‹ Prequel: True Feelings
Status: In writing

It Only Takes One Mistake

Chapter 2

Gerard - This is my child and I want it now!
Ciara - I'm sorry, but you decided that you didn't want it even before he was born.
Gerard - Well I made a mistake! How many fucking times do I have to say it?!
Ciara - As many times as you want Gerard, I don't care.
Gerard - What do I have to do that I could meet my son?!
Ciara - The least you could do is stop screaming, don't you see that he already is crying?

Gerard looked at Diego who was crying and holding tightly to Sergio.

Gerard - I am sorry.
Ciara - Do you really think that will change anything?
Gerard - I know it won't, but just know that I'm really sorry for what I did. It was so horrible of me to do that to you and I wouldn't dare to expect you to forgive me, but please just let me meet with my son.
Ciara - You know how many times I heard that from you? You don't even realize how hard it was for me and now you come here scream in front of everyone that I'm some bitch who took your child away from you even that's you who took him away from yourself.
Gerard - I know I over reacted and I am truly sorry, but please just let me at least meet him, he is my son after all.
Ciara - Fine you can meet him, but don't even blame me if he doesn't like you. Sergio could you take him to my car afterwards?
Sergio - I will don't worry.

And with that I gone outside so I could get some fresh air. I can't believe this was actually happening.

Leo - I'm sorry.

I turned around and saw Leo standing with Antonella and Gabriele.

Ciara - For what?
Leo - For the way I reacted, I should of been understanding.
Antonella - We were angry Cia. You left us not telling where are you going or are you coming back.
Ciara - I understand that you are angry, but I had to do that.
Leo - But why not tell us first?
Ciara - Because I was afraid that once I look at all of your faces I will stay. Listen I'm sorry that I've hurt you all, but you gotta understand us too.
Gabriele - We do understand, but were hurt Ciara. We haven't seen you in 3 years.
Antonella - You changed a lot I'd say.
Ciara - How come?
Antonella - You look more mature.
Ciara - Well that's a good thing.
Leo - So Diego eh? How is he?
Ciara - He's two at the moment and hey where is your baby?
Antonella - He's at Leo's parents in Argentina.
Ciara - What's his name?
Leo - Thiago.
Ciara - To be honest I actually tought about giving that name to Diego.

We had a quick chat before Sergio came out of the building with Diego still with tears.

Sergio - He missed his mommy.

I quickly took him and he hugged me tightly.

Ciara - Did something happen in there?
Sergio - Well actually when you mention it Gerard is crying in the corner.
Ciara - Why is he crying?
Sergio - Well once he came near Diego and tried to be nice and stuff Diego started to cry louder and told Gerard that he hates him because he made you cry.
Ciara - I did warn him.

I turned to the others and they seemed to look uncomfortable.

Ciara - Well bye I guess. I'll see you around someday.

I waved and left to my car, but Sergio caught up with me.

Sergio - So how are you feeling?
Ciara - Not as bad as I thought I would be.
Sergio - So what are you going to do about Gerard?
Ciara - What is there to do? Diego hates him.
Sergio - But what if he tries to come back again.
Ciara - He may do whatever he wants. I only care about my son.
Sergio - Did you feel something to him?

He was looking so serious when he asked me this question. Hm I wonder why...

Ciara - Sergio you know I will love him always... but that doesn't mean I want to be with him, there is too much hatred so it wouldn't work.
Sergio - I'm glad to heart that.
Ciara - Why?
Sergio - Don't tell me you didn't notice how I acted the past few weeks.

I knew what he meant, but I just decided to act dumb.

Ciara - How did you act?
Sergio - Like this.

And with that he kissed me. I didn't pull back or anything and I felt that he started to smile.

Diego - Ew...

Sergio pulled and started to laugh and I just smiled.

Sergio - I'll see you two tomorrow.

I just nodded and walked to my car so we could finally go home.

Gerard - So you and Sergio eh?

I turned around and there stood Gerard with everyone else behind him.

Ciara - What? No, of course no.
Gerard - Don't play dumb, I saw you two kiss.
Ciara - Well if he kissed me that doesn't mean that were dating.
Gerard - But you did kiss back.
Ciara - Now that is none of your business.
Gerard - Yeah you're right.
Ciara - Why are you here Gerard?
Gerard - I want to keep being with my son.
Ciara - Sergio said he started to cry again when you spoke with him.
Gerard - I know, but I'm just a new person to him. I want to warm up with him, once I saw him I fell in love Cia.
Ciara - I don't know... depends if he wants too.
Gerard - Just let me be with him a couple of days and then he'll decide.
Ciara - Fine, but I warn you that if you try to make some move on me or something then your out.
Gerard - I promise I won't.

And with that he ran off. I don't know if it's a good idea to let him be with Diego because that meant that I'm going to see him often. I hope he won't try anything because I promise that he will regret that he was born.
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Thank you Jayme112234 and Hockeykid40 for your comments! :)