‹ Prequel: Dark Tides
Sequel: Rising Shadows

Blurred Horizons

Chapter Fifteen

Ben let Simon know they were on their way to Port Aris and heard a shrill, excited squeak in the background. Simon was suddenly pushed aside with a loud oomph as Evelyn's beaming face took his place.

"I'm so happy that you're coming! I've been dying to show off the twins to you! They're beautiful, Ben."

"I'm sure they are." Ben smiled. "How could they not be?"

"Reginald is also thrilled you're coming."

Ben had to fight to keep his smile looking sincere. "Ah, yes. Of course. How is...Reginald?"

"Oh he's doing wonderful. He's an excellent babysitter; he can't get enough of his niece and nephew. They adore him."

"Do they? Well that's...great. We'll be arriving in about a week."

"See you then." Evelyn blew him a kiss and then Simon snatched the disk back and grinned.

"See you in a week, old chap." Simon saluted and the disk went dark. Ben set it aside and leaned back in the chair. He was happier than he'd ever been, but there was a nagging, unwanted feeling beneath his excitement. Something was bothering Scarlett, he could tell. She had been oddly quiet the last few days, ever since he proposed. She always looked lost in thought, and Ben was starting to grow increasingly afraid of what her thoughts might be about. He did his best to hide his own concerns, making sure the ship was sailing smoothly and putting the final touches on the crib. But he found himself waking up most nights and just staring at Scarlett as she lay curled in his arms.

She seemed to sleep more peacefully now, which helped put his mind at ease. He was probably just making himself paranoid. Scarlett was going through a lot. She was probably tired due to the pregnancy. Still, he couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was amiss. It was their last night before reaching Port Aris and he found himself wide awake again in the early hours of the morning. His arm was around Scarlett and her hair was tickling his face. He gently brushed it away and propped himself up on his elbow to plant a light kiss on her cheek. She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering.

"Ben?" she mumbled groggily.

"Go back to sleep," he whispered.

"I'm pregnant don't boss me around." She rolled over and wrapped her arms around him, eyes still closed.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I was just going to see if Stephen needed a break."

Scarlett made a sound of protest and tightened her grip on him.

"No," she said, petulant even when she was still half asleep. "You're mine until the sun rises, Griffith. That's the rule on this ship. The crew can have you later."

"But I-"

Scarlett opened one eye and gave him a stern look. "Mine. Until. The. Sun. Rises."

"Okay, okay," Ben laughed quietly. He laid back down, Scarlett scooting closer and resting her head on his chest. She fell back to sleep quickly and Ben eventually nodded off as well, waking again when he heard the crew moving around on the deck. He knew as interim captain he should get up and go assist, but his crew could easily bring the ship into port without his help. So he stayed where he was, waiting until Scarlett woke up before he finally dragged himself out of bed.

"Is it really morning already?" Scarlett groaned.

"I'm afraid so, love. And Simon and Evelyn will be waiting for us, so get out of bed your highness."

"If I'm the highness then I don't have to get out of bed," she retorted. "I don't even like Evelyn. She's horrible."

"Madi, don't be rude. She's not horrible. She's excited to see you."

Scarlett sniffed disdainfully.

"Scarlett," he chided. She huffed.

"All right, I'm getting up. Can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

"Be quiet, smart ass. I was just wondering why you seem so concerned with getting married before the baby is born."

"My mother never got the chance to marry my father. She received a lot of poor treatment for being an unwed mother."

Scarlett paused while brushing her hair and stared at him in the mirror. "I didn't know she never married."

Ben nodded. "She met a man and they fell in love. He didn't have a lot of money, but he was going to work on a merchant ship and it paid well. When he got back from the voyage, they were supposed to be married. But he was shipwrecked. He died. My mother was devastated and she was ostracized in her town when they realized she was pregnant. So she just left. Got on a train in the middle of the night and traveled to London. She gave me her last name instead of my father's, even though it broke her heart a little. She just told everyone her husband was dead, so that I wouldn't be branded a bastard on top of being a worthless stable hand."

"You're not worthless," Scarlett said sharply. Ben smiled faintly.

"Not many people shared your opinion while I was growing up. Some still don't."

"Fuck them," Scarlett declared. "They were all just jealous because you were ten times smarter than any of their spoiled brats."

"Well thank you, darling," Ben said, feeling strangely pleased. Scarlett seemed to see something in his facial expression, because she finished tying her hair back and stood to face him, looking sly.

"And you're far more talented at everything than them," she said, sliding her arms around his waist.

"Is that right?"

"And you're so devilishly handsome."

"Scarlett, would I be correct in assuming you're trying to butter me up to delay the inevitable circumstance of us needing to leave this room?"

"Of course not. I'm simply telling the man I love how wonderful he is. Is that a crime?"

Ben smirked and leaned down to kiss her. There was a knock on the door and Scarlett pulled back with a noise that reminded him of an angry cat.

"We'll be right there," Ben called, trailing kisses along Scarlett's neck to keep her from barging out the door and beating someone.

"Relax, Madeline," he murmured. "It's my intention to procure a room for a few nights so you can have me all to yourself."

Scarlett brightened and he laughed again. "You're insatiable," he told her. Scarlett shrugged. He was finally able to usher her out of the cabin. He could see Simon and Evelyn standing on the docks waiting for them, each of them holding a small red haired baby in their arms. He tugged Scarlett along, clapping Simon on the shoulder and dropping a kiss on Evelyn's cheek when he reached them.

"It's good to see you, Ben," Simon said. "Meet Ben."

The curly haired little boy Simon was holding squirmed, looking up at Ben with interest. Ben patted him on the head.

"He can't possibly be yours," he joked. "He's far too handsome and strapping."

"He gets that from his mother."

Evelyn swatted her husband's arm. "Scarlett!" she gushed, giving Scarlett an awkward one armed hug. "It's been too long, darling, really. You should visit more often."

Scarlett just pursed her lips but Evelyn was, as usual, unfazed.

"How long will you two be staying?" she asked. Little Madeline Tully, who was balanced in Evelyn's arms, looked at Scarlett with her big green eyes and reached out to touch the sleeve of her dress with a delighted cooing noise. Scarlett looked startled but Evelyn beamed.

"Oh look, she likes you!"


Ben grimaced as he suddenly found himself pulled into a spine crushing hug. He didn't know how he could have missed Nosebleed charging up the docks, but there he was.

"I've missed ye Ben!"

"Ah. Yes. I've uh, missed you too, Nose-Reginald."

Scarlett snickered. "We don't know exactly how long we'll be staying," she said, in answer to Evelyn's earlier question as Ben pried himself free of Nosebleed.

"We do need your help with something, though," he told Simon. He traded a glance with Scarlett. "We sort of...got engaged," he said in a low voice.

"It's about time," Evelyn said with a nod. Scarlett's lip curled but Ben continued talking to prevent her saying something snarky.

"We just want something low key and small," he said. "But you can be our witnesses."

"Of course!" Evelyn and Simon said simultaneously.

"Weddings always make me cry," Nosebleed said, already tearing up. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"We'll start making preparations right away," Evelyn said excitedly. "Scarlett will need a dress of course and you need someone to officiate. You can do it right on the beach, I know the perfect little place!"

She had already set off up the street, still chattering away. Simon shook his head as they all followed her.

"She's on a roll now," he muttered. Then he grinned and nudged Ben's shoulder. "Congratulations, old friend."

Ben reached out to lace his fingers with Scarlett's.

"Evelyn was right," he said. "It's about time."