Tales of Symphonia Story, Tethe'alla Chronicles (3)

The New Symphonia Story 42

"Yuan, what's your real last name?" a young boy's voice questioned,
"What?" asked Yuan's voice,
"Your real last name...Your mothers."
"That's a hell of a question to be asking now, of all times." he grunted,
"There's no need to be rude, Yuan." Kratos' voice commented.
"...Kafie." he responded, "My mother kept her last name...So that was my last name as well. Yuan Kafie."
"Why did you change your name?" a woman's voice questioned,
"Not many people would believe Aura and I were related if we didn't even have the same last name, would they?"

"Aura? Are you okay?" Lloyd's voice asked. You shook your head,
"You blanked out for a second, again. Are you okay?" Sheena asked before Lloyd could,
"O-oh, fine, I'm fine." you laughed nervously, "I...I just sort of blanked out for a moment."
"Alright, let's go inside." Raine asked, nodding to a slope of snow which led to the cave entrance. "The surface of the snow is frozen over with a layer of ice, watch your step." she added. As you climbed the hillside, you found it easier to walk if you simply stomped through the coating of ice, and took a firm step. Yes, it destroyed the beauty of the untouched snow, but it made it far easier for you to walk. The closer you got to the temple, the more your head hurt.... you were almost dreading actually getting inside the temple.

On the way up Colette slipped once or twice, Lloyd slipped a few times too. Everyone else had already followed your example of pushing their feet through the ice to walk. After finally, getting inside the temple your head throbbed in pain; you winced and clutched your head,
"...Well, we knew this would happen..." Raine sighed softly,
"W-where are you going...? It's this way."
"Huh...?" you raise your head and look around,
"Hm? What is it?" asked Lloyd,
"I-I thought I just heard someone...."
"Raine?" Genis reminded you.
"N-no... Someone else's voice..." you tell him, shaking your head.
"No way! We just came from there!"
"Th-there! There it was again." you exclaim,
"......." everyone looked to one another,
"There isn't anyone else here, Aura." Sheena told you unsurely, "We dont hear anything,
"What...?" you ask "Oh...I guess it's my memories of this place..."
"//\\, that's enough; stop whining. Aura knows where she's going; she has been in here before after all."
"...Ok...sorry, Aura."
"You dont have to apologize, //\\. Yuan..."
"Please try not to be so hard on him..."
"...yeah, yeah... Sorry..."
*What the heck is...?* you wonder, putting a hand back on your head and staring at the ground confused. *Why am I hearing all this...?* Too add to the strangeness, your head had stopped hurting as soon as you heard the voices.
"We need to keep moving," your whole body shook once upon hearing this voice, "Aura, which way do we go now?"
"This way. Follow me."
*K-Kratos...?* you wonder, *.........* he had just spoken to you-- well, you just heard him, at least. You looked around nervously as you all walked further into the temple. You were expecting for something to jump out at you or something like that... but you just weren't sure where.... You continued to look around, remembering seeing things like this before. You pull your hand from her forehead,
"Is your head still hurting?" Presea asked,
"N-no, no. It's not hurting anymore."
"Oh, look," Colette commented, "A Sorcerers Ring Changer."
"Cool, let's see what it does." Lloyd agreed. After putting your hands close to the changer, and the seal changed from a fire to: light blue, with a dark blue snowflake in the middle.
"Hm...? What's it do?" asked Sheena, curiously examining her ring.
"...It Freezes." you say,
"Freezes...?" asked Genis. You looked a few feet to the right and saw a dripping bit of water,
"Yes. Watch." you walk towards the water, hold up the ring, and will it to do what its supposed to do. As another large drop fell, a blue beam eminated from your ring, colliding with the water drop. As it hit it, more mana was drawn in to it thus making it larger, it turned into a large icy block, and fell to the ground.
"Wow! Cool!" Lloyd yellped, "This'll be fun!" *Wonder how long it'll be till he gets bored...* you think, smiling good-naturedly.

As you keep walking, you continue to hear the voices.... of Yuan, Kratos, a girl, and that other boy. Sometimes you'd hear yours, but not very often.
"......." you rub your temples, your head had started hurting again
"Are you ok?" asked Colette, "Do you want to stop for a little while?"
"No, I'm ok." you tell them. But then you all arrive at a lake...
"Ok, lets try to freeze this lake." Lloyd nodded. He willed his Sorcerers Ring to freeze the lake... A small section froze, but not for very long "-huh....?"
"We need the Celcius' Tear." you tell him. "That will freeze the lake. Its this way, follow me." you tell them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kafie IS, I repeat IS Yuan's real last name 8D
I forget where I heard it, but I know that it's real~