Status: In progress with script & animation. To be release August 1st

Keep It Covered


Episode 1
(Intro slides)
//Caption: Monday//
(SC's and Ellie at cafeteria)
Kat: OMG I just thought of a fun game to play!
Brittany: Ooh, what is it?
Kat: Kay so we all name who we think are the lamest people in the school!
Lola: That sounds fun! I've already got a few!
Kat: Alright so there's Heidi, Eric, Claire...
Lola: Billy, Georgie
Brittany: Don't forget Frances! She's such a dork!
Kat: Haha, yeah! Ellie, why aren't you playing?
Ellie: Oh um... I don't know.
Brittany: I know why! 'Cause her name's on the list!
Lola: Yeah! And she knows it!
Kat: *bursts out laughing* LOL that's definitely why!
(Slide of Ellie)
Brittany: Ugh seriously Ellie, stop looking so serious. Maybe your name wouldn't be on the list if you knew how to take a joke.
Lola: No, I think it still would be!
Brittany: Ha! Of course! She'd have to do A LOT more to get off it!
Kat: Ellie, you're bumming everyone out with that crybaby face. Go sit somewhere else so we can keep playing.
Lola: Yeah!
Brittany: See ya!
(S of Ellie standing up with tray)
(S her walking to empty chair)
(S she sits down)
Ellie: (To people next to her) Um, hi.
OC: (Glances at her) (Faces away from her and towards group)
Ellie: (Looks down and continues eating)

Scene 2
(S Ellie enters mansion)
Ellie: <em>I doubt anything is ever going to change. I'm never going to make ACTUAL friends. As usual, my dad is at work from early in the morning to late at night and my mom is... somewhere. There are so many rooms in this house I never know which one anybody's in.</em>

(S she's at a door that goes to her room)
Ellie: <em>Ugh, my room. I spend about 99% of the time I'm not at school in there. Even though I have pretty much everything a teenage girl could want entertainment-wise, it's gets so boring.</em>
(Walking down hallway)
Ellie: (Looks at door with SP on it) There are so many empty rooms in this house. If I stayed in one of them for a long time, I wonder how long it would take someone to find me. Especially considering most of them, such as this one, are soundproof. Hold on… that’s not a bad idea. Anyone would know I was in my room, but I’m not in the mood to be interrupted right now.
(Grabs guitar from room)
(Back to SP door)
(Inside large room)
Ellie: Sometimes I forget how huge these empty rooms are. I mean, my room’s big, but it seems smaller with all the stuff that’s in it.
*Ellie plays A-minor*
Ellie: Nice acoustics. Ha, not really. I don’t know how to determine that.
(Plays part of chosen song)
(Begin background instrumental at appropriate time)
(As instrumental starts, change background to a stage)
(Finish song and change background back to normal)
Ellie: That was so weird. Maybe I can do it again if I try hard enough.
(S same room)
Connie: Were you trying hard last time?
Ellie: Wow okay this is... odd. I mean Ive always had a conscience but I didn't know you... Were...
Connie: Were any more than a voice? Yeah normally not, but you imagined me.
Ellie: So that would be why I knew you were my conscience right away.
Connie: Yeah cause I mean, it's your mind and everything.
Ellie: That thing with the stage felt so real... and unreal. Like the entire time the real world stopped existing. It felt so () everything just () I don't know how to explain it. ()
Connie: Natural.
Ellie: Yeah! I didn't have to think about anything that was happening, it was like a dream.
Connie: A daydream? Doesn't pretty much everyone have those?
Ellie: Maybe, but it felt deeper. It was sort of like a different reality, and this one didn't exist.
Connie: You can go back anytime you want. Just imagine where you want to be and release reality from your mind.
Ellie: Alright, I'll try that.
(S Ellie closes her eyes)
(S the room becomes a meadow)
Ellie: This is beautiful.

