Status: Fin.

No Matter What


Minato arrived home later than usual, much on his mind as he walked inside his small home. The littlest details were now dealt with, everything now in order for what was to come tomorrow. In the morning, his expecting wife was to be escorted by anbu black ops to the site where they would protect her as she gave birth to their first child. With Kushina's nine-tailed fox seal crucially weakened at the time of her going into labor, plenty was riding upon the success of this birth.

While it had been a hellish process to put together, the Third Hokage having been graciously a part of the planning process and his wisdom being a great and helpful asset, Minato was excited and ready to become a father for the first time, and he could only hope that there would be many more times as well.

“Minato!” Kushina, his glowing and pregnant wife called, pouting unsatisfactorily as he came in later than normal. “It's late and dinner's almost cold!” She scolded, waving around a spatula like the intimidating weapon Minato knew it could be used as.

His exhausted features brightened considerably, the sight of his wife and her motherly baby bump putting him in a better mood the instant they came into view. “Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled, walking over to them and kneeling before her stomach, placing his hands gently upon the bump and massaging it soothingly. “Hello, Naruto,” he greeted, placing a small peck affectionately onto the bump and Kushina's apron, Kushina gazing at him in awe, her blue eyes growing misty with love for her caring husband.

“Is everything ready?” She asked hesitantly, no one was more nervous about giving birth than Kushina. If not for being escorted by black ops and having the seal be at its most weakened state, then surely for the pain that would accompany the labor. She had even asked the young Uchiha mother of Sasuke if her labor was at all painful a few days prior.

Minato looked to his wife, nodding solemnly, his golden locks of hair swaying gently as his own pair of blue eyes took on a protective gleam. “Yes, everything is set for tomorrow.” He replied, soon seeing a small glint of anxiety flash in her eyes. “Don't worry, Kushina. I'll be there with you tomorrow. Everything will go fine, and soon Naruto will be right here with us. We'll be parents!” He grinned.

The steady tone and sincere excitement in Minato's voice was enough to convey his belief in tomorrow and what it had in store for them. Her hands gently sat upon her bulging belly, whispering, “Naruto, are you ready to meet us?”

Astonishingly enough, the baby boy gave a kick, Kushina gasping lightly at the small movement, and Minato's eyes glowing with amazement at the life that was within her. “Naruto, try to go easy on your mother tomorrow,” Minato playfully said to her stomach.

At his light teasing, Kushina walked over to the kitchen table that still held the bit of food she had prepared for their dinner, waving him over. “Come eat, Minato.”

He smiled and did as she said, sitting beside her and digging into the delicious food that she had made. His wife was getting better at cooking. There was still a bit of a spicy kick to her food, but he wasn't sure if that was because of the spices or if it somehow always managed to come through from her “Red-Hot Habanero” personality.

Later that night, as they settled into bed, Minato took her hand gently within his own, his fingers caressing the palm of her hand. “Kushina, are you nervous?” He inquired seriously.

She silently gazed into her husband's eyes, and hesitantly nodded, not wanting to admit she was for fear of making it seem all the more real. “I just want for everything to go perfectly. I want Naruto to come out unharmed.”

“He will be.” Minato put to rest her worries. “No matter what, he'll be born safe and sound. I promise, Kushina.”

“Minato...” she breathlessly whispered his name, tears gathering collectively in her eyes, “thank you.”

“Kushina, I love you. Always.”

“I'll always love you, too, Minato.”

“No matter what?”

“No matter what.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Writing this broke my heart. I'm going to go cry now.