London Calling


Jade Adelle Donnelly
Age 16
Eye/Hair Green/Brown
Height 5'2"
Background irish/scottish

Hannah Grace Townsend
Age 17
Eye/Hair Blue/Blonde
Height 5'5"
Background english

caveat: this will be a bit graphic, and i advise you to carefully consider reading. don't comment me telling me i'm a pervert, i already am quite aware of this. it won't be too.... porn-ish i think, but it isn't a story for little kids to be reading!!

Jade and Hannah are childhood friends, turned lovers, touring London on a school-trip.

They were separated for several years when Hannah left Dublin, Ireland with her family and moved to Manchester, England. The girls were miserable without each other, so they each begged their parents to send them to a boarding school in Wales.

While rooming together, they fell in love, yet were forced to hide their affection to avoid being either reassigned or worse - expelled.

Now alone in a London hotel, Hannah and Jade are feeling restless and destined to cause at least a bit of trouble.

What happens in London stays in London.
  1. Restlessness
  2. Teasing
  3. Hannah
    warning: yummy girly smuttyness
  4. Jade
  5. Cuddle