTube. However, I don't spend every waking hour thinking about you guys or tracking your every move. I'm kind of a fan, but not really. If that makes sense." I shrugged and for a minute it was silent as everyone finished the rest of their food.

"Why did you come to the interview yesterday?" He asked catching me off guard.

"Like I said, I need the money. My old co-worker heard that the famous Louis Tomlinson was looking for a P.A. while on tour. I knew you guys were in Chicago so I went."

"What do you need the money for?"

"Why is that of importance?" I questioned defensively.

"Because I need to know I can trust you." I stared at his face to see if I could get something from it, but all I could read was the pleading in his eyes and the sincerity they held. I sighed.

"I need the money so I can keep my parents house." I said gesturing around the place. " They died a few months back and owed the bank five thousand bucks before it was there's completely."

"I'm sorry for your lost."

"Thank you."

"I think I can help you though."

"I don't see how me being youre P.A. will help my situation. I mean yeah, you're paying me but I wont be able to keep the house."

"See the thing is I don't need a P.A. I need a beard..."

"YOU WANT TO PAY ME TO BE YOUR PRETEND GIRLFRIEND! WHAT THE HELL MAN, I'M NO SLUT!" I snapped standing up prepared to kick them out. I was extremely offended.

"Let me explain." He pleaded. I crossed my arms over my chest as I sat back down to hear him out. "The label doesn't like the entire thing between Hazza and I..."

"Larry Stylinson is real?"

"To a certain extent yeah." Interjected Harry.

"Anyways, we've been told to make it disappear. Give the media something else to talk about. Which is were you come in. We'll announce you as my new P.A. after a while we'll start to put little hints of a budding romance. The media will eat it up. Make it bigger then what it is, but I need to know that you'll be committed to it."

"Simon Cowell said I wasn't the acting type. It was listed as one of my hobbies on my résumé. What makes you think I am?"

"The way you fooled him yesterday with the tear. Trust me, that's hard to do." I signed he was giving me a lot to think about.

"If I agree to this."

"Then you get your house. We'll go pay off your debt with the bank today and then we'll help you start packing. By the then the rest of the lads will be able to help."

"Won't the media think you just bought me a house?"

"They won't find out."

"If I refuse."

"If you refuse, it was nice to meet you, but we'll have to keep searching. Trust me its hard to find a girl that we all like. Seeing as she'll be with us all the time. We have to get along."

"All of you like me?" I asked my eyes wide. That was a first. I had trouble pleasing one person, yet I managed to get them all to like me.

"Yeah we do. You're sexy, honest and on top of that you a hell of a cook. We even like your sassiness. Can't wait to get to know you better." Said Harry sending another wink my way.

"Do you ever not flirt?" I asked with a laugh.

"At the moment I don't recall." I burst into laughter before looking towards Louis again. Catching my breath I said the only thing that came to mind.

"Fine I'm in, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You have to promise me, I'll have fun and you guys will remain my friends when this is all over." He smiled as he stood up and came over to hug me.

"You've got a deal." I laughed as they all hugged me and I felt Harry grab my butt. Instead of yelling at him. I just grabbed his back. Just like that I was Louis Tomlinson's beard and personal assistant. So far I liked it.
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New chapter!!!