Still Deciding


After school Josh had been generous enough to walk me to my locker. His kindness would have been much more helpful when I was trying to find my classes, I thought but was still happy that he had offered.

"So.." He paused as we reached my locker, "Do you have any plans?" He asked tentatively.

I was taken aback by this and it killed me to have to tell him that I did. "I'm sorry. I'm going to The Plaza with a couple of guys."

"Ohh. That's alright." He stumbled and smiled at me, attempting to hide the pang of sadness in his eyes.

"But I'd love it if you came with me." I said, smiling brightly.

He smiled at me too and said "Okay."

"Cool." I said as I pulled my bag and my red chucks that I had slipped into it that morning, out of my locker. I shoved them on my feet quickly, cramming my school shoes into my bag. We walked over to Josh's locker and then headed out of school. It only took us about fifteen minutes to walk to The Plaza and thankfully it was not spent with an awkward silence. We talked easily about are favourite music, arguing at times over which bands we thought were better.

When we were there Josh lead us over to Gloria Jean's. The mall was so big that I was sure I would have gotten lost without him. We sat down at some of the tables a few meters from the counter and Josh was kind enough to buy me a hot chocolate.

After about five minutes, Justin, Ryan and Harley arrived. Two blonds with far too much makeup, really, really short skirts and white collar shirts with half their buttons undone, followed behind them. They looked at me and at first I thought they might have welcomed me with open arms. Then they reached the converses on my feet and scowled.

"Those are the guys you're meeting?" Josh asked, before they got close enough to hear him, a look of contempt on his face.

"Yeah. They told me that we were best friends before I lost memory and that I used to date Justin." I replied.

Josh opened his mouth to speak again, but before he got the chance Justin had reached us and was standing right in front of us. "Is this dork bothering you hun?" He asked.

"No. I invited him. You don't mind do you?" I asked. I looked up into his green eyes, they were mesmerizing.

"No. Of course not. But I was thinking we could go for a walk." He paused and then added, "Alone."

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow Josh?" I jumped out of my seat and looked down at Josh.

"Can I talk to you first?" Josh asked, avoiding Justin's gaze.

"Not now. Me and Elle have a lot of catching up to do." Justin said and slipped his hand into mine. "Come on Elle."

He turned around and pulled me with him. I took a last look at Josh and smiled, waving.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Justin walked me out of the mall and onto the street.

"How about your place?" He asked.

"First. Tell me my name." I said. Teasing him slightly.

"When we get to your place." He teased back. He smiled playfully at me.

It didn't take very long to reach Tina's apartment building, it was just down the street after all.

"This is it." I proclaimed as I opened the door to the apartment.

Justin barely was inside the door, when he slammed it shut and pressed his body against mine, kissing me fervently. I desperately tried to fight back. I didn't know why exactly, but I knew that what he was doing wasn't right. Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed as hard as I could but he had a tight grasp around my waist and my efforts were useless.

He pushed me into my bedroom and began to undo his belt. Being free, I tried to run around him and get to the front door. Maybe one of Tina's neighbours would help me. Sadly, Before I got to the door he caught up to me. Grabbing me by the arm he pulled me back to him. "Where do you think you're going?" He sneered at me.

Again I tried to fight him off. Swinging punches at his chest and face. It was pointless. He easily dodged them, not that there was much point, I was terribly weak and he probably could have broken my arm without even trying. He pulled me back into the bedroom and threw me onto the bed, jumping on top of me. He reached under my dress and I could feel his hands grasping around my underwear. I squirmed and slapped at his hands and face. Once more it was pointless. I tried to roll myself off the bed but by then my underwear was around my ankles and he had his hands on my hips.

He grinned at me evilly. His eyes sparkling. His breathing became heavy, I shut my eyes tight in a vain attempt to block it out. I could feel tears begin to pool at the corners of my eyes and my heart was racing.

When he was finished he got off the bed calmly and picked his pants up from off the floor. I curled myself up into a ball, waiting for him to leave. "See you tomorrow." He said smugly and a few seconds later I heard the front door shut.
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Gosh. It's been a while. Like three months since I've updated this story. Sorry it took so long and also that it's not as long as usual. I very much hope you, not enjoyed it so much as found the chapter interesting. Hopefully I wrote it well enough but I'm not sure. I think I can safely say though that it was not boring :)