The Tower of Salvation (2)

Tower of Salvation 1

"Where are Colette and the others?" asked Lloyd curiously with a touch of worry. The platform where you stood, just before the door, was empty.
"Looks like they've gone in already," the Professor voiced, looking to the oracle stone and already opened door, "Let's hurry--"
"Wait." you ask,
"Aura, what is it?" asked Sheena,
"I-I...I've got a really bad feeling right now. I think something is... going to happen to Colette. Something bad..."
"Something...bad?" Lloyd asked worriedly,
"Everyone...please be careful. Okay?"
"...Ok." everyone agreed. Then you all head inside.

After getting inside you stood on a large glass platform, suspended over an endless void below you and endless height above you. Your head began throbbing, *I-I've...been here...* You try to calm yourself as you followed the others across the platform towards the teleporter which was glowing at the far end of the platform. However, upon drawing closer to the teleporter, shapes came into view...floating in the air.
Hundreds upon thousands....of coffins...

You gasp, feeling your legs quaking weakly under you, *No! Those coffins, I've seen those before... those are...they're the Chosen!!*
"What are those?" asked Lloyd, then he gasped, "They're...bodies?!"
"...Then those must be...coffins." the Professor agreed.
"Why are all these dead bodies here?!" asked Lloyd,
"They may be... all the Chosen that failed the world regeneration up till now." Raine said,
"Th...they...they are." you whispered, however your voice was so quiet that no one heard you.
"So if Colette fails, she'll wind up here...dammit!" Lloyd cursed,
"I'm worried about Colette. Let's hurry!" Genis asked,
"...Yeah!" Lloyd agreed,
"Aura what is it?" asked Sheena,
"Th-th-those...coffins. I-I've seen them before...I've been here!" everyone gasped softly at your claim. But, because you were worried about Colette, you all head through the teleporter anyway...

When after arriving at the next platform, you see Colette praying on a raised platform at the end of the glass walkway you were standing on. Large two-part stone pillars lined the pathway.
"...What?" asked Lloyd curiously. Your still shaking, the bad feeling is worse. Then Remial appeared,
"Now, my daughter. Release the final seal!" he instructed, "In doing so, you will complete the final sacrifice of your existence--your heart, and your memory. By doing so, of your own free will, you will become a true angel!"
"What?!" demanded Sheena
"Sacrifice her heart and memory?!" demanded Lloyd,
" what I was feeling." you whisper, "She's going sacrifice Everything!"
"Colette's going to forget about us?!" asked Genis,
"Colette's human life will now end. And she will be reborn as an angel." Professor explained sadly,
"Professor Sage, what is he talking about?" Lloyd demanded,
"Lloyd I'm sorry. I promised Colette I wouldn't say anything." she apologized weakly, "Colette will give up her life in order to Regenerate the world. Becoming an angel...means dying."
"No...No...! It's pointless...!" you whisper, "No good will come of it...!"
"That's not quite correct." Remiel corrected in a menacing voice, "The Chosen's heart will die, and her body will be offered to the Goddess Martel. By offering her body, Colette will revive the Goddess. This is the true nature of the World Regeneration! The revival of the Goddess the revival of the world itself!"
"That...that's..." started Lloyd. You sink to your knees slowly, holding your head,
"Why is this so Familiar...?" you ask, "Why do I know this already...?!"
"Aura...!" Lloyd asked, looking back,
"I know what's going to happen!" you yell, clutching your head in both hands "Why?! Why?!" Sheen rushed to you, kneeling at your side,
"Aura...calm down. It's ok." she told you , hugging you reassuringly. She knew were really, really scared.

"Lord Remiel." started Raine, unsure. She was looking at you, then looked to the Angel, "We have heard that a world known as Tethe'alla lies parallel to Sylvarant."
"That is not for you to know." the Angel responded coldly,
"...because the worlds aren't supposed to know about one another..." you say weakly, "They're not interfere with one another..."
"You kept it a secret because it is true, correct?" pursued the Professor,
"From whom did you learn of it?" he demanded,
"Can't Cruxis make both worlds peaceful?" asked Sheena from where she was kneeling next to you.
"...If that is what the Chosen desires, she can lend her power to Cruxis by becoming an angel." Remiel told her firmly.