Scene 3

(Back in hallway, smiling)
Ellie: Aah! I hear footsteps! If my mom sees me coming out of the room, she'll know that she can find me in there! I don't even know how weird I probably look in real life when I'm... doing whatever you would call that.
(S running with guitar to room)
(S getting on bed)
E's mom: Dinner in 5.
Ellie: Uh... alright.
E's mom: Were you just running?
Ellie: Nope, don't think so.
E's mom: Ok then.
(EM exits)
(S of clock)
Ellie: It's 7:00? How is that possible? That would mean I was in there for 3 hours.
Connie: At least you found a new pastime. However weird it may be.
Ellie: *whispering* I didn't realize I took so long doing it.
Connie: You can just think what you're saying. I'm in your mind.
Ellie: Am I a freak? I'm talking to a voice inside my head.
Connie: Well everyone has a conscience, you just chose to name me, give me an appearance, and respond to me.
Ellie: When you think about it like that it doesn't seem that crazy, but when you think about it like "I have a voice in my head and we chat a lot" then it sounds way different.
Connie: It's probably best not to over think it. You'll drive yourself crazy. Or question whether or not you are crazy. Or become crazy in the process of questioning-
Ellie: Okay yeah, somehow I'll end up with some part of me crazy.
Connie: We all need a little craziness anyway.
Ellie: Pretty much. Anyway, I have to go to dinner.
Connie: See ya. Except not, 'cause I'm in your head.

Scene 4
Ellie: Hey
EM: Mhm. On the counter. (Doing paperwork with food next to her)
Ellie: Kay.
(S grabs food)
(S sits at table)
EM: You should join a club at school.
Ellie: What?
EM: Club. School. They have a lot of them and it would give you something else to do.
Ellie: Yeah I'm familar, but I mean what's this sudden interest in my club participation?
EM: I'm just making suggestions. What about that one music club? It's like band and orchestra, but more contemporary.
Ellie: I don't know.
EM: I just saw you with your guitar a few minutes ago. Don't you want to play with other people?
Ellie: I mean, I guess I could. It could be fun.
EM: Good.

Scene 5
//Caption: Tuesday//
Kat: Ellie. You're over your little crying session from yesterday right?
Ellie: Um, yeah?
Kat: Great. Brittany and Lola are coming to my house after school. You can come too, I guess.
Ellie: My mom wants me to go to a club after school.
Kat: Okay, whatever. I didn't want to ask in the first place, but Lola said I should so you didn't whine about being left out.
Ellie: Kay then.
(S her alone)
(S walking through hallway w/ classrooms)
(S two rooms next to each other. One says Contemporary Music Club and the other Christian Music Club)
Ellie: <em>I'm not really a Christian, but I have a weird feeling I should go to this one, and I trust my instincts most of the time.</em>
(S christiany looking room)
Ellie: Hi, I'd like to sign up for this club.
Teacher: Of course! We always welcome new members! We're doing some Newsboys, TobyMac, and other different things like that.
Ellie: Ok, cool.
(S Ellie walking over to where other students are)
Claire: Hi, I'm Claire.
Ellie: I'm Ellie.
Claire: So what denomination are you?
Ellie: Oh. Well I'm not really... I mean I'm not exactly a Christian.
Claire: The Contemporary Music Club is next door if that's what you're looking for.
Ellie: No, I think I'd rather be here.
Claire: Even though you're not a Christian? Ok...
(S looking down)
Ellie: <em>Ugh. Why do I have to be so weird?</em>
Claire: I'm a Baptist, by the way. Maybe you could come to church with me on Sunday.
Ellie: Ok.
Teacher: Okay! We'll go ahead and get started! What's your name?
Ellie: Ellie.
Teacher: Do you play any instruments?
Ellie: A little guitar
Teacher: Great! You can just come over here with the rest of the people who play instruments.
Ellie: Kay.
(S grabs guitar and sits with others)
Teacher: We'll start with Born Again by Newsboys on page 22.
(Class sings newsboys, have instrumental and record voice multiple times and play over each other)
(While singing, she goes into imagination)
Teacher: Ellie, you sounded great! You looked so into it!
Ellie: Thanks.
Teacher: Alright so we'll go through a few more...
Teacher: Bye, everyone! See you tomorrow!
(S walking away)
(S she freezes)
(S boy getting up where other students are)
(S he looks at her and smiles)
(S smiles back)
(S walking away, blushing)

