Psych Ward Stories

Group and Impatience

I had breakfast in the cafeteria the next morning. It was nice. When I got back to the main room, Christy was sitting at a table with her coloring books. She grinned as soon as she saw me. I sat beside her, “I'm going home today, Christy.”

Now, I understood that she felt hurt. I felt the same way when Corinna and Danielle told me they were leaving. I was jealous and I was going to miss them. Christy was the type of girl to let people know exactly how she felt. She pouted and hugged me. She wouldn't let go, “No! Don't leave me! I'm going to miss you!”

I told her she would be fine. I wrote my phone number down in her coloring book. Samantha asked if she could also have my phone number. I happily gave it to her and told her that we would have to hang out as soon as she gets out. I hoped that made her happy.

Group was the next thing I got to do as a level 3 patient. We sat in a craft room and made boxes and filled them with strips of paper that said things we were thankful for. We read a story and then it was time to go back to the main room. I had another group after that where I got to go to a “salon” and paint my nails and have my hair styled. I felt like a million bucks

Lunch was spent in the cafeteria. I anticipated my release forms. “You'll most likely go home after lunch,” a worker told me. I got back, but still nothing. I stripped my bed and put all of my things in my brown paper bag. Soon, it was time for another group. “If you don't get pulled out of group to leave, it will definitely be after group,” another worker assured me. I was getting impatient.