‹ Prequel: Dark Tides
Sequel: Rising Shadows

Blurred Horizons

Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Do you think this Tom will actually help us?" Scarlett asked as Ben leaned against the railing and kept kissing the top of Gigi's head.

"All we can do is find him and hope so."

Doc approached them slowly as the gang plank was lowered. He gave Ben a wide berth as Ben glared coldly at him. Doc addressed Scarlett.

"The men want Elliott's body buried somewhere on land right away. They think he was cursed or something and will bring bad luck."

"That's fine," Scarlett said quietly.

"Ben, you can really stop looking at me like that," Doc said. "I've already told you I'm not going to touch your wife."

"Of course you're not," Ben said curtly. "You should at least be smarter than that. But I'm still keeping an eye on you. You put one toe out of line and I'll put a bullet in your brain."

Doc held up a hand. "I swear all my toes will stay in line and behave."

Ben narrowed his eyes and nudged Scarlett when she snickered. He ushered her off the ship and realized she was watching him with a small smirk.

"What?" he demanded.

"You shouldn't be so hard on him," she said. "He's been nothing but helpful since we brought him on. Although I will admit, it's pretty impressive that you still manage to intimidate people when you're holding a baby dressed all in pink."

"Of course I am. She's a little monster remember? She strikes fear into the hearts of men."

Scarlett rolled her eyes but she was smiling slightly. "Come on, we have a hermit to find."

A feat that proved to be easier said than done. When Dahlia said Tom preferred to be alone she wasn't exaggerating; he'd managed to keep his whereabouts and mere existence very secret. He and Scarlett and little Gigi wandered the port trying to flesh out some information about Tom to no avail. The sun was sinking below the horizon and they were both tired and frustrated, and no closer to finding him.

"I'm starting to think he just fell off the face of the earth," Scarlett grumbled. "Maybe he's dead. Maybe he left here too."

"We can't give up just yet, love," Ben said gently, making funny faces at Gigi.

"This feels so ridiculous. Wandering around the Caribbean Sea looking for some man named 'Tom,' who apparently really, really does not want to be found."

"Most of our ventures seem ridiculous," Ben pointed out.

"Excuse me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you say you're looking for Tom?"

Ben and Scarlett looked up in surprise to find that a young woman had stopped in front of them.

"Yes," Ben said. "Do you know of him?"

"Oh, yes. I met Tom when he first came here. I take him food sometimes; he tends to get lost in his books and such and lose track of the time."

"Could you please tell us where to find him?" Scarlett asked. The woman looked hesitant.

"I don't know if Tom would like me bringing strangers to his home..."

"Please," Scarlett pressed. "It's very important that we find him. A matter of life and death, in fact."

The woman's eyes flocked to Gigi, who was now nodding off in Ben's arms.

"You have to go past the outskirts of town," she said finally, pointing. "That way. There's a small house out there. But be careful. Tom-"

"Likes to be left alone. We've been warned," Ben said. "Thank you."

The woman continued to watch them curiously as Scarlett tugged Ben along in the direction the woman had indicated.

"It's getting dark," Ben pointed out.

"So walk carefully."

Ben rolled his eyes but didn't press the issue. Scarlett was on a mission now and there'd be no stopping her. Ben cradled Gigi against his chest as they trekked out of town. It was slow going as night fell, and Ben was beginning to worry that they were lost or going in circles until Scarlett tugged excitedly on his sleeve.

"Look! There's a house up ahead! That must be it."

She bounded forward and Ben hurried after her.

"Scarlett maybe we shouldn't just-"

"Hello?" Scarlett called, pounding on the door. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Go away!" came the irate reply from inside.

"Are you Tom?"

"No. Go away!"

"We need your help and we're not leaving until you let us in!"

"Scarlett," Ben groaned. Gigi woke with a start and gave a faint cry. Ben hushed her quietly.

"Do you have an infant on my porch?" Now the voice sounded incredulous in addition to annoyed.

"Yes and it so happens that infant needs your help," Scarlett said, taking Gigi and rocking her.

"Please," Ben called. "My wife and I have been searching for you for a long time."

"Well that was a waste of bloody time."

"We found the amulet," Ben said. There was a long silence and he was sure Tom wasn't going to answer, but then the door slowly opened. A man with dark hair and need of a shave stared out at them with a scowl.