"Once the Goddess Martel is revived by the Chosen, the two worlds will surely achieve peace. Just as the Chosen whishes." Remiel continued,
"That's...that's not...that's not...!" you argue weakly. You knew it was a Lie, however you couldn't say it, your voice refused to do as you asked,
'Really?' asked Colette hopefully,
"Is that true, you ask? You know why you have come here." Remiel told her,
'I do...' Colette stood,
"You can't!...Are you really planning to die?" asked Sheena. Colette looked back at you,
"Colette, stop! If you sacrifice yourself, your friends who love you...and your family...and...and me! We'll all be sad! It will be the same as sacrificing all of us!" Lloyd begged,
'I'm sorry, Lloyd,' she apologized sadly. Lloyd tried to run to her, but Genis wouldn't let him
"Genis! Let me go!" Lloyd demanded,
"I don't want anything to happen to her either! But what else are we supposed to do?!" the elf demanded weakly, "The people of Sylvarant are suffering too!"
"But..." started Lloyd,
"The sacrifice of one single person, the Chosen, will save the world. Are you saying you would choose the Chosens soul over the entire world?" Remial demanded, "Now Colette, come join your father."

She turned back to Remiel. Colette started glowing. Lloyd ran to the base of the alter.
"Wait! Remiel!" he exclaimed "Is there really no other way? Colette's your daughter. Surely you don't really want her to die, either!"
"...My daughter? Don't make me laugh." Remiel told him coldly,
"I knew it..." you murmur, tears forming in your eyes, "Colette was born of human parents... Remial was never..."
"Aura...?" Raine asked unsurely. Why did you know all of this?
"When I came down to play the role of guardian angel, you inferior beings just started calling me her father on your own." he barked,
"Wh...what? ..." asked the brunette weakly,
"He's a half elf." you tell them, "And a lifeless being..."
"I merely placed the Cruxis crystal upon this sacrifice, who was selected to become Martel's vessel." the blonde angle responded simply. Lloyd jumped onto the alter, enraged.

"Colette!" Lloyd exclaimed. Her voice radiated from her body,
"Lloyd, it's ok. I realized what was going on. Every time I met Remiel I felt...that he was not my real father... But still. For some reason, I still feel like I wanna cry." she explained,
"Colette! If you realized what was going on, then why?..." Lloyd asked weakly,
"You can hear my voice?" she smiled, a forced, faltered smile, "I'm so happy! I'll be able to say goodbye to you in the end."
"Colette...I'm sorry. I couldn't save you...I'm so sorry!" he apologized, "I promised I wouldn't make another mistake, but it looks like I have again..."
"No. Thank you, Lloyd. Because of you. I was able to find the courage to protect the world. Because of you I was able to find the strength to live these sixteen, years to the fullest." Colette told him. She took a few steps away from him. "So please..."
"Colette!" he cried
"It looks like its time. Goodbye..." she started floating, eyes closed.
"No...! No!" you argue, trying to get up, "Colette-!"
"Aura, don't!" Sheena ordered,

Colette's wings appeared on her back. Her eyes opened... Empty. Lifeless... Soulless...

"Hahahahahaha! I've done it! Its finally complete! Martel's vessel is finally complete!" Remiel exclaimed, laughing maniacally, "With this, I shall become one of the Five Seraphim!"
"Wait just a minute! What are you gonna do with Colette?" Sheena demanded
"He's going to take her to heaven." you explain, your voice sounding almost dazed, "...we'll...we'll never see her again."
"You bastard! You'll pay for this! Cruxis, the Angels, the Goddess Martel...its all a big lie, isn't it?!" demanded Lloyd, "Let her go, now!!"
"That I cannot do, for she is Martel's Vessel. This is Martel's new body, which took years to complete. I have no more use for any of you! Be gone!"

He dove at Lloyd but Genis knocked him back with magic. You battle against the angel, motivated by your desperation to save Colette...

You were victorious, and Remiel collapsed to the ground.
Where Is Kratos...!?!