Tell Me I'm a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad Man.


Gerard's heart was racing as he glanced at the clock. He knew he was in so much trouble. It was 3:48 and his boyfriend will be home in twelve minutes.

Frank and Gerard are in an interesting relationship. They started off as Dom and Sub, until Frank fell in love with Gerard over time. That was over a year ago.

Frank thought since he had feelings for Gerard, that they wouldn't work out anymore, but they act like any other normal couple around other people or out in public. But in the privacy of their home, Frank and Gerard are in fact, Dom and Sub.

Gerard knows he isn't supposed to touch himself unless he has permission. Gerard listens to him pretty well, most of the time, but not today. The man couldn't wait until the other got home from work. ​​

​​​​Frank had given Gerard specific instructions while he was at work. They were simple instructions as a matter of fact; well, according to Frank they were.

"You are not to touch yourself at all while I am gone. Not even a little bit. No matter how badly you want to. You will be punished if you disobey me." Frank told the taller man in a firm, warning tone.

​​Gerard gulped and nodded his head.

​​Frank glared at Gerard. "You understand me? If you touch yourself, I will know."
"I won't touch myself." Gerard replied, lowering his head."Good. I'll be checking in to make sure you're behaving."

Frank kissed Gerard goodbye then straightened his tie and picked up his briefcase. He walked to the front door. He opened the door and headed out into the cool Autumn air. Frank unlocked his car doors and hopped inside. He inserted the key in the ignition, turned it, and sped off down the street to his long day of work as a lawyer.

Three hours later, Gerard's cell phone rang. The red head picked up the phone and held it to his ear.

"Frankie?"Frank cleared his throat. "I beg your pardon?""I mean Sir. Sorry, Sir.""That's better. Now, have you been behaving so far, my pet?""Yes, I have, Sir.""Good. Keep it that way. I will call you again later." Frank hung up abruptly, leaving Gerard to shake his head.

Frank seems to always hang up without a word. It used to annoy the hell out of Gerard, but he has gotten very used to it.

The second time Frank called, Gerard just finished eating lunch. He still has obeyed the orders given to him. Frank was pleased and told him he'll be home at 4:00, like he told him this morning.

Around 2:00, Gerard decided to take a shower since he knew Frank will be home soon and he wanted to be clean for the other.

The shower started out innocently, until Gerard's mind started to wonder thinking about the last time he was in the shower with Frank.

​​​​Frank had Gerard up against, the wall, his palms flattened on the slippery wall, as the short, tattooed man pounded into him until Gerard was screaming his name and the water ran too cold.​​​​

Gerard thought about every single detail and it got him hard as a rock. He tried to shake all dirty thoughts from his head, but there was no use. He knew he's gonna pay for it later, but at that moment, he didn't care. He simply needed to get off. So he did.

​​​​He quickly jerked himself off. Then he scrubbed himself clean, stepped out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. Lastly, he climbed into their bed and waited for Frank, nervousness building in the pit of his stomach.​​​​

He looked at the clock and it was now five minutes until Frank will be walking through the front door of their home, and boy, is he going to be sorry he jerked off. Frank wasn't lying when he told him he will know if he's done something. It happened before.

Frank went to the grocery store and was about ten minutes down the road when he realized he forgot his wallet. And that quickly, Gerard already had his clothes off and hand on his dick, laying back on the couch.

Frank froze in his tracks upon entering the house, Gerard froze in shock and sputtered out apologies, but Frank remained calm, as angered as he was, and slowly removed his belt. Next, he flipped the naughty man over, and whipped his ass raw with his belt until Gerard was in tears from the pain, begging Frank to stop.

Gerard hoped to God that Frank takes it easy on him. Gerard loves to be spanked and dominated, but he did not love Frank's studded belt. That hurt like a mother fucker and left welts for days.

The front door opened and Gerard began to panic. Maybe Frank won't find out. He could lie and swear he didn't disobey him, but Frank will know he's lying and will get punished for not telling the truth.

He can't ever look someone straight in the eyes when he is lying. He'll start to fidget and his voice will surely crack, just like he will crack and admit what he did in the shower.

Frank will smell how clean Gerard smells. Gerard scrubbed and scrubbed his dick clean, hoping to wash away the evidence of what he's done. It's no use, though. Frank will definitely have to punish Gerard, one way or another.

Gerard could hear Frank moving around downstairs. Next, what he hears is Frank walking up the stairs. Gerard's heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest as the other gets closer and closer to the bedroom.

Frank finally gets inside the bedroom and smirks at Gerard as he makes his way over to the bed.

He leans down, planting a kiss on the taller one's lips.

He then loosens his tie and unbuttons all the buttons on his white, collared shirt. He slips the shirt off his shoulder, and tosses it into the laundry basket. Frank unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants. He removes his pants and throws it into the dirty laundry as well.

"So, how was your day, sweetpea?" Frank asked Gerard.
Gerard bit his lip nervously. "It was alright." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Hmm. Just alright you say?"
Gerard nodded and bowed his head in shame. "Frank...I..."
Frank cut the rest of Gerard's words off. "Strip."

And Gerrard listened. The tone that Frank uses when he is in Dom mode, always lets Gerard know that Frank isn't his boyfriend at the moment, and is indeed, his Dom.

Gerard is completely naked and waits for further instruction from Frank.

"Lay down on the bed. On your back."
"Yes, Sir." Gerard does as he is told, but is still nervous about what awaits him.
"Now, be a good boy and answer this question for me. Did you masturbate while I was at work?"
Gerard's eyes widened and he gulped loudly. Fuck. He is so screwed. "I....shit...."
Frank shook his head and waved a pointer finger side to side. "Tisk tisk tisk. You were a bad boy, weren't you?"
Gerard nodded and sighed. "Y-yes, Sir. I was bad, Sir."
"What a shame. Now I have to punish you."
"I know you do, Sir."

"Tell me what you did to disobey me, hmm?"
Gerard swallowed hard before he spoke. "I-I uh...I jerked off in the shower."
Frank smirked evilly. "I see. Did you think about anything specific or did you just decide to pleasure yourself even though you know you're not supposed to?"
"I thought about you, Sir. I thought about the last time you fucked me in there, Sir."
"Oooh, you are a a very bad boy. You love it when you're against the wall with my dick ramming into you, don't you?"
"Yes, Sir, I really do."
Frank grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. "You know the drill, my pet. You disobeyed a direct order and now you must suffer the consequences. Roll over onto your stomach. NOW."

Gerard wasted no time in turning over. He sure as hell does not want to make Frank angry, especially now.