"If you found the damned island what are you bothering me for?" he grumbled.

"It's not working properly anymore," Ben said.

"My crew members are dropping dead, old man," Scarlett snapped. "You're the only one who might have some insight about what's going on."

"Scarlett," Ben hissed. "Sir, please. My wife and I are linked to the amulet and its powers are fading. We have a child to think about. You're currently the only hope we have."

"Did the amulet start acting up before or after the baby came?"

"It started when Scarlett got pregnant."

"I see." Tom heaved a sigh and stepped aside, gesturing them inside.

"Young people and their desire for treasure," he muttered. "See what it gets you." He appraised them both with disapproval. "What are your names?"

"My name is Ben Griffith, and this is my wife Scarlett. And my daughter Gigi," he added. Tom's eyes flicked to him as if surprised. He stared at Ben intently for a moment before turning his attention to Gigi, who was squirming in Scarlett's arms and looking right back at him with interest. Something in his face softened a bit as he looked at her.

"Well would you two like some tea?" he asked, turning away.

"Why did the amulet stop working?" Scarlett asked impatiently. Ben laid a hand on her arm.

"Because you had that little girl," Tom replied. "Brand new life interferes with the power of a trinket that's given its keeper immortal life. The pregnancy threw it all out of whack."

Ben and Scarlett exchanged a look. It seemed almost obvious now that Tom had said it.

"How long have you two been married?"

The question caught Ben off guard. "About six months," he said.

"Newly weds. What were you doing off chasing legends then?"

"We went searching for the island before we fell in love," Ben said.

"Specifically, I kidnapped him because he had part of the map," Scarlett spoke up. "And on the way to the island....well."

"I see." Tom poured two cups of tea and handed them to Ben and Scarlett. He gestured to two worn chairs and they sat down. Ben found himself again under Tom's scrutiny, and realized that there was something vaguely familiar about the man. Feeling uncomfortable under the piercing gray eyed stare, Ben looked around the small living room they were in. Tom had an impressive collection of books and maps, though they were scattered in disarray around the house. A portrait of a woman on the desk caught his eye. He blinked, thinking he must be seeing things.

But no, he knew the woman in the painting. It was detailed, down to the color of her eyes. The blue-green of the sea after a storm. Ben rose slowly from his seat and locked eyes with Tom.

"I have another question," he said slowly. "Why do you have a portrait of my mother?"

Tom stared up at him. Scarlett glanced between the two men as Ben's heart began to pound. He wasn't sure what he should be feeling. How could this strange recluse living in Trinidad possibly know his mother?

"So you are Mary's son, then," Tom said quietly.

"How do you know her?" Ben asked again. "Who are you?"

Tom closed his eyes. "My name is Thomas Cole," he said. He opened his eyes again and met Ben's gaze. "I'm your father, Benjamin."

Scarlett gasped and Ben found himself sinking back into his chair, stunned. "You can't be," he said flatly. "My father died. This isn't funny."

"It's not a joke. I knew Mary Griffith, a long time ago. I fell in love with her. I wanted to marry her, but I didn't have much money. I was to go on a merchant ship taking goods to the Caribbean. It paid well, and when I returned Mary and I were to be married. But we were caught in a hurricane. I was shipwrecked and I washed ashore in Nassau. I had suffered a blow to the head when the ship went down. I couldn't even remember my own name, let alone anything else about my life. I stayed in the Bahamas for a year and a half. Believe it or not, a flower pot was knocked off a windowsill as I was walking by in the street below. It gave me a good thunk on the head and when I came to my memory had returned. I immediately returned to Ireland to find your mother. But she had gone long before, fled on a train in the middle of the night to escape her heartbreak and the shame she faced for having a child out of wedlock. I had no idea where she'd gone, no idea where to even begin looking. And so I ended up here."

Ben was gripping the arms of his chair so hard his knuckles were white. He couldn't believe that the man sitting in front of him was his father, thought to be dead for over twenty years. But he had heard that tale before, minus missing memories and flower pots. His mother had told it to him. Ben was suddenly lightheaded. It seemed impossible.

"Ben?" Scarlett whispered, seeming uncertain.

"She named me Benjamin Thomas Griffith," Ben said slowly. He now understood why Tom seemed familiar. Ben was looking into the face of his own father.