Haruki Kita

Older Teen (17-19)

One day, while in the streets, he meets Georgia Rose, who starts to give him really good deals, but instead of paying him, she gives him soul gems, which aren't currency, but capture souls, something that fascinated Haruki.

Eventually, Haruki and Kiyomi start running out of money and they can barely survive, neither of them have any skills worth getting jobs for. Both of them are starving and miserable, and Haruki is desperate. He goes to Georgia Rose and asks her for money to survive. She says she can give him one hundred billion yen plus access to a secret hideout where she keeps all the soul gems you could possibly set your eyes on. Tempted by the soul gems, Haruki asks what he must do. She says he must kill Kiyomi. Set on the soul gems, the money as well as the thrill of killing again, Haruki debates with himself whether or not he should do it.

That night, he decides to kill Kiyomi. He brings the body to GR, who told him to meet her at an abandoned warehouse. There she takes Kiyomi's body and throws it into a giant furnace at the warehouse- no turning back. She gives him coordinates to the gems and a suitcase of money.

Trying to escape his guilt, he runs back to the boat to get rid of all reminders of Kiyomi. There he finds a note under the pillow that says (IN JAPANESE) "Haruki, I'm pregnant. Kiyomi". This drives him mad and depressed, he has to erase his feelings. He goes out and uses his money to have fun at clubs and casinos and drinks and parties. After days of living this way, he goes into a tattoo parlor with a dark emo girl, drunk, and gets a tattoo that says "SPIRIT". This actually creates a gateway for a Japanese demon, the Soul Eater, to enter his body and cause him to steal people's souls by placing both his hands, overlapped, on their chest. The spirit most easily enters his body when he heart has been malfunctioning or if it hasn't been properly cranked.