The witches keep

The killing

Garrett walked toward Dillon pulled out his sword and pressed it on Dillon’s neck “Now you will never be able to save Alex from any thing because you wont be alive.” Dillon kneed Garrett in the crotch as Garrett doubled over Dillon pulled out his short sword and thrusted it upwards into garrets stomach impaling him. Garrett died instantly. Dillon got up and ran to the manor, blood still dripping from the wound. Dillon opened the door walked in blood dripping onto the floor Dillon Grabbed a cloth and tightly wrapped it around his stab wound. Dillon went upstairs and grabbed his claymore and went out side.

Alex rode for Dromoland over the Irish hills and past the peat bogs no one would ever catch her but that wouldn’t happen eventually someone would catch her either it would be the handsome Scott or the guy that was trying to kill her, what was his name oh right garret.
Dillon got on his large bay stallion named keirn and headed the way he saw Alex heading. “Why does she have to be such a pain she’s just one wee lass.”