‹ Prequel: Dark Tides
Sequel: Rising Shadows

Blurred Horizons

Chapter Thirty-Three

"Barely on this damn island for an hour and this happens!" Ben paced restlessly while Doc tended to the claw marks on Scarlett's back. She was still unconscious and Ben was struggling not to panic. He was fairly sure he'd had a few moments of heart failure when he had turned around to find Scarlett on the ground, bloody and unmoving. Doc had brought along a satchel full of medical supplies and was currently putting them to good use as he cleaned and patched the scratches.

"The cuts aren't too deep," Thomas said gently. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Perhaps not," Doc said, cringing back slightly as Ben pinned him with an icy glare.

"What are you talking about?" Ben growled. "What's wrong with her?"

"Now that I've cleaned away most of the blood, I'm noticing something....odd, about these scratches."

"Odd how?"

"Come see for yourself."

Ben stalled forward and looked down at Scarlett. The skin around the claw marks was discolored, the sort of greenish-purple of a half healed bruise.

"What is that?" Ben frowned.

"It seems that whatever those creatures were, their claws were toxic," Doc said. "These scratches are poisoning her."

Ben felt like he'd been doused in icy water. He couldn't lose Scarlett. She and Gigi were his entire world.

"How can we fix it?" Ben demanded. "How can we save her?"

"I'm a doctor not an expert in the magical and supernatural," Doc said. "I have no idea what the poison is doing to her, let alone how to procure or produce an antidote."

Ben looked desperately to Thomas, who looked about as troubled as Ben was by this turn of events.

"I don't know specifically what it may be," he began. "But I think I can find out," he added hastily as he took in Ben's stricken expression. Thomas knelt on the ground and began rummaging though his own satchel, muttering as he pulled out sheafs of paper and studying them. Ben remained beside Scarlett, gently brushing hair out of her face. She was pale, but otherwise looked as if she were simply sleeping. Doc finished cleaning and bandaging the wounds as best he could.

"The island manifests various creatures and natural events in order to protect itself," Thomas said.

"There were no creatures like this last time," Ben said. "There were carnivorous plants, and the island kept shifting to make us go in circles."

"Perhaps the island felt these cat things were better suited to its purposes this time around."

"What do you think the poison is doing to her?"

"The island is quite malicious in its attempts to defend itself. Unfortunately while she remains unconscious it will be very difficult to tell what affliction the poison is causing."

"What if the poison is keeping her unconscious? She's the keeper of the amulet. If the island doesn't want the amulet back, maybe it's trying to stop her from returning to the cave where we found it. She's the only one who can 'switch it off,' as it were, and put it back without all of us getting killed."

"You're telling me that the island itself, a spit of land and rock, is actively and sentiently trying to keep Scarlett from reaching the amulet's resting place?" Doc sounded skeptical.

"It makes sense," Ben snapped. "Or at least, as far as a magic uncharted island can make sense."

"He's right," Thomas said. "It does make sense. Regardless of what the venom is doing, it's nothing good and we need to find a way to wake her and remove the toxin from her blood. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how." He gave Ben an apologetic look. But Ben's mind was working in overdrive.

"We may not know how to help her," he said slowly. "But I think I may know someone who does." He stood up and lifted Scarlett gingerly off the ground, cradling her head against his chest.

"We need to find a trail or something down to the shore," he said. Doc and Thomas both seemed perplexed but followed him without asking questions. It was slow going with Scarlett needing to be carried, but eventually they made it down a steep rocky slope to the beach. Ben went to the water's edge, scanning the waves. He hoped this plan would work, since it was the only one he had. He lowered Scarlett gently into the sand, trying not to touch where the bandages were. Doc and Thomas hung back slightly, giving Ben privacy.

"Come on, Scarlett," Ben whispered after a while. "You can't die on me. What on earth will I do myself? And you can't leave Gigi. She needs you. I need you. You've got to pull through this, love."

"Well I never expected to see you again, handsome."

Ben looked up with relief at the sound of a familiar, bubbly voice. A dark haired woman was bobbing in the water a few feet off shore.

"Ivanna," Ben said. "It's good to see you. I need your help."

