How did this ever happen

You'll ruin the best thing

"Mommy, I'm really confused." Leana complained.
"Me too. I thought you hated each other." James agreed.
"Well, now I am." Bam said.
"Nice going confusing the whole family." I said.
"Aw I love you too." Bam said.

No one's POV

Ryan waited for about ten minutes in the car and relized his sister and Bam weren't in the car. He got out and walked back into the house. He walked over the living and saw Jackie and Bam sleeping. Out of no where Dave pops up and stares at them also.

"You go in there and wake them up you will ruin the best thing that ever happened to them. And both of them will hate you. Your sister might hate you more." Dave explained.
"What the fuck?" Ryan asked and leaned against the door frame.
"How could you not see that she loves Bam?" Dave asked.
"I thought that she hated him." Ryan said dumbfounded.
"Are you blind?" Dave asked. Ryan was about to answer but Dave cut him off.
"Don't answer that. Look how happy they are. Have you ever seen one of them that happy? We all know they love each other." Dave explained.
"Dave. What the fuck? Where is this all coming from?" Ryan asked very confused about how this was coming out of Dave's mouth but relized he was right.
"Mmkay." Was all Dave said and he left. That kid has some problems. Aww they look so cute. Wait what did I just say about my sister and my bestfriend? Damn it. Ryan thought to himself.

Bam's POV

So some how Jackie and I manged to fall alseep. I woke up before she did and she looked so peaceful. Wow can someone say cliche. What ever. Maybe I should listen to Dave. All of a sudden Jackie started to move around a lot. But she was still alseep. She almost fell off my lap once so just incase she did that move again I held her tighter. She started to mumble something but I couldn't understand it.
"Jackie." I whispered and brushed the hiar out of her face.
"Mhm." Was all she said.
"Come on wake up. We have to or we're gonna be even later." I said.
"But I want to stay here." Jackie mumbled obivously still somewhat alseep.
"Ugh fine." Jackie said in defeat. And got off my lap. Which is now missing the warmth of Jackie.
"Come on Bammy. We have to go do whatever it is that you do." Jackie and took my hand and pulled me up.
"I skate board. Bam skate boards." I pointed to myself.
"I'm glad you know your name and what you do." Jackie said and walked off to the front door.