We Took the Fall

39: But You’re Happy?

Wrinkling her nose, Catalina kicked her feet a little, her blue eyes quickly scanning the quiet bedroom for the offending noise that polluted it. It was early, too early for the blonde who didn’t have work until later that evening when she took up a shift at the restaurant, and she couldn’t help but be a little irked. She had been hopeful of a lay-in given that it was the morning of her 30th birthday. Yawning, she spotted her phone which sat on the nightstand, its screen illuminated in the dim light of the morning. Stretching, she reached out and grabbed it, pressing it to her ear as she rested back against her pillow, mumbling a small ‘hello’.

“Buenos dias, querida” Fernando’s exuberant voice chirped.

“Do you have any idea what time it is here?” Catalina noted.

“I do” Fernando replied “And I thought you would be up by now, but judging by the grumpy tone of your voice, I misjudged it” he noted, a small laugh falling out of his mouth.

“I was happily sleeping until you rang” Catalina muttered, snuggling contentedly down into her pillow.

“I could call back” Fernando offered.

“You’re talking now” Catalina murmured “We might as well keep it going” she added.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you, Lina, honestly” he mused apologetically.

“It’s Ok” Catalina noted “How’s America?” she posed gently, trying to stifle a yawn.

“It’s alright” he replied, his tone a little bored or frustrated. It was no secret, even despite the departure of Mario Mandzukic, Fernando still wasn’t going to be the automatic first choice, and Catalina, despite knowing nothing about the sport, knew it frustrated him. He just wanted a shot to show that he still had something to offer, something he’d not been able to make apparent at Chelsea or AC Milan.

“It’ll be Ok, Nando” Catalina noted softly.

“I am not so confident, Lina, but let’s not worry about that now. Feliz cumpleaños” he noted.

Catalina smiled gently. “Gracias” she replied.

“What do you have planned for today?” he posed gently. He felt bad, after 8 years apart, he’d thought he’d be around to make a fuss of her 30th birthday, and he was a little disappointed that he wasn’t. It would have been another excuse to make a fuss of the girl he adored.

Catalina turned over a little, pulling the warm duvet up a little further. “Esther’s coming over to make a big enough fuss for you both in a little while and I have to work this evening, so it will be pretty quiet” she explained.

“I wish I was there” Fernando noted wistfully.

“I wish you were too, but you’re not and there is little we can do about that right now” Catalina note, yawning.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to go back to sleep?” the striker enquired gently.

“I am fine, I like hearing your voice” she noted.

Fernando chuckled gently. “I have given some thought to what sort of present I can get for you when I get back” he enthused with a tone which had Catalina picturing the grin on his face.

“I already told you that you didn’t have to bother with that” Catalina quipped.

“You’re my girlfriend, Lina, of course I am going to bother” Fernando pointed out.

Catalina rolled her eyes. “You really don’t have to” she noted.

“I want to” Fernando replied “And talking of things I want, have you given any thought to what I asked when we were out in Italy?” he posed.

“I am not having this conversation at this time in the morning, Fernando” Catalina sighed.

“Just tell me you’re still thinking” Fernando insisted.

“I am thinking, Nando” Catalina mumbled before she rested her head back against the pillow. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to do it. She was excited by the thought to taking a more serious step with him, but she was a little hesitant. Their relationship was new, even if they had done it all before, and she wanted to be slightly cautious. She wanted to think and be sure before she agreed.

“30 years old” Esther chuckled “Welcome to the club” she added, handing over a bag of gifts to the blonde who took it with a grateful smile.

“I feel older” Catalina teased, padding back into her living room.

“You’ll miss being in the 20s. You can’t get away with nearly as much stuff at 30” Esther giggled, moving to hug the blonde tightly. “Feliz cumpleaños” she added. Catalina murmured a small thank you before she moved to collect the bag of gifts that she had put down, her eyes widening a little at the number.

“You didn’t have to get me anything, Esther,” she pointed out, her blue eyes peeking over at her friend who grinned.

“Someone had to” Esther replied “With Blondie out in America and your family an unsurprising no-show, someone had to come and make a fuss of you and I thought it ought to be me. Besides, they’re only small things that I thought you would appreciate” she shrugged.

Catalina shook her head and sat down, pulling the first gift out of the bag. Unwrapping it, she studied it before she shook her head, giggling. “You bought condoms?” she squeaked, her blue eyes peeking at Esther who smirked.

“Someone has to ensure that you and blondie are safe” Esther teased “We don’t want little babies making an appearance too early on” she added.

“Thanks for the concern” Catalina replied, setting the box down beside her.

“How are you two, by the way?” Esther posed, handing Catalina another gift which she proceeded to open.

Catalina smiled. “We’re OK” she mused softly.

“Only OK? I was expecting spectacular” Esther teased.

“We’re doing well. He took me away to Italy a couple of weeks ago and that was amazing, and he called me this morning and was equally sweet and thoughtful, but I am not about to rush head first into this. I want to take some time, even if we don’t need to. I want to take a little while to reacquaint us” Catalina explained, nodding in thanks for the t-shirt that Esther had bought for her.

“But you’re happy?” Esther pressed. The last thing she wanted was to see her friend get her heart broken again.

Catalina smiled widely. “Very happy” she enthused softly.

“Good” Esther smiled.

“Perhaps you could use his name now?” Catalina suggested, offering her friend a teasing look.

Esther shook her head. “Not quite yet, Lina, but perhaps one day” she mused, making her friend laugh.
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Thanks to FootieJo and Jayme112234 for the comments :)