"That's why I'm here, silly." Ivanna swam closer to shore, dragging her silver-green mermaid tail with her. He heard Doc and Thomas gasp behind him.

"I told you before, Benny, we mermaids just can't resist a sailor in distress. Gone and gotten yourself in another jam have you? And who are your handsome friends over there? Hello, boys." She waved and grinned and Ben turned to see Doc looking flabbergasted and Thomas smirking slightly. Ivanna winked and turned her attention back to Ben.

"What's the problem, Benny?" she asked.

"It's Scarlett. We were attacked by some....I don't know what they were, exactly. But one scratched her, and Doc said it poisoned her."

"Mm, yes, the island cats can be quite nasty," Ivanna said. She scooted closer to Scarlett and inspected the wounds.

"What does the poison do?" Ben asked.

"It induces total paralysis. Eventually even her heart will stop if the poison is allowed to spread further."

"Is there a way to stop it?" Ben's voice came out strangled and horrified. "Can we wake her up?"

"Silly, she is awake. She probably woke up some time ago. She just can't open her eyes or speak. She can feel her body but she can't move it. She's currently trapped like this."

"Is there a way to free her?"

"Well, we mermaids do have some healing abilities. I can probably ease the paralysis, make her able to talk, maybe even walk a little. But the poison will keep attacking her body. She's immortal because of the amulet so the amulet is currently still trying to keep her alive but the island is trying to kill her. You must put the amulet back to sleep and then find a stream in the heart of the cave where you found it. If she drinks from it she'll be saved. But you won't have much time. Now scoot over so I can see that I can do in the meantime."

Ben moved aside as Ivanna leaned over and studied Scarlett. "I'm glad you two stayed together," she remarked. "I knew you loved her as soon as you said her name. So I do hope you won't take offense to what I'm about to do."

Ben was about to reply but instead just sat with his mouth hanging open as Ivanna pressed her lips against Scarlett's. If Scarlett really was aware of what was going on, she wasn't going to be pleased. A greenish sort of light began to glow in her throat, rising up and into Ivanna's mouth. Ivanna drew back and blew a bubble of light, then kissed Scarlett again. Ben exchanged baffled looks with Doc and Thomas as they approached. Doc watched the exchange with fascination and Ben rolled his eyes. Three more times Ivanna repeated the process, and finally Scarlett jerked and sputtered, her eyes flying open.

"What the hell?" she coughed.

"Oh you're awake! Wonderful!" Ivanna hugged Scarlett as if they were old friends.

"Did you really have to kiss me?" Scarlett grumbled.

"Yes," Ivanna said matter-of-factly. "It was the only way to draw out some of the poison. Careful!" she scolded as Scarlett tried to stand and swayed precariously. "You don't have full control of your limbs yet."

Ben caught Scarlett and helped her to her feet. He kept an arm around her to keep her from falling, still careful to avoid touching her scratches. Ivanna watched them with her lips pursed thoughtfully.

"It's going to take you an awfully long time to reach the cave, with her barely able to walk," she said. "I can show you a short cut, but I can't guarantee it will be safe."

"Nothing on this island is safe," Ben muttered. "The sooner we're rid of this amulet the better."

"Then come along, Benny. I'll try to move slowly so you can all keep up."

"We can keep up," Scarlett said, annoyed, as Ivanna flicked her tail and slipped into deeper water, swimming along the shoreline. Thomas and Doc set off after her; Thomas peppering the mermaid with questions while Doc looked like he thought this may all be a dream he'd soon wake from.

"Why did she need to kiss me?" Scarlett grumbled as they walked.

"Now darling, we both know she's not the only woman who's kissed you."

Scarlett scowled. "Don't go trying to use my past exploits against me again, Benjamin."

He chuckled. "Ivanna was just trying to help."

"She's annoying," Scarlett sniffed. "And now my mouth is salty."

"Is it?" Ben smirked and tilted her chin up. "Maybe I can help with that." He kissed her until she fairly melted against his chest. She looked vaguely dazed when he finally pulled back and smiled.

"I'm recalling why I chose not to kill you," Scarlett said. Ben laughed.

"Hurry up, lovebirds! We found the short cut!"

Ben took a breath and lifted Scarlett off her feet. "Come on. We have an amulet to dispose of and a magic stream to find."