Scene 6
(S goes into mansion)
(S goes up stairs)
(S into soundproof room)
(S closes her eyes)
(S opens to imagination)
Connie: Hello again.
Ellie: Hi.
Connie: So it's a good thing you listened to me about going to the Christian music thing instead of the other one.
Ellie: I didn't hear you, I mean not hear but like how-
Connie: I know what you mean. It's just a little extra thing I do. In the back of your mind I just push you to do something.
Ellie: Are you always right?
Connie: Most times, such as this one. You still might have a difficult time trusting it, but it works a lot.
Ellie: So you're my conscience and instincts?
Connie: I'm just you associating mental processes with an image of a teenage girl.
Ellie: That's a simpler way to put it.
Connie: So... you got yourself a bit of a crush?
Ellie: Oh. Uh. I don't know.
Connie: C'mon, admit it. It's not like I don't know what you know. Just say you do.
Ellie: Okay fine, just a little one.
Connie: He looked at you.
Ellie: Pshhh I don't care.
Connie: And smiled.
Ellie: Oh, what the heck. Squeee!!
Ellie: So um anyway, why did you push me to go to the Christian one? I'm not even a Christian.
Connie: Don't know. Could be the crush. Could be God. Who knows?
Ellie: I thought you knew.
Connie: I know what you know, and no one can explain their instincts. Otherwise, they'd stop being instincts and become logic.
Ellie: That is so confusing.
Connie: The mind is confusing.
Ellie: Yeah, but I mean maybe I could be a Christian. I could believe in a higher power, and the music they played was actually pretty cool.
Connie: You've got the opportunity to find out more about it with that church thing on Sunday.
Ellie: True.

Scene 7
(S Ellie and mom at dinner)
EM: How was your club?
Ellie: Oh I sort of... went to the Christian one.
EM: Ok.
Ellie: I just felt like I should. It was a gut feeling.
EM: Mhm.
Ellie: One of the girls asked me to go to church with her on Sunday. I think I might.
EM: Do what you'd like.
(S of them to show silence)
Ellie: I've finished dinner.
EM: Take the plate to the sink, please.
(S putting plate in sink)
(S looking at mother)
(S walking somewhere else)
Ellie: Can I ask you a question?
EM: Hm? Oh yes, I suppose.
Ellie: Were you ever a Christian? Even if it was just grandma and grandpa taking you to church on Sundays.
EM: Yes, that's about what happened.
Ellie: What's the gist of it? Is it like... I'm not really sure how it works.
EM: I'm really busy right now. Why don't you just ask one of your friends these questions?
Ellie: Okay. <em>If only they talked to me.</em>
(S walking away)
EM: There's a Bible on the bookshelf if you want.
Ellie: Yeah, sure.
(S grabs from bookshelf)
Ellie: Thanks. <em>Sort of.</em>
(S her going to room)
(S at desk with Bible)
Ellie: Start at the beginning I suppose.
(Caption: Several minutes later)
Ellie: This is great! Kind of gross at times, but great for the most part.
Ellie: Maybe this whole thing will help. Claire'll become my friend maybe. No. I doubt it. I'm so weird, she won't want to be. Still, there was that boy...

Scene 8
(S clock says 12:00 a.m.)
(S her not sleeping; looks restless)
(S out of bed)
(Sings first verse of Plant Life by Owl City without instrumental, then with it while simultaneously adding imaginary background)
(Continue then end song)
Connie: You're falling hard for someone you haven't even spoken to.
Ellie: I know but... my instincts tell me that isn't such a bad thing.