Status: 1/26

Art Class


What is the point of alarm clocks if they don’t go off? I thought to myself as I hurried out of my car. Sling my bag over my shoulder I heard my paint tin clatter with something else but I was in too much of a hurry to care what. Locking my Mini Cooper I ran across the grounds toward my art class.

A ding in my pocket alerted me that I had a message. As I ran I fished the device out of my paint splattered jeans.

Where are you?

It was my friend Francesca, she must have been waiting for me. Typing a quick message back to her I shoved the device back into my pocket as I came to the room where my class awaited me. Sucking in deep breaths I tried to calm my laboured breathing. Another ding.

You better get your arse in here! Sexy model alert!

Sighing I chucked my phone in my bag and turned the door knob before walking into the class. Soft music played as several heads turned to look at me. Blushing harshly I hurried over to my place beside Francesca who was looking at me a cheeky smile spread across her face.

“Thank you for joining us Sonia,” turning I looked at Ms Hubert who stood at the front of the class a young man stood beside her a half smile spread across his face. “I was just introducing our model for today. Everyone this is Zayn.” he lifted his hand in a wave before Ms Hubert grabbed his attention giving me time to walk over to my seat and set myself up for the next hour.

“What happened to you?” Francesca leant forward to whisper to me. Looking up I shrugged my shoulders.

“Alarm clock didn’t go off and traffic was terrible.”

“Uh huh,” she didn’t believe me. Shaking my head I set my easel up and opened my sketch book ready for what our lesson was. Looking forward I had missed everything that Ms had said grabbing one of my pencils I waited patiently but I felt Francesca’s eyes on me.

“What?” turning to look at her I waited for her to ask what she really wanted to know.

“I find it hard to believe that your alarm clock didn’t go off… Did a certain blue eyed, blonde haired male spend the night.”

“Carter? God no… plus he is just a friend I don’t think of him that way.” I shuddered to prove my point. Francesca seemed to think that my best friend Carter and I are more then were say we are which is not the truth. Far from it. Cater has a girlfriend and we don’t feel that was about each other, however the fiery haired female is determined that something is there. “Anyways shut up Ms is saying something.”

Ms Hubert was looking in my direction, quickly I moved my eyes away from her and looked at the male beside her. To say he was pretty was an understatement. He was gorgeous and that was just in his face. Defined cheek bones, strong jaw line that was covered with dark facial hair. Following the lines and contours of his face I met his eyes, they were dark and full of mystery. I was startled when he winked, pulling my eyes away from the male I turned to look out the window as if I was distracted by something outside. I was brought back to attention when I heard Ms say two words.

‘…Sketch him.’

My attention was drawn to the front of the class where I saw a luxurious chair sitting on a pedestal that was when I realised what kind of class this was. Heat formed in my cheeks as I looked at Francesca out the side of my eyes. She was enjoying this, her eyes were trained to the front of the room, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Shaking my head at my friend I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I turned back to the front watching as the raven haired male pulled the knot on his robe and sliding the material off his shoulders. With the material gone I was able to see the ink that decorated his collarbones, shoulders, arms and hands. The male walked over to the seat sitting down and lounging back throwing the satin material over the back of the chair and got comfortable.

Shaking myself I gripped my pencil, rather tightly, and began a rough sketch trying to capture his beauty. However every time I looked back at him I became distracted from my task and couldn’t help but drink in the sight of him. He sat with such ease as if he had done this a million times before. His dark eyes looked out the window as I and the other students in my class drew him. I paid close attention to the lines and contours of his face trying to trace them back on the paper in front of me.

My lesson flew by with such ease that before I knew it Zayn had returned his gaze from the window grabbing the robe he threw it over his shoulders covering his body from my eyes. I nearly growled, I was so closed to finishing the piece. Students around me were flocking to the front of the class to talk to Ms Hubert and Zayn. I didn’t miss their mooney eyes and smiles that were shot in his direction. Sighing I pulled my attention back to the piece in front of me.

“Oi you coming?” it was Francesca, turning I looked at her and shook my head.

“Not yet, I’ll catch up with you later.” the red head didn’t ask questions instead she nodded her head understanding shooting a look at the front of the class before turning and walking out of the class leaving me sitting by myself looking at my drawing. Slowly I began to fix the few things that were irritating me trying to perfect it as much as I could.

“Wow, that looks amazin’,” his voice caused me to jump in surprise a squeak left my lips as I spun to look at him. A cheeky smile spread across his face. “Sorry didn’t mean to startle ya,” a shaky laugh left my lips as I shook my head turning back to look at the piece in front of me.

“No it’s fine… I was lost in thought anyway.” I felt him lean closer toward me, the heat of his body radiating onto mine, his breath blowing against my cheek, the smell of his cologne and cigarette smoke filled my sense of smell causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. “It’s not quite finished, if it was I would offer it to you… if you want we could… I mean… uhhh… oh wow… sorry… I uhm…” I stumbled over my words as my cheeks flamed with colour, groaning I placed my face in my hands causing the male beside me to chuckle. “Never mind, forget I said anything.”

“I would like to see it finished, perhaps we could arrange a time for you to complete it.” his words were no higher then a whisper yet they sounded so loud I was afraid someone could have heard it. Looking over at Ms Hubert and the few students left in the class room I noticed none of them had heard what he had uttered in my ear.

“Uh… that sounds… good.”

“You got a phone on you?”

“Y-yeah,” I leant forward fishing my phone out of my bag and handing it to him. I watched as he unlocked the screen a kind smile spreading across his face.

“Cute photo,” I smiled watching as he tapped away on the screen before handing the device back to me.


He had added his number to my phone.

“Talk soon,” I nodded my head as he shot me another smile before turning and walking toward a curtain in the corner of the room where I assumed he would get changed. As soon as he was out of my sight I snatched my art book away shoved my pencil in my bag and raced out of the classroom. I needed to catch up with Francesca. I needed to tell her what had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heya so this is the first oneshot-drabble in the new challenge I have entered. The Fandom Alphabet Challenge II.

This is the first one and they are all set in an AU universe where the boys are not in the band.

Please drop a comment and tell me what you think. I would love to know

Till next time
Cheers Esther :)