Status: Posting.

Don't Treat This Like a Secret


The first day that the boys hang out is only mere hours after the exchange of phone numbers. Jack knows that Alex couldn't have even made it back down to Hot Topic yet before his phone beeps, signaling a text from Alex. All through the day they talk, Jack talking about the slight annoyance of people putting cds in the wrong places, and Alex talking about the twelve year old girls flirting with him. They decide to meet after work for coffee.

Jack doesn't sleep that night, his body buzzing, rather it's on caffeine or Alex, he doesn't know.

The second time they hang out, they go to a local band's show at a venue in downtown Baltimore. Jack discovers that Alex is the single most energetic human being on the planet. He's got a few bruises himself from standing at the edge of the mosh pit, but Alex is probably covered, considering he was inside it.

The third time they hang out, it's a legit date. Alex asked him on it, and Jack gladly agreed. A movie and sharing popcorn, then dinner at In-n-Out. Nothing fancy but it was perfect to them. When Alex dropped him off at his house, they shared a kiss. It wasn't a long makeout session but it was definitely enough to keep Jack up all night thinking about it.

Three days after their date, Alex pops the questions. No, not that one, the will you be my boyfriend one. Jack squeals - you heard it: squeals - and of course his answer is a big fat yes.

Pretty soon after that, Alex becomes pretty much a staple of the Barakat household. If he isn't at work, usually he's right along with Jack playing a video game or even helping Joyce cook when Jack himself is at work. Alex loves to cook and it gives him an opportunity to practice and bond with his new boyfriend's mother. And it makes Jack super happy so it's a win win.

The Barakats love having him around. He's incredibly polite, helpful and sweet to everyone and gets along well with both mom and sister. Jack sort of dislikes how often May brings her friends over, though, because they fawn all over Alex and his adorable accent.


Work has become far more fun for Jack. Alex shows up on his break and before or after work, judging on his time for the day, and Jack does the same. Even on the food runs that Alex does, he always stops and asks if Jack wants anything, and May if she's hanging around.

"Hey Alex!" Jack greets brightly as he sees the blonde walk through the door, "How's work?"

"It's alright," he answers, leaning over the counter to peck Jack's lips, "It's a pretty slow day. That chick that's always hanging around that's one of Karina's friends has been there all morning. Flirting with me and shit. Karina told her that I'm gay, and taken. But she's relentless. Like, have a little shame, girl."

Jack laughs softly at Alex's speech. He feels very strongly about the way people portray themselves and has no problem going on a rant about it. Jack doesn't mind. He loves to hear Alex's voice.

"Do I need to go up in there and kick some girl's ass?" Jack asks, quirking an eyebrow in amusement.

Alex laughs, "You probably shouldn't do that. You might get banned from the mall. But I wouldn't mind if you popped in and planted a big smooch on my lips in front of her."

"I think that can be arranged," Jack says quietly, grinning and taking the collar of Alex's shirt, pulling him forward to kiss him. He takes a moment to enjoy the way Alex's lips move against his own before pulling back. He would happily sit there and kiss his boyfriend all day, but if a customer complained about it, he could get in trouble with one of his bosses.

"How has your day gone?" Alex asks.

"It hasn't really been too slow here actually. I've had several customers. One guy hung around for like an hour and carried around like ten albums. I don't even know where he put them all back but he only bought two. So I'm going to have to find them and put them back," he grumbles making Alex grin that big grin of his that Jack loves so much.

Alex laughs and hops up onto the counter, kicking his feet against the front lightly. Jack picks the pen from the front of the register, placing it back in the cup, "What kind of new stock do you guys have?" he asks a question that can have a long answer just so he can hear that soft accent of Alex's voice.

"We've got a bunch of new My Little Pony shit. Like, what is the obsession with that shit? Aren't they just little figurines to play with?" he asks, raising a thick eyebrow.

"Actually I believe it's a cartoon now. My little cousin watches it. It comes on after Adventure Time," Jack replies, resting his head on his hand as he watches Alex twirl his bangs around his finger.

"Oh. Umm, most of the stuff that came in is just stuff we normally get. We didn't get too much new this week. Oh! There is a few new designs of Fall Out Boy t-shirts that you should check out," Alex explains.

"What makes you think I would want to look at those?" Jack teases.

"Umm. Your obsession with them maybe? Don't act like you don't have a major hard-on for Pete Wentz," Alex says with a roll of his eyes, his eyes glinting with amusement as he leans forward to grab a magazine from the rack under the counter.

Jack curls his fingers under the belt loop of the ridiculously tight jeans his boyfriend has on to keep him from falling off of the counter, "Oh yeah. I'd totally fuck him. I use his nudes to masturbate to all of the time, you know."

"Eh, it wouldn't surprise me, babe. But I'd totally let Patrick ess my dee," Alex replies.

"I'm sure you would. You are kind of a slut," he teases back.

Alex feigns a gasp and places his hand on his chest, furrowing his eyebrows together, "That hurt me deep, Jack Barakat. I don't know if I can ever recover from your cutting words."

"Oh hush your lips," Jack grins.

"I will if you put yours on my dick," Alex replies cheekily.

Jack chooses to push Alex off of the counter instead of letting him see the blush that heats his cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo. The main point of this story will be in the next chapter. I'd originally written this as a oneshot so it didn't matter it took a little while but I ended up splitting it up but heeeey. It's coming! Hope you enjoy!