Tales of Symphonia Story, Tethe'alla Chronicles (3)

The New Symphonia Story 20

QUIZ START: After Kratos was gone, you put a hand over your heart and sigh quietly,
"I can't believe I said that..." you murmur,
"Good job, Aura! You stood up to Kratos!" Sheena congratulated.
"So...he wasn't after Colette? Or going to take Aura to Cruxis?" Genis asked,
"Man, what an arrogant S.O.B! Talking as if he knows everything..." Zelos grumbled.
"While we're on the subject of ways of talking, why don't'cha do something about the vulgar language?" asked Sheena
"Hehehehehe!" Zelos chuckled evilly.
"Anyway, Lloyd, Aura, we must go see this Kate person." Raine said
"...Yeah. Lets get going." he agreed.

As you continue into the city...
"Lloyd." you ask,
"What is it?" you murmur a spell, then say
"First aid." A glowing green ball of light flew from your hand to his leg. And the cut on his leg closed up.
"Thanks, Aura."
"Don't mention it."

When you arrive at the Research Institute, you go down the man-hole, and go back into Kates lab, the same way you had left last time. Kate and her assistant are still down there
"Kate." you say, running over to her,
"...Its you!" she exclaimed
"We've saved our friends, and come back with Presea. Just like we promised." Lloyd told her. She looked at Raine and Genis
"...Yes." she confirmed "Your right. The strange mana produced by the fusion of Elvin and human blood... You really do have half-elf friends."
"I've heard the story. Preseas creating a Cruxis Crystal inside her body, and Aura is equipped with a Cruxis Crystal as well?"
"Yes, thats correct. The Cruxis Crystal that...Aura, has equipped is under control, and no threat. But what's being conducted with Presea. We call it the Angelus Project." Kate said,
"The Angelus Project!" Lloyd exclaimed "Thats...the project my mom was involved in." Presea seemed stunned. Then she quickly ran to the corner, and looked at the ground.

"In Preseas case, the Exsphere itself is nothing special." Kate said "It just has a special Key Crest on it. This Key Crest delays the Exspheres parasitic process, which can take place over a few days or up to several decades. It seems this can cause Exspheres to mutate into Cruxis Crystals. While Auras...is a real, genuine Cruxis Crystal. Although she is in no danger. Her Key Crest. Its special, made differently from normal Key Crests. It blocks all parasitic activity of the Cruxis Crystal, but still allows it to function."
"...So its working like a normal Exsphere?" you ask.
"Is the parasitic infection of the Exsphere the reason why Preseas emotional response is so subdued?" asked Raine
"So she's just like Colette." Genis agreed. Colette got an '!'mark.
"If we leave Presea like this, what will happen to her?" she asked
"When the parasitic process is complete..." Kate paused for a second, then said "...She will die."

"Thats horrible!" Genis said "Please save her! What did she ever do to you?!"
"...Nothing. She hasnt done anything. She just matched the compatibility test." Kate responded.
"...Kate. You promised. Your going to save her, right?" you ask
"...Yes. I know. You didn't discriminate against half-elves. And have even showed kindness I wouldn't expect from a human...towards me. I'll keep my promise." she told you,
"Kate! Are you sure?!" asked her companion "If you do that, you'll..."
"A promise is a promise." she told him "In order to save Presea, speak to a dwarf named Altessa who lives deep in Gaoracchia Forest."
"...Gaoracchia...Forest..." you murmur. The first time you were on this continent, and you heard all those voices. That was something you heard *'This is Gaoracchia Forest...or the Forest of No Return'.* "..."
"There are dwarves in this world, too?!" asked Lloyd
"Yes. He and I participated in this experiment by the order of the Pope."
"Sheesh. Not that pathetic old man again." Zelos muttered

"...Don't call him a pathetic old man!" Kate exclaimed,
"Oh, my. Thats unusual. A half-elf siding with the Pope." Zelos said,
"Zelos! Quit it!!" you tell him,
"What? I'm just saying..." he told you,
"...I'm...not siding with him." Kate told Zelos "Anyway, have Altessa repair Preseas Key Crest."
"Lloyd, can't you fix it?" asked Colette,
"...To be honest, I can't even tell the difference between hers, Auras, and a normal Key Crest." Lloyd responded. "It'd probably be faster to search for that dwarf, Altessa."
"Then its settled. Shall we head for Gaoracchia Forest?" asked Sheena,
"Yeah...though could there be a connection between the Pope and the Desians?" asked Lloyd,
"...Yes. I'm wondering about that, too." Raine agreed. Then you all go to leave, when you ask,
"Are you gonna be ok? I mean...you've broken the law once already..."
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. But, thank you, for showing me that not all humans are evil. There are some who...are kind. Even to half-elves." Kate told you
"Yeah." then you turn, and follow the others.

After leaving Sybak, you head North-West on Zelos' direction. After about two hours of walking, a huge, dark, foreboding forest had sprung up in front of you. Your head started to hurt, and a few words, and sentences quickly zip by your ears. But you couldn't make out any of what they said
"Oh man..." you murmur, putting a hand on your head as it began pounding harder, and you started to hear whispers of voices again "...Not this again..."
"Lemme guess. Your getting back more memories, right?" asked Sheena
"How ever did you guess?" you ask sarcastically, now clutching your head, as it was pounding harder.
"Then perhaps we should wait. And allow you to get as many memories, and headaches, as you can now." Raine said "Then neither will be as intense when we actually enter the forest."
"Good idea." Lloyd agreed. So, you all wait.

After a couple of minutes, your head was no longer hurting, and you no longer heard anyone. But yeah, you had been here to.
"Okay, I'm fine. Lets go." you say, standing.
"Your sure?" asked Sheena, she had been sitting next to you
"Yeah, I'm fine. Really, lets go." then you proceeded into the forest.

It was the Forest from horror books. All of the trees were black, and the branches, and treetops formed a ceiling over the path, blocking most sunlight. Hundreds of tentacle-like roots had seeped over the pathway, before knotting with other roots and burying themselves in the ground again. They looked almost like veins.
"Woah. This place is creepy." Lloyd said
"Wow! Its dark." Colette exclaimed
"Colette, you're awfully cheery..." Zelos told her
"Heh heh. Sorry." she apologized
".....I've got a bad feeling." you say, looking around the walls of trees that lined either side of you. When you had been here before, you remember...something just...didn't feel right. And you felt that way now,
"You ok?" asked Genis
"I just feel like...something doesn't feel right. We should try and get out of here as soon as we can."
"Don't have to tell me twice." Lloyd agreed.

As you advance along the path, 3 Papal Knights suddenly spring from the dark trees and block your path.
"Whoops...it's the Papal Knights." Zelos sighed.
"Zelos, the Chosen. You are in the way of the Pope." a knight said,
"Heh, I've known that since I was a kid." he responded,
"Then that makes things simple. It is time for you to die." Outnumbering the Knights, even though only slightly, still made the fight much easier. They weren't much stronger than the knights who had tried to stop you on the bridge. After defeating them you quickly advance into the dark forest to avoid any more fights with Papal